The Last Station

July 2014


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Jun. 25th, 2014



[No Subject]

Try-outs for the Hydras aren't scheduled until the fall, but I'm pleased to share that I'm at least one step closer to being able to participate in them. I've been signed by Messrs. Bell, Boot, and Johnson's Quidditch agency and just finalised the paperwork this morning.

Warded Private to Katie, Terry, and Angelina

Thanks again for taking me on. As I mentioned, I'm open to the prospect of looking at other teams should it not pan out with the Hydras' recruiting efforts.

May. 21st, 2014




While I expect most everyone is excited about the upcoming last leg of the Quidditch, I'm more looking forward to try-outs for the Hydras. I'm not sure how well I'll actually do, but I've been training for as much as I've been able to for the past few months, ever since I moved to the village. As long as I give it my best go, I'll be satisfied.

Did anything come out of that drama with the Prophet, by the way? Did Skeeter just not have much to write about that week so she decided to pick on us poor souls?

Apr. 29th, 2014




Well, I can't say this is the worst I've ever felt after drinking a new whiskey.

Has this happened to anyone else besides the ones I've seen in Luc's journal?

Warded to Tracey

Er, I think we should postpone our upcoming date, if that's all right.

Apr. 15th, 2014




For anyone keeping track, we are now in full beard season for Caleb Warrington. I seem to have done this backwards, though, as the weather's heating up now right as I've just developed a growth on my face. Poor planning on my end, but I still look dashing and rugged.

In case anyone was wondering, by the way, the Warbeck concert changed my life.

Warded to Bell and Johnson
Thanks again for your consideration . I look forward from hearing from you.

Mar. 24th, 2014



Warded to Tracey

May I go out with the lads on Friday night?

Mar. 6th, 2014




Busy month up ahead! Next week I've got Tracey's show in Milan, which is going to be fantastic if I've got anything to say about it, though it'll be a shame to miss the alleged Wagtail concert that'll be going on that Friday night. Assuming it's up to the old standard of his stuff, of course. Then there's Warbeck on the 29th -- and we all know that'll be brilliant. And then perhaps somewhere around there, spring'll finally show up. One day.

In other news, Batman's doing really well. But I suppose that means it's nearly time for him to find his permanent home with a new owner -- right, Kevin? Perhaps I'll do another foster next month.

Warded to Tracey:

Is it all right if Lavender Brown comes with us to the Warbeck concert? We talked about it once and she asked.

How's your stress level today?

Warded to Adrian:

Stop being such a damned stranger. Or are you too far gone on Summerby these days to remember your old mate? I've no plans this weekend besides getting roaring drunk with you, so let's make sure it occurs.

Warded to Draco:

Have you decided if you're going or not?

Warded to Marietta and Vicky:

Had a meeting with my previous supervisor from the DMLE earlier today. She seems to think it'd be a good idea if we formed some sort of 'Azkaban support group' or some such rubbish. I'm letting you both know so then at least it's like I told you about it.

Jan. 21st, 2014



Warded Private to Adrian Pucey

Have you ever had to sign anyone's body parts before or after a match? Just curious.

Jan. 7th, 2014




After giving the matter some consideration, I have fully decided that 2006 is set to be a banner year.

Such a strong statement is at least 30% due to the fact that I heard a rumour in the shop this morning about Celestina Warbeck. Apparently she may be doing a comeback tour this year. Of course, rumours are rumours and whatnot, but it could be very exciting.

In addition, it's also at least 25% due to the fact that I finally organised my kitchen. That was the last part of the flat that needed sorting out after I moved in, so this is an extremely mundane but monumental moment for me. Somehow it got completely out of sorts during the New Year's party. Not sure why. 2006 will also be my first year completely off parole

Warded Private to Tracey:

Sorry about last night. Er, usually the nightmares aren't that bad.

Warded Private to Cho:

After much thought, I've decided I really liked the book. You should have it in a parcel back to you today.

Warded Private to Ginny:

Have you got time for extra training this week?

Warded Private to Orla and Vicky:

You know, the pair of you are the only two people I know who enjoy sketching and arts and the like. (That's not a slight on the interest, just a note that my social circle is limited in this area.) Perhaps you two ought to meet, start a club or something.

Warded Private to Adrian:

I am nearly only close friends with women. Let's remedy this and have a lad's night out soon.

Warded Private to Dan:

Do you have time this Friday for a meeting?

Dec. 30th, 2013




So, are we ever going to find out who people's secret Santas were? Because I've got someone to thank.

Twenty-six hours until 2006, eh? Time to think about New Year's Resolutions, I suppose. Here are a few of mine:

1) Wear more bowties.
2) Perfect my twenty-meters-out play on the pitch.
3) Read more books.
4) Cultivate a beard.
5) Sort out a way to give back Learn how to make a triple ganache torte.

What are yours?

Warded Private to Cho:

I haven't yet finished the book, but I'm not sure I like it. Right when I'm ready to believe in their love, the author takes it away from me? Cruel.

Warded Private to Adrian:

Have you properly settled in yet?

Warded Private to Isabel:

I have some advice to ask, if you can keep a secret.

Dec. 25th, 2013



[No Subject]

Merry Christmas, friends.

If anyone's interested, I'll be holding an unofficial drinking night in this evening. Consider it an opportunity for a respite from family or others tonight.

I'm in 23 High Street, #401. Bring your favourite beverage (I'll have some too to share). The door will be open.

Dec. 14th, 2013




All settled into my room at the villa for the Malfoy-Nott wedding and I couldn't be more spoiled by the accommodations. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings. The only thing I've now got to finalise is whether to shave or not. Thoughts?

cut for picture )

Nov. 17th, 2013




Merlin, but I'm rubbish at Keeping. Good thing it's not my favourite position. Fun match, though.

On a lighter note, I finally put together my furniture. Why there were so many little screws and tools that needed sorting out, I'll never know. Only took me a week, too.

Warded to Skins:

Well done. Finally putting the positive results together. We ought to celebrate.

Nov. 7th, 2013




Another long day done and done. Turns out the perfect way to burn off all of those cupcakes I've been nicking is training with the Hydras twice weekly. Unfortunately, though, now that the extra exercise from Sunday's quidditch will soon come to an end, I'm a bit worried I'll gain a small cupcake tummy. Or really, at the rate I'm going trying to fuel myself for the pre-open shift, probably a large cupcake tummy.

Warded to Vicky

Are you free Saturday evening?

Warded to Alicia

Can we do shopping Sunday?

Warded to Draco

Any suggestions for Theodore's gift?

Oct. 14th, 2013




Well. Looks like I've managed to stumble upon quite the cozy little village, haven't I?

For those of you who haven't yet had the pleasure, my name's Caleb Warrington and I'll be moving in today. I also happen to be starting at Foxglove this week, so perhaps I'll meet a few of you there? I promise I'm perfectly friendly.