The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+parvati'

Feb. 10th, 2014



Valentine's Day Extravaganza Owls

Sent to: Neville Longbottom and Vicky Frobisher

Dear Neville/Vicky:

Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to take part in the Hogsmeade Dating Game as our bachelor/bachelorette! A select group of witches/and wizards will be vying for a chance to go out on a date with you, and you will get to choose who they are.

Please be at Qualitea no later than 5pm on Thursday, February the 13th, to get ready. If you could wear something red with you that day we'd appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Sent to: Mandy Brocklehurst, Lucy Spinks, Serena Capper, Lavender Brown, Jack Sloper, James Cadwallader, Harry Potter, Saunderson Fawcett, Parvati Patil, Fera Dunstan


Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you will be joining the Hogsmeade Dating Game as one of the contestants vying for the chance to take our mystery bachelor/bachelorette out on a date.

Please be at Qualitea no later than 5:30pm on Thursday, February the 13th, to get ready. If you could wear something red with you that day we'd appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Sent to: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Wayne Hopkins, Alexei Levski and Morag MacDougal-Levski, Roger Davies-Urquhart and Merrill Davies-Urquhart, Caleb Warrington and Tracey Davis.


Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you will be joining the Hogsmeade Couples Game vying for the prize of a weekend away with your significant other.

Please arrive at Qualitea no later than 5pm on Wednesday, February the 12th, to get ready for the games. If you could wear something in coordination with your significant other we'd much appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Feb. 1st, 2014


Log: Birthday Party

Who: Dan and OPEN!

What: Birthday Party

When: Tonight at 7

Where: Dan's flat

Rating: ?

Status: Ongoing

It wasn't billed as a birthday party because Dan really hated calling attention to the fact, but it was what people knew it to be anyway. He had set up tons of food in a corner (not just finger food either, real food, to help people keep drinking for good times), and drinks in the other. The master bedroom was warded from intruders although the guest bedroom was not- at this point, Dan figured he'd just do his mates a solid- and there was music playing from an unseen source.

Jan. 23rd, 2014



[No Subject]

WHO: Justin and Parvati
WHEN: Wednesday at lunch (backdated slightly)
WHERE: Justin and Wayne’s flat.
WHAT: Coworkers having lunch on Justin’s day off.
STATUS: done!

He got off at 8, then napped. )

Jan. 18th, 2014


[No Subject]

Who: Parvati and Lavender

What: A long-overdue conversation

When: Saturday evening

Where: Their home

Rating: SFW

Status: Ongoing

It was funny, Parvati thought, in sort of a morbid way. She didn't know when she stopped feeling like a Gryffindor, but it must have been years. It wasn't until she was confronted with a scary concept that Parvati realized: you're a bloody Gryffindor, bloody act like it already.

Funny that it had been a Hufflepuff who helped her realize it.

Parvati sat at the kitchen table, drumming her fingers nervously next to her untouched mug of coffee. Lavender was coming home, and Parvati was going to tell her. And then...who knew.

a series of messages: or, Parvati screws her courage to the sticking place

Owl to Neville Longbottom
Hi Neville,
Can we meet for lunch or dinner sometime? I wanted to talk to you about something.

Owl to Justin Finch-Fletchley
Hi Justin,
I know I'll see you at work but I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee or something.

note spellotaped to Megan Jones's bedroom door
Thanks for the other night. You're a real friend and I appreciate you putting up with me.

note spellotaped to Lavender Brown's bedroom door
I need to tell you something.

Jan. 6th, 2014


An Owl

An Owl delivers the following to Lavender, James, Ritchie, Roger, Emma, Vicky, Hermione, Andrew, Neville, Cormac, Parvati, Harry, Alicia, Romilda, Myron, & Ginny

Read more... )

Dec. 24th, 2013


Owls: Hermione's gifts

A series of owls go out on Christmas Eve.

Lavender and Parvati )

Harry )

Ginny )

Luna )

Neville )

Pansy )



Christmas Owls!!

Owl for Harry

Merry Christmas, Mate! I had no idea what to get you for Christmas. You are hard to shop for, I admit and my fall back was a tie.

Instead, how about we have dinner together? My treat?


Owl for Hermione

*Included with the Christmas card is a voucher for Loop.

Merry Christmas my dear Hermione,

I didn't know where you shop for your wool, so I went to Loop. It's at 15 Camden Passage, Islington,

Maybe we could even go together if you want.


Owl for Parvati

Included is a voucher for Foxglove

Merry Christmas Parvati!

I hope this will help sweeten your life. I know you are working a lot lately, so I wanted to treat you.

Much love,

Owl for Lavender

Hey there, lovey!

I owe you an outing to the spa, so book a date and I'll take you wherever you want for a weekend. Just you an me, unless you want to open the invitation and share. I think after the Holidays are over we'll all need the rest.

Love you,

Owl for Ginny

Included, a considerable voucher for Spinwitches

Merry Christmas Ginny!

I didn't think you'd need an other care kit and I know very little about Quidditch except that you are amazing, so I wanted to help out.

Much love

Owl for Lisa

The card is attached to a basket of Honeyduke's best candy.

Merry Christmas Lisa!

Don't eat them all in one sitting, it's a bad idea. Haha.


Owl for Andrew

Included is a voucher for Yamaha Music London and a Sugarquill.

Merry Christmas Andrew!

I didn't know where to get your gift, so I pulled some strings and I hope this will please you.


Owl for Luna

Included in the card is a voucher for Foxglove

Merry Christmas Luna,

I hope you are spending a nice holiday so far and that this will sweeten your life a little.

Much love,

Owl for Lucy

The card is attached to a basket of Honeyduke's best candy.

A very Merry Christmas to you Lucy. I hope you are having fun and I promise to go see at least two movies with you.





The following owls are sent out:

Owl for Susan Bones )

Owl for Lavender Brown )

Owl for Asher Chambers )

Owl for Ritchie Coote )

Owl for Justin Finch-Fletchley )

Owl for Wayne Hopkins )

Owl for Isabel Moon )

Owl for Parvati Patil )

Owl for Sebastien Summerby )

Owl for Lisa Turpin )

Nov. 8th, 2013


Belated birthday present for Lavender, wrapped in tissue paper and left on the kitchen counter

Happy Birthday (a little late) )

Nov. 2nd, 2013



log: a gryffindor gathering!

Who: Alicia, Andrew, Emma, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Lavender, Myron, Neville, Oliver, Parvati, Ritchie, Romilda, Victoria (ALL THE GRYFFINDORS)
What: Gryffindor Reunion!
When: Sunday, 6PM
Where: Harry's Flat
Rating: SFW? (Harry hopes)
Status: In progress

Kreacher had essentially kicked Harry out of his own flat all day while the house elf cooked and prepared for the Gryffindor dinner. He'd offered to help, which only insulted Kreacher further. Rather than offend his houself, he'd done the only sensible thing and left.

When Harry returned back to his flat, the place smelled great! The majority of his furniture had been miniaturized and stored in Harry's bedroom while the dining table had been enlarged to accommodate for all the additional guests he would be having.

Just before six, a knock on the door sounded. The house elf stuck his head out of the kitchen and said, "Master Harry, Kreacher has everything under control. Go answer the door."

Oct. 30th, 2013



Owl: Kreacher to Gryffindors

Owls sent to: Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown, Ritchie Coote, Emma Dobbs, Victoria Frobisher, Andrew Kirke, Neville Longbottom, Parvati Patil, Alicia Spinnet, Romilda Vane, Ginny Weasley, Oliver Wood -- and, reluctantly on Hermione's part, Myron Wagtail.

An Invitation To Sunday Dinner

on behalf of H. Potter & H. Granger

Masters Potter and Granger invite you to join them for dinner catered by Kreacher.
24B High Street. Hogsmeade Village. 18:00.

- Roast Beef
- Yorkshire Pudding
- Roast Potatoes, Carrots, & Broccoli
- Shaved Brussel Sprouts Salad
- Assorted Biscuits

RSVP via owl so Kreacher knows how much to make.

Bringing your own food will be a personal offence to Kreacher.

You may bring alcoholic beverages.


Oct. 14th, 2013


Thread: Hermione and Parvati

Who: Hermione Granger & Parvati Patil
What: Finally socialising face-to-face. Hermione passes on some gossip.
When: Monday, mid-afternoon
Where: Hogsmeade Reads
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

cut )

Oct. 1st, 2013



Owls, owls, owls!

The following packages arrive early morning:

Owl to Neville


Thank you so much for showing me your apartment. I loved it, and I think you and I will get along really well, but I've decided to go with Parvati's. See you around the village though, and please don't hesitate to stop by Foxglove!


PS. All of this is edible!

Owl to Melinda


I can't thank you enough for showing me your apartment. It was beautiful and I wish I could have picked more than one like all three, but I've decided to go with someone else's. I hope you enjoy this (I tried to make something with quinces but uh. Didn't turn out so hot.) and I'll see you soon!


Owl to Parvati


Thanks for showing me your place! Like I told you, I was going to look at other places too, and I did, but I just could not stop thinking about yours either. If you really are okay with 50g and me helping around the house, I would love to be your housemate!


Sep. 25th, 2013



Log: Apartment hunting!

Who: Megan, Parvati, Neville, Melinda, Sebastien
What: Apartment hunting!
When: Wednesday
Where: Various places
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

This was the week Megan found herself a flat. This was what she told herself, anyway, and it was long overdue. She was surprised at the number of apartments available, and the people who offered to room with her. Which was great, because none of them seemed sketchy, like the offers she got when she first tried to find a room in Knockturn Alley.

She figured for this go around, the problem would be in having to pick just one from all of the options she had.

Sep. 22nd, 2013



Log: Skins vs Shirts, Game 13

Who: Open
What: Skins vs Shirts, Game 13
When: 10:30am, September 22
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Skins vs Shirts, Game 13 )

Aug. 4th, 2013



Log: Neville and Parvati

WHO: Neville and Parvati
WHEN: Monday morning
WHERE: Woodcroft Clinic
WHAT: Neville and Parvati managed to make an appointment to see each other.
RATING: General
STATUS: ongoing

He didn't quite know what to expect. )

Aug. 1st, 2013



Log: Choir

Who: Choir members, random people at the Three Broomsticks
What: Talking, drinking, mingling
When: Thursday evening after choir
Where: Town hall / three broomsticks
Rating: Low
Status: Open!

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day )

Jul. 9th, 2013


Owl to Hermione Granger


I know things between us got a little weird the last time we were in the same place for a long time, but I'm looking to remedy those things now. Want to get together and talk about books? I read some really interesting stuff during my residency, and it seems like the kind of thing you'd be interested in.

We could get cupcakes too, if you wanted.


Jul. 3rd, 2013


log: Parvati and Isabel

Who: Parvati and Isabel

What: Meeting


Where: Foxglove

Rating: TBA - probably not more than PG.

Status: Ongoing

Parvati had a list of things she'd been meaning to do. Now that the practice at the clinic was up and running, her pet project started up again with a few avenues to start, Quidditch with Lavender...

...and she still hadn't gotten out much. Which was a shame, considering the cupcakery was so close by, and one of the major reasons she'd moved to Hogsmeade was to get out.

So she prayed the cupcake shop was still open, once she'd left the clinic for the evening. Lavender would kill her when she found out, but Parvati's breakfast had been a banana nut muffin, and her lunch was a fistful of peanuts and some candy. She hadn't had dinner yet, but cupcakes were for every meal, were they not?

"Hello?" she called, peering into the window of the shop. "Are you open?"