The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+ilia'

Mar. 22nd, 2014


Log: A Morning (or longer?) at the Farm

Who: Ernie & Ilia
What: A tour of Ilia's farm
When: Saturday morning
Where: The farm, outside of Hogsmeade
Rating: Low?
Status: On-going

Ernie had woken way earlier than necessary, a quiet excitement not allowing him to go back to sleep. He'd used the time to read through another stack of essays and then threw on a t-shirt and jeans, heeding Ilia's instructions not to wear anything too nice. Not wanting to seem too eager, he left his flat with enough time to get to the farm about 5 minutes before he was expected, calling out when he reached the property (he assumed it was the right one). "Hello? Ilia?"

Feb. 23rd, 2014


Log: A Tour of Hogsmeade

Who: Ernie & Ilia
What: A tour of the village, starting at the Magic Neep
When: Sunday evening, shortly after sundown
Where: Hogsmeade
Rating: Low, I'm guessing?
Status: On-going

Ernie had been looking forward to this tour since they had made the plan. He didn't know much about Ilia, but there was something about the man that intrigued Ernie and he wanted to get to know him better. He'd resisted the urge to look things up. He knew Ilia had played Quidditch with some level of success, so there had to be information in media archives somewhere. But he reasoned to himself that it would be more honest to let Ilia tell him what he wanted him to know in his own time. And it certainly didn't seem fair that he could find all about Ilia's background while a similar amount of information about Ernie's own life and background was not as readily available.

He arrived at the Magic Neep just before sundown, waiting outside for Ilia to arrive.

Feb. 1st, 2014



[No Subject]

WHO | Ernie Macmillan and Ilia Zograf.
WHEN | The early evening of Friday, January 31.
WHERE | The Magic Neep (Hogsmeade).
WHAT | A first meeting.
STATUS | Ongoing.

Perhaps it was to be expected that The Magic Neep was near silent on a Friday evening. But even in winter, when Ilia's bees slumbered and fewer crops required tending, the farm was sufficient to keep Ilia occupied. There were renovations to be seen to and spring sowing to plan, but Ilia needed to eat too.