The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+lucy'

May. 27th, 2014



Journal: Eleven Months

I was colour-coding my calendar for next month over the weekend, and I got to thinking - this time last year, I was preparing for my final meeting with the Ministry to discuss flume funds for a charity shop in the Hogsmeade Project. It's been an eventful a busy year. The shop's doing really well. I sell out of Hogwarts texts almost as fast as I can source them, and robes go nearly as quickly. We're making a modest profit and, an unexpected benefit, spreading the word about the charity. Head office tells me they got a lot of independent donations from people living in the Hogsmeade area. In fact, I think we're doing well enough that I can justify taking on a second paid member of staff. It would only be part-time, but if anyone is looking for work - or knows anyone who is - let me know.

[Warded to Dan and James]
I got distracted... The first World Cup matches are on the 9th of June and I still haven't decided what to do! Can we meet to discuss things soon?

[Warded to Neville]
You're working too hard. Why don't you come over tonight and let me spoil you? I have leftover roast beef so I was thinking of making either a salad or sandwiches.

May. 1st, 2014



Journal: Footie?

Out of pure curiosity, how many Hogsmeade residents are familiar with the basics of football?

[Warded to Dan]
I'm thinking of putting together a charity match, if enough people know how to play. And I've only just realised it's the World Cup this year! It's a pity the Three Broomsticks can't have a telly but maybe we could do a pool anyway, like they're running for the Quidditch. Is there any way to get muggle radio stations on a wireless here?

I've been thinking about it since dinner, and I have notes everywhere. I really hope no Ministry officials feel like checking out Willing Wands this week, because my back room looks like I'm planning some kind of football-based world domination.

Apr. 24th, 2014



Journal: Nosy

Just a note to all Hogsmeade business owners to be careful today. I had someone come into the shop asking questions who I'm fairly certain was a reporter. After everyone else had visits from the Ministry, I assumed she was connected to that, at first, but then she didn't understand some really basic things about how a charity shop works — things I know the Ministry has in their file on the shop because I had to explain them over and over before my grant was approved. My advice would be to keep an eye out and don't show any sensitive paperwork to anyone who can't give you some evidence that they work for the Ministry.

[Warded to Dan]
Are we still on for dinner this weekend? You see, my post-it did the trick and I remembered!

[Warded to Hufflepuffs]
I have it on good authority that the Gryffindors are having a house gathering this Sunday after the Quidditch. Is it too short notice to suggest we schedule something for the same time? We've been talking about it for a while and I thought it might be time to take action. I'll organise it, as soon as I come up with something, though help won't be turned away.

[Warded to Neville]
There's such a lot going on this weekend, I fully expect to miss you. Can we have dinner Monday?

Mar. 27th, 2014



Journal: At Last

I finally sold the last of Madame Puddifoot's old crockery! I've had it in the shop practically since I opened and it's been selling slowly - a cup here, a spoon there - because none of it matches. The woman who came in today said she didn't care about that, she was going to charm them all white anyway and the different shapes would make things interesting. She's opening a tea shop in Aberdeen and promised me and a friend a free cream tea once she's established.

I agreed to go along to the pick-up Quidditch this weekend, but I haven't been keeping track of who's on what team, so I'll just wish luck to everyone!

[Warded to Zacharias & Isabel]
Congratulations and welcome to little Lyla! I'm sure a dozen people have said this by now, but if you need anything I'm only an owl away.

Feb. 12th, 2014



Journal: Dreams

I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something...

[Warded to Dan]
Had a dream that you set me up with a very cute friend of yours. (Why haven't you set me up with a very cute friend of yours?)

In fairness, the date got interrupted by Mr Blobby and then I woke up, but still.

Feb. 5th, 2014



Journal: Holiday

Has anyone ever been on a holiday alone? It's something I've been thinking about on and off since before I arrived in the village and I really must decide if I'm going to do it this year.

Jan. 13th, 2014



Journal: Night Out

[Warded to any Hogsmeade residents not in a relationship]

I need I feel like a night out. Drinks, dancing, music, cute boys. Is anyone free this weekend?

Jan. 5th, 2014



Journal: Secret Santa reveal

I've had a couple of people ask me this weekend who their Secret Santas were because they want to say thank you. I didn't originally intended to reveal the results, but I wouldn't want to deny the givers their well-deserved thanks, either. I've written up the list below, though of course you don't have to look if you'd rather keep it a mystery.

So be good for goodness sake )

Jan. 4th, 2014



Journal: Recovering

Well, the cold-or-flu that hit me on Christmas day seems finally to have passed on - just in time for me to get back to work on Monday. Next time I go home, I'll need to remember to take some emergency pepper-up-potion with me. As it is, it still feels like I'm listening to the world through cotton wool.

Despite the fever and the headaches and the insomnia, being at home was lovely. The whole family got together for Christmas and I spent New Year out in Liverpool with my sisters (after taking everything I could get my hands on from the medicine cupboard). No kissing me for me, though. Wouldn't want to spread any germs.

Dec. 5th, 2013



Journal: Busy

I feel like I haven't seen anything outside of the shop in days. Even when I go home it's only to eat and sleep. I love Christmas, but it's a lot more work than I anticipated.

[Warded to Neville]
I finally got around to reading the newspaper I picked up while I was in London on Sunday and the Prince Charles Cinema is doing showings of some of my favourite Christmas movies. I wondered if you might like to go? I think I deserve the time off, even if I'm not sure how I'll fit it in.

[Warded to Dan]
When exactly did I become a nun? I haven't been on a date since Wayne. I haven't slept with anyone since Wayne. I haven't even kissed anyone since Wayne. I'm over him and I don't remember taking a vow of chastity so what's wrong with me?

Nov. 7th, 2013



Journal: Bubbles

Someone brought in a half-empty bottle of buttle mix to donate. I didn't think we could really sell it, but then I accidentally spent half the day filling the shop with bubbles. I'd forgotten how much fun they were!

Oct. 10th, 2013



Journal: Sorry?

[Warded to Wayne]

Would it help if I apologised in person?

Sep. 23rd, 2013



Journal: Cold

On average, how long is a warming charm supposed to last?

[Warded to Neville]
How are you?

Sep. 5th, 2013



Journal: Notice

Willing Wands will be closed until Monday 16th September. I apologise for the inconvenience.

Aug. 29th, 2013



Journal: Magic Fail

[Failed attempt at a Privacy Ward]

How can he be happy with someone else already? I know it was only a week but didn't I mean anything to him? It's just not fair - I'm still miserable.

[/Failed ward]

[Failed attempt to ward to Emma, Ritchie, Lisa, Dan & Neville]

Are we still on for Proof this weekend?

[/Failed ward]

OOC: All of that is public, basically. Let's assume she went back to fix it when she realised, but not before anyone's character who wants to comment/see it did so.

Aug. 21st, 2013



Journal: Operation Heartbreak

[Warded to Dan, Neville, Emma and Ritchie - and, later, Lisa]

We need a plan for Saturday night. I added anyone to the wards who expressed interest in going out in mine or Ritchie's journals. Oh, and Dan I added you just because. Ritchie suggested the Hog's Head but I'd rather it might be nice to get out of Hogsmeade. Do they have wizarding clubs? I've never been to one.

If you can think of anyone else we should invite let me know and I'll see if I can take down and reset the wards to include more people.

Neville - are you sure you're going to be okay by then? If not, I'm not letting you come and make yourself worse. You need to rest.



Journal: Distractions

Monday: Dan
Tuesday: Shopping
Wednesday: Hydras game
Thursday: Dinner with Neville
Friday: ?
Saturday afternoon: ?
Saturday evening: ?
Sunday: ?

Four days down, eight to go. I hope.

No parties this weekend?

Would anyone like to go do something in London Saturday or Sunday? I got a copy of Time Out I can look through, or else there are always shows and museums and galleries.

Aug. 19th, 2013



Journal: Walk

Does anyone know where those nature walks actually go? I think I'd like a walk after work today. Somewhere other than the lake.

Jul. 18th, 2013



Journal: Birthday

My birthday's coming up - on Monday actually - and I want to do something. I haven't had a birthday party since before Hogwarts. I just don't really know what to do. Picnic after work? Drinks at the Three Broomsticks? Out clubbing? Anyone want to come got any suggestions?

I know I've left it a bit late, but we can always do it next weekend. Especially if people want to do something which is likely to run late.

Jul. 11th, 2013



Journal: Donations

I thought a journal post might be better than a flyer, though I'll probably do both. I was wondering if anyone had any of their old Hogwarts textbooks still loitering around somewhere? If you do and you don't see yourself using them, I'd love to take them off your hands. We've still got a few months until September, but I want to get a head start.

I'm also looking for other school accessories. Robes, quills, cauldrons, anything that might be useful to a Hogwarts student. Though nothing perishable or alive, please. And if any of you have muggle siblings, friends, relatives who've got school books they don't need anymore, I'm happy to take those too. The Hogwarts curriculum can be somewhat narrow in its focus.

If you do have any donations, they can be dropped off anytime between 9.30am and 5.30pm Monday - Friday or between 19.30 and 1.30 on Saturdays.