The Last Station

July 2014


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Jun. 26th, 2014



Who: Hannah and Mal
What: Mal fills Hannah in on his first night running Fromage alone
When: Thursday evening
Where: 4J Main Street
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Once the night's final customers had left and all the familiar closing routines were complete, Mal saw the last members of the staff off and then ran through the checklists twice more before he was content that he'd done everything. The night had gone well. Not entirely smoothly, of course, but the bumps they'd run into had been small, thank goodness.

With the wards set behind him, Mal left Fromage shrouded in darkness and made his way to Hannah's flat. He was nervous about reporting to her, half afraid that she would find some huge mistake he'd made, but he was also glad to be going to see her. Several times throughout the night, he'd reflected that it was undeniably strange to be at Fromage without Hannah, and he'd missed her working alongside him.

Pausing outside the door labeled '4J', Mal knocked softly, not wanting to disturb any of Hannah's neighbors.

May. 19th, 2014



log: mal and hannah go to the theatre

Who: Mal and Hannah
What: Post-show chocolate cake?
When: Monday evening
Where: London
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

After the show, Hannah waited until the cast took its last bow before she began leading Mal out of the theatre. The play had been lovely and it was nice to have a night away from Hogsmeade. Sometimes she felt she lived under a rock... or a sauce pan. Rocks had no place in the kitchen, after all. Perhaps it was a little weird to be hanging out with Mal since she saw him every other day of the week, but she was glad they were getting along so well.

Now out in the open air, Hannah let out a sigh of contentment. "Were you serious about that chocolate cake or should we call it a night? Or if you've somewhere else to be..." She trailed off, not really sure what Mal got up to on his own time.

May. 6th, 2014


Log: let me teach you how to live

Who: Blaise and Mal
What: Blaise decides to give advice to Mal, who just wants to each lunch
When: Tuesday, lunchtime
Where: Qualitea
Rating: low?
Status: ongoing complete!

Tuesdays were one of Mal's few days off from Fromage, making what was the beginning of most people's work week feel more like a weekend to him. He'd spent Monday doing normal weekend chores -- stopping by the Neep, doing the wash, tidying up, and other things of that nature. Today, though, he decided to stop into Qualitea for lunch. He'd only been there once before, and was still trying to figure out all the flavours in the tostada soup.

Going to the counter after his arrival, Mal ordered the soup and a chorizo sandwich from Romilda. She was polite, as usual, but not overly friendly, and he'd decided that she probably didn't remember him. It didn't surprise him -- they hadn't exchanged words more than a few times -- but it did make him think, wistfully, that he wished he knew more people in the village.

While Mal waited for his meal, he watched Romilda pulling the items together and debated whether he ought to try to jog her memory. Too bad Vicky had been the one to help him this time; he felt more comfortable around her for some reason. Taking his food with a smile and a word of thanks, Mal cast one last look after Romilda before heading over to a nearby table to take a seat. Maybe next time. The restaurant was busy right now, anyway, and he didn't want to interrupt her work.

Apr. 27th, 2014


Log: end of the first day

Who: Hannah Abbott and Malcolm Baddock
What: cleaning up after the restaurant closes for the night
When: late Sunday
Where: Fromage
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

As far as first days went, Mal thought this one had been pretty good. Yeah, he was still finding his sea legs, so to speak, but there hadn't been any glaring errors. Nothing burned, nothing broken, and no customer complaints that had made it back to him. Maybe it was something to do with the fact that a lot of people had gone to the village picnic, leaving him fewer opportunities to screw up, but Mal liked to take it as a good sign anyway.

Once the restaurant had closed, it wasn't long before he and Hannah were among the last ones left. They cleaned up the kitchen in comfortable silence, Mal not being one to talk for no reason, especially while he worked. At this point, most of the after hours straightening up was second nature, and he automatically put things away where he'd always been accustomed to them belonging in the kitchen, without considering whether things were arranged differently at Fromage.