The Last Station

July 2014


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Jul. 4th, 2014




Attention singers, actors, musicians and artists!

I'm thinking of putting on a musical - specifically Grease - and need to figure out if anyone is interested. We can run it with a relatively small cast, and it's more for something to do over the summer than meant to be a serious production. My main concern is that we might not have enough young male singers. I'll sort out the backstage stuff later. For now, can you let me know if you'd be interested in taking a singing or acting role? I've summarised the parts available below. Honestly, we may just forget the genders traditionally associated with the roles so just leave me a comment if you're interested and your top three choices of character (of any gender)

Characters )

That may seem like a lot, but we can easily cut some of those roles is necessary. I just wanted to give a chance for as many people to be involved as possible. Let me know, and if this gets off the ground I'll try to schedule auditions next week.

[Warded to Justin]
I'll take that cupcake now.

ooc: A similar sign is posted on the town hall and willing shops.

Jun. 24th, 2014



Sweet Dreams?

I can't believe it's summer again. My students keep disappearing off on holidays, meaning I have a bunch of extra time on my hands. I should probably do something productive with it (someone, naming no names, is setting a sickeningly good example by sorting all our mess out) but unless writing the chorus and chords for a new song counts, then I just haven't.

I'm going to keep running the Hogsmeade Choir over the summer, by the way. It'll be a reduced fee because it's a short 'term', I'm planning to take a holiday at some point and ruthlessly abandon you all and I expect you lot will want to do the same. So it's just casual. Come, have a sing. If anyone new wants a go, now might be the time.

[Private to Oliver]
Went back to sleep after you got up this morning and had a dream that my mum kept screaming at me for random offences. I really need to get it over with. Saturday. I'm going to go on Saturday and quite frankly I don't expect she'll want me to stay for Church on Sunday this time so I should be back before after dinner. Have a couple of beers ready, yeah?

[Warded to any individual Andrew knows identifies as LGB]
So, telling my 'I'm not homophobic but it just doesn't seem right to me' mother that I've been living with my boyfriend for six weeks this weekend should be a laugh, right?

Apr. 30th, 2014



Journal: Andrew

Well. Choir tomorrow ought to be interesting if things haven't gone back to normal. I want to see if Malfoy can hit the notes Lavender thinks she can Lav's high notes.

[Warded to Alicia & Lavender]
Either of you need anything?

[Warded to Oliver]
Can I take you out to dinner Friday, to celebrate moving in and both being in our rightful bodies?

[Warded to Ginny, Lavender & Dan - added later]
Do any of you you have any sway over Bole? If you ask him not to do anything awful while he's in Ali's body will he listen?

Apr. 17th, 2014



Journal: West End Trip

So, since there's no choir this week I thought I'd lead an excursion into London's West End for a show instead! No idea which one as I'm planning on turning up to Leicester Square and seeing what they've got tickets for.

Anyone who wants to come, meet me at the Floo at half past five. That should give us time to get there, get tickets and make our way to the theatre(s).

Wear muggle-appropriate clothes! Bring muggle money if you've got it, but if not you can pay me for the tickets in wizarding money.

[Warded to Oliver]
Might be back late. If you don't want to come, do you think you could see your way to setting the wards on your flat to let me in? I'd like to wake up with you tomorrow morning, and you're going to have to do it soon anyway.

Apr. 15th, 2014



Journal: Long Weekend

I know I mentioned this on Thursday, but just a reminder that there's no Hogsmeade Choir this week to give you all a head start on your Easter long weekend. We'll be back in the town hall on Thursday 24th.

Which reminds me - Dominic Maestro's is also closed all four days of the long weekend so if you need anything, best get it Thursday or before.

[Warded to Oliver]
You've got the long weekend off too, right? None of the Hogwarts teams are going to need you over the Easter break? Because I'm all yours any day but Sunday.

Apr. 9th, 2014



Journal: Good News

[Warded Private]
He said he loves me. I still can't believe it.

[Warded to Alicia, Emma, Romilda & Ginny]
So, seems I'm going to be moving to the flat downstairs.

[Warded to Dan, Neville, Lavender, Lisa, Justin & Jack]
I'm moving in with Oliver. Not sure when yet, but you'll all be invited to the celebration when it happens.

Apr. 7th, 2014



Journal: Bad Mood

Godric's teeth, I am not employed to be a marriage counsellor! If you're going to have a fight about whether Betty should learn flute or violin, have it before you get to the shop. Nevermind that those are two of the most common classical instruments for a girl and she's going to have to fight tooth and nail to get a spot in a decent orchestra if she decides to keep it up. If either of her parents had a lick of sense, they'd have noticed she spent the entire time they were arguing mesmerised by the baritone horn I'd charmed to play a demo.

If I had my way, Hogwarts would have discount arrangements with teachers of every instrument and I'd put on a musical open day for firsties every year to show them there's more options out there. But I'm not the music teacher, so it's not up to me. Apparently.

Three more hours of this shit today. If one more person comes in looking for sheet music to Merlin's bloody Requiem I'm going to rip it up. It was composed to be played on a psaltery, why do we allow ten-year-olds to murder it on the violin?

Mar. 14th, 2014



Journal: Fame and Fortune

In case you haven't heard, Gulliver's Dragons are opening Myron Wagtail's gig tonight. We're going to have an even more killer set list than usual so if you were thinking about arriving only in time for the main event I'd have to recommend against it. Come early and see music history in the making!

[Warded to Jack & Oliver]

I literally can't wait any longer. I'm going to the stadium to help them set up the stage and check the acoustics. The stadium staff should be able to point you in the right direction if you need anything.

[Warded to Oliver]

If, for example, you need to come kiss me good luck before I go on.

[Warded to Dan, Emma, Jack, Romilda, Neville, Alicia, Ginny, Lavender & Oliver]

Drinks tomorrow to celebrate?

Feb. 10th, 2014



Journal: Valentine's

[Warded to Oliver]
Have I mentioned that you're a genius and I could kiss you for getting me out of Hogsmeade this weekend?

[Warded to Romilda and Emma]
We should do something this week to celebrate how much we all love each other. Do we have time, with the games and everything?

Jan. 31st, 2014



Journal: Thoughts

If anyone out there hasn't tried cuddly lazy morning sex yet they can take it from me that it's worth a shot. I had no idea what I was missing.

[Crossed out the evening after it was written]

[Warded to Dan]
So are you seeing anyone, or should I be inventing reasons to get the birthday boy properly snogged by as many people as possible on Saturday? No masks, I promise.

Jan. 25th, 2014



Journal: Parents?

[Warded to Oliver]
You look absolutely fucking incredible today. I want to rip that new grey t-shirt off you, but I'm too afraid to ruin it.

By the way, should I bring something to brunch?

Jan. 23rd, 2014



Journal: Parents!

[Warded to the Usual Suspects - Emma, Romilda, Ginny, Neville, Dan, Alicia, Lavender]

I have three days to turn myself into someone good enough suitable to meet Oliver's parents. What do I do?


Jan. 12th, 2014



Journal: Birthday

Well, I had the weirdest dreams last night. There was some kind of apparition ban and I got stuck in a restaurant, bored out of my mind because I didn't have my wand or my drumsticks.

[Warded to Oliver]
You know it was a good party when you wake up the next morning naked in the host's bed.

[Warded to Alicia]
Help! I don't know what to get Oliver for his birthday and I've only got three days to get it sorted in.

Jan. 6th, 2014



Journal: Choir

Public reminder that Hogsmeade choir starts again this week - Thursday 8pm in the town hall. New members happily accepted and no auditions required. Let me know if you've got any questions.

[Warded to Oliver]
Thought about making a public announcement about how incredible you are in bed (someone needs to challenge Malfoy's reputation as village sex god) but on reflection, I don't want to share.

You are, though. In case I left you in any doubt over the weekend.

Dec. 31st, 2013



Journal: Festivities

Now that I'm no longer feeling like such a Scrooge, I just wanted to say I did have a really good Christmas. Family was hell a bit awkward, but my friends more than made up for it. I got to spend Christmas day with people who took me in even though I'm not family which was awesome. And I think this was the best year ever for presents. My secret santa gift is amazing and I'm trying to convince Em to let me keep the Christmas tree up all year just so I've got somewhere to display them. Course, I can't push too hard cause if I try she just reminds me that she got me the most incredible leather jacket for Christmas. Expect to see me in it a lot, I don't care if it looks like I'm trying too hard. Maybe I'll wear it on flying lessons with my new broom.

Reminder: Hogmanay party at our flat tonight. Come any time before Midnight. Hell, come after midnight if you want.

[Warded to Romilda]
I feel like I should make our Christmas tree a little less Gryffindor before the party. Want to come over and practice your colour-changing charms? We can catch up, since I never made it to the Three Broomsticks the other day.

Dec. 24th, 2013



Journal: Bah, Humbug

I know Christmas isn't even over yet, but since I'm doing nothing but sitting here hoping Oliver can come see me for a few minutes taking a break from the festivities, I thought I'd mention that I want to throw a Hogmanay party. That's New Year's Eve to all you non-Scots. Em's agreed to host it in our flat, again. So everyone's invited. No RSVPs needed, just bring a bottle of whatever you'd like to toast with at midnight.

Warded to Dan Bradley and Michael Corner
Ideally, I need one of you two for a certain Scottish tradition. Nothing embarrassing, I promise. Just let me know if you think you'll be there or if I need to find someone else who fits the criteria.

Warded to Emma
Miss you.

Nov. 27th, 2013



Journal: Choices

So I managed to get out of choosing which of my parents to spend Christmas day with — and now I have to decide which of my friends gets the honour instead. That only makes it easier because at least none of you will hate me if I don't come. Right?

[Warded to Gryffindors, minus Oliver]

Writing a song is hard work, and customers keep coming in and interrupting!

[Warded to Oliver]

Trying to book a gig before Christmas. Any Friday or Saturday nights you're not free? I'd really like you to come, so I don't want to book it on a day you already have plans.

Nov. 15th, 2013



Journal: Help!

Does anyone have a time turner I could borrow? Or a decent cloning spell? Or just polyjuice and a free Christmas day?

[Warded to Romy, Emma, Ginny & Neville]
Hypothetically, if a guy I was shagging before I agreed to stop was hosting a party to which Oliver and I were both invited, should I tell Oliver that I used to shag him? Should I tell him I'm now seeing Oliver?

God, this 'not shagging anyone else' thing is complicated. How the hell do you all manage it?

Oh, and Em, if you want to foster a puppy for a couple of weeks I would be very fine with that.

[Warded to self]
He took me right up to the sky
And told me not to look down
He makes me feel like I can fly
town? brown? frown?

Nov. 7th, 2013



Journal: Marriage

Warded to Romilda & Emma

Romy and I will be gone for a week, and then she's moving in with us - into my room.

That's fine, right? She's going to be my wife, after all.

Nov. 4th, 2013



Journal: Snow, Birthday

So who wants to help me build an army of snowmen? Monday's my busiest day but I'm free on my lunch break or after 7pm.

[Warded to Emma, Romilda, Oliver, Ginny, Lavender, Dan & Neville]

Parties three weeks in a row might earn Hogsmeade more of a reputation than we've already got. On the other hand, I have too many close friends for an 'intimate dinner party' (sounds like something out of one of Emma's books a period drama anyway). So my suggestion is we all pile into our flat on Wednesday night, owl for some pizza and keep the drinking to a level appropriate for a school night.

I already got McGonagall to agree that the Hogwarts choir deserve a week off, since we're roughly halfway through the term, so I'm available all evening. RSVP to me with your favourite pizza topping.


[Warded to Emma]

Michael can come too if you think he can handle us.
