The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+melinda'

Oct. 2nd, 2013



Another Owl

Attached is a small impressionist style painting of Summerbird Chocolaterie in a frame that, when tapped in the upper corner, releases the scent of hot chocolate

Dear Melinda,

I thought you might like this small painting. The frame is charmed to smell of chocolate if you tap it in the right place. If you don't like it I can replace the frame with a standard one, or perhaps charm it in a different way.

Yours sincerely,
Miss Orla Quirke

Oct. 1st, 2013



Owls, owls, owls!

The following packages arrive early morning:

Owl to Neville


Thank you so much for showing me your apartment. I loved it, and I think you and I will get along really well, but I've decided to go with Parvati's. See you around the village though, and please don't hesitate to stop by Foxglove!


PS. All of this is edible!

Owl to Melinda


I can't thank you enough for showing me your apartment. It was beautiful and I wish I could have picked more than one like all three, but I've decided to go with someone else's. I hope you enjoy this (I tried to make something with quinces but uh. Didn't turn out so hot.) and I'll see you soon!


Owl to Parvati


Thanks for showing me your place! Like I told you, I was going to look at other places too, and I did, but I just could not stop thinking about yours either. If you really are okay with 50g and me helping around the house, I would love to be your housemate!


Sep. 25th, 2013



Log: Apartment hunting!

Who: Megan, Parvati, Neville, Melinda, Sebastien
What: Apartment hunting!
When: Wednesday
Where: Various places
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

This was the week Megan found herself a flat. This was what she told herself, anyway, and it was long overdue. She was surprised at the number of apartments available, and the people who offered to room with her. Which was great, because none of them seemed sketchy, like the offers she got when she first tried to find a room in Knockturn Alley.

She figured for this go around, the problem would be in having to pick just one from all of the options she had.

Sep. 22nd, 2013



Log: Skins vs Shirts, Game 13

Who: Open
What: Skins vs Shirts, Game 13
When: 10:30am, September 22
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Skins vs Shirts, Game 13 )

Sep. 14th, 2013



[No Subject]

WHO | Isabel Moon and OPEN.
WHAT | A quiet Saturday at the cupcake shop.
WHEN | 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 14.
WHERE | Foxglove.
STATUS | Ongoing.

Hogsmeade was at its best in the morning, Isabel often thought. The village was dew-damp when Isabel unshuttered the cupcake shop, its colours enhanced by the water sheen on each cobblestone and slanted roof, each blade of grass and turning leaf. Autumn crept closer with each passing day.

Sep. 9th, 2013



Log: Meeting the Neighbour

Who: Melinda Bobbin and Theodore Nott
What: Dropping by to borrow a cup of sugar jar of salve
When: 9. September, 2005, just a little before 9 a.m.
Where: Eye of Newt and Summerbird Chocolaterie
Rating: G
Status: Complete

It was so typical that if it hadn’t been because it hurt like H-- it hurt badly, she would have laughed at the silliness of it all. )

Sep. 2nd, 2013



Log: Summerbird

Who: Melinda Bobbin and OPEN
What: First day open to customers at Summerbird Chocolaterie
When: Monday, September 2, 2005
Where: Summerbird Chocolaterie, 14½ High Street, Hogsmeade
Rating: Low – unless someone really loves the chocolate
Status: Ongoing

There had been something indescribable about taking down the Opening Soon! sign on the door. This was it, Melinda figured, she was officially in business. Sure, there had been that first half hour when she had begun wondering whether her concept had been entirely solid, however, on second thought she had concluded that Monday mornings probably wouldn’t be her busiest times, a conclusion that had been proven right after the first customer had shown up.

After that, there had been a steady trickling of customers; a fair mix of people curious about what she was selling and some who had specifically sought her out based on what they had heard and tasted.

Now, however, there seemed to be a lull, and once she had refilled the trays with samples, she had started chocolate covering a quick batch of fluff tops with fresh strawberries, when the bell above the door jingled again.

“One moment,” she informed the newcomer, as she carefully lowered the fluff top onto the tray to cool.

Aug. 27th, 2013



Log: Orla and Melinda

Who: Orla
What: Tea, probably
When: Tuesday
Where: Orla's flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

You with the sad eyes )

Aug. 26th, 2013



Owl: Melinda Bobbin to the Hengist Woodcroft Clinic, Att.: Michael Corner

Attached to the two boxes of Chocolate Tapas is a business card with an inscription on the back:

Dear Michael,

Rumour has it that you've been spreading the word about Summerbird. Word of mouth is never to be underestimated, but sometimes chocolates speak louder than words. I hope you and your co-workers find these to your satisfaction.

Thank you, Michael!


Aug. 25th, 2013



Log: Skins vs Shirts, Game 9

Who: Open
What: Skins vs Shirts, Game 9
When: 10:30am, August 25
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing

Skins vs Shirts, Game 9 )

Aug. 16th, 2013



Owl: Melinda Bobbin to Kevin Entwhistle

Attached to the Box of assorted petit fours is a business card with an inscription on the back:

Dear Kevin,

Hopefully you will find these less unfortunate than your recent experience with sweets.

Kind regards

Melinda Bobbin,
Summerbird Chocolaterie

Aug. 15th, 2013



Visiting Cards

Visiting cards left at the homes of Miss Melinda Bobbin and Mr Stewart Ackerly

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you )

Aug. 14th, 2013




Who: Melinda Bobbin and OPEN
What: A stroll through the village
When: 14 August, 2005
Where: Hogsmeade, probably between Summerbird Chocolaterie and 22E High Street.
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

There were very few things Melinda liked less than not having her home completely set up. )