The Last Station

July 2014


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Jun. 12th, 2014



Left for Julian this morning

Attached to a bottle of MATTE FOR MEN’s COMPLETE HEAD CARE LOTION with sunblock standing on the bathroom sink is a small envelope with confirmation for a weeklong stay for two in a seaside cottage outside Siracusa on Sicily and a note:

Happy Birthday, love,

Breakfast is ready when you’re done in the shower.


May. 26th, 2014




Sent to: Stewart Ackerly, Katie Bell, Lucian Bole, Dan Bradley, Lavender Brown, James Cadwallader, Serena Capper, Asher Chambers, Merrill Davies-Urquhart, Roger Davies-Urquhart, Maxwell Derrick, Julian Dorny, Fera Dunstan, Marietta Edgecombe, Marcus Flint, Victoria Frobisher, Hermione Granger, Astoria Greengrass, Angelina Johnson, Megan Jones, Viktor Krum, Alexei Levski, Aidan Lynch, Morag MacDougal-Levski, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Malfoy, Cormac McLaggen, Eloise Midgen, Graham Montague, Gwendolyn Montgomery, Isabel Moon, Pansy Parkinson, Jimmy Peakes, Harry Potter, Adrian Pucey, Orla Quirke, Jack Sloper, Zacharias Smith, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, Jacob Vaisey, Romilda Vane, Myron Wagtail, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini

When the envelope is opened, a burst of magic fireworks and all-too-real glitter explodes from within. The illustrated flames on the invitation itself are charmed to flicker with light, hissing and popping like a real campfire.

May. 8th, 2014



Log: Surprise!

Who: Open to Ali and Julian's friends
What: Surprise birthday party
When: Tonight at 8pm
Where: Ali and Julian's home
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

A quiet dinner, just the three of them. That was the plan. It was an early dinner too, to that first restaurant they'd gone in London for New Year's. Julian had said the reservation was earlier than normal-- at 6pm-- because there were no availabilities later in the evening. Why that was on a Thursday evening, he couldn't say, but they enjoyed themselves well, with a lavish dinner and champagne that left them giggling pleasantly as they walked back, arm in arm, towards their house.

But the truth of the early reservation was this: Julian had earlier sent out invitations to all of Alicia's friends, inviting them over by quarter to 8. Emma, his co-conspirator, had snuck in as soon as Julian and Alicia left, armed with decorations and a budget for drinks and food, clearing out the living room and laying out the makings for a party, answering the door as guests trickled in, one by one, and once eight drew near, turned the light down, as though no one had been there since Ali and Julian left, and waited with the rest.

It had been left to Julian to ensure that the timing was perfect on his end. To stall, or linger, as needed. The consummate planner that he was, he'd called ahead and spoken with the maitre d' to devise a meal that would begin promptly at 6 and end promptly at twenty minutes to 8-- enough time to travel between and arrive on time-- courses served on the minute at specified intervals and not earlier or later than.

With a minute or two to spare when they reached the house, Julian stumbled, back against the door, to warn those inside that they were there. He gave Alicia a leisurely kiss, a softly whispered greeting-- "Happy birthday, Ali"-- before he let them in, the door opening to a darkened room now that the sun was down, but revealing, in the flick of a wand that cast everything in light, all of their friends jumping up in unison.


Apr. 13th, 2014



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 4

Who: Open
What: Gladrags vs Qualitea @ 10am; Fromage vs Foxglove @ 2pm
When: Sunday
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 4 )

Apr. 9th, 2014



Owl to Julian Dorny

The Owl carries a box of Potions and cotton swaps for cleaning and treating Gnome bites, and a jar of lollies usually given to children at the Clinic.

I hope you won't need it, but better safe than sorry.




Log: Gnomes!

Who: OPEN (even if you're not one of the characters listed here)
What: Gnome weeding
When: Today
Where: Behind the Town Hall
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing


That was the sign Julian had put up on the door to his office that morning. He thought, roughly, that it would be how long he might take to weed out the infestation of gnomes in the building's backyard. It wasn't necessarily up to him to do it, mind, but he was a civic servant, and Merlin only knows how long before a solution gets approved if he'd gone through the proper channels. It was easier this way, even though it would eat up all of his day. He'd need a break anyway.

Apr. 5th, 2014



Log: Andrew, Oliver, Julian, and Alicia

Who: Andrew, Oliver, Julian, and Alicia
What: An evening out, good music, good company
When: Friday night
Where: A live music venue in Camden, London
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

And who’d like to volunteer a pair of hands? )

Apr. 1st, 2014



Log: Town Hall Meeting

Who: Open to everyone
What: Town Hall Meeting
When: Tonight at 7pm
Where: The Hogsmeade Express Station
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

There was one Tuesday night every month that Julian rather dreaded, and it was the night that the villagers all gathered round to air out their concerns in the Town Hall meeting. Airing out their concerns, of course, was a polite way of saying they were there to complain, and whether or not it was something the Town Council could help with, Julian was the hapless focus of these complaints.

After almost a year of doing this, Julian liked to think he had more or less gotten a handle on how these things run, and he'd managed to develop skin thick enough to withstand the insults lobbied at him.

"Good evening, everyone," he said, sitting at the front of the hall. "Thank you for coming. We're opening up the floor for the residents. Please keep in mind to let everyone speak their turn. Direct your inquiries towards me and please, try not to jump in."

He cleared his throat and glanced at the residents seated in front of him. "Who would like to start?"

Mar. 30th, 2014



Log: Moving In

Who: Julian and Alicia
What: Moving
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Alicia's flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

"One more box, and I think that's it!" Julian declared, grinning over the box he was pushing over to the room. "Wanna pick the last one up with me?"

They'd been moving boxes for all of that Saturday morning. While Jimmy wasn't scheduled to start moving until Monday, Julian and Alicia both had games on Sunday, which left Saturday the best time for the move. He'd like to say that last box would be the end of it, but in reality, there was still unpacking in his very near future. Alicia had been a great sport about it, though, helping him as he moved his things over, and he was sure he would definitely be getting them both lunch and dinner that day.

Mar. 20th, 2014


Log: Date Night Gone Wrong

Who: Merrill, Roger, Julian, Alicia

What: A restaurant opening goes wrong

When: Thursday evening

Where: Amoreuses in Diagon Alley

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Amoreuses was a fine dining establishment about to open its doors in Diagon Alley. To test the market they had sent out invitations to Diagon Alley residents as well as other known wizarding locations, Hogsmeade included, for a soft opening on Thursday night. A sampling menu was given out, including some specially charmed meals that were specific for couples in attendance.

One of these was a Chocolate Lover's Dessert, which was intended to intensify amorous emotions with one's partner. Unfortunately a disgruntled former partner of Amoreuses had snuck in the kitchen and sabotaged two of the desserts going out, so that two unsuspecting halves of a pair would find themselves enchanted with one another instead...

Mar. 18th, 2014



Owl to Julian Dorny

You sure you want out? Won't find another fuckin' roommate who ignores it when you jerk off in the shower right before fuckin' work. Mermaids don't appreciate it when I'm fuckin' late.

New kid wants in on the 31st.

Mar. 16th, 2014



Birthday Owls

Owls to Lucian Bole, Lavender Brown, Millicent Bulstrode, Roger Davies-Urquhart, Tracey Davis, Maxwell Derrick, Julian Dorny, Fera Dunstan, Marcus Flint, Astoria Greengrass, Draco Malfoy, Eloise Midgen, Graham Montague, Gwendolyn Montgomery, Isabel Moon, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Zacharias Smith, Sebastien Summerby, Caleb Warrington, and Blaise Zabini

Mar. 9th, 2014



Log: Three Men and a Flat

Who: Julian, Jimmy, and Asher
What: Flat inspection and roommate interview
When: March 10, 2006 (Monday) at 6pm
Where: Asher and Julian's apartment
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Julian was pleased to have found a possible roommate for Asher in what felt like record time, and while he knew virtually nothing about Jimmy he seemed like a decent enough bloke. He hoped the meeting would go well, first, and then they can worry about Jimmy's current roommate, anyway.

He'd told Asher to be back home by 6pm, and even Julian had taken the half-hour since coming home and changing into more comfortable clothes to tidy up around the flat. Jimmy didn't seem particular about neatness, at least not in the way some people could be, but Julian still wanted to leave a good impression. If the current roommate became a harder issue to overcome, then at the very least Julian wanted Jimmy to end up really wanting to move.

Feb. 26th, 2014



Log: Roommate to Roommate

Who: Julian and Asher
What: Living arrangements conversation
When: Yesterday evening
Where: Their flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Julian had been back from his weekend trip with Alicia for more than a week, but he hadn't been able to talk to Asher about his moving in with Alicia. There had been no definite date set, but that was really all based on talking to Asher first and finding out what he was comfortable with, which made it partly the issue-- Julian could afford the flat on his own, but Asher needed a roommate. He definitely didn't want to leave his friend in the lurch, so he hoped between the two of them they could find a solution.

"I bought dinner from The Three Broomsticks," he told Asher. "Figured it'd save us both the trouble of attempting to make something to eat tonight.

Feb. 15th, 2014



Log: Alicia and Julian

Who: Alicia Spinnet and Julian Dorny
What: Talk and fun on the beach
When: 15. February 2006
Where: Corralejo Beach on Fuerteventura
Status: Ongoing

Last man in is in charge of lunch? )

Feb. 10th, 2014



Owl to Harry Potter


What exactly are the conditions for Vicky Frobisher's parole? Are there places she's not allowed to go, or that she is restricted from doing? I ask because she's our bachelorette for the Dating Game, which means she'd automatically get the dinner date we're giving out as a prize. She'd told me earlier last week that she's got restrictions on her and in the interests of a fair assessment of candidates, I'd put that out of mind until now.




Valentine's Day Extravaganza Owls

Sent to: Neville Longbottom and Vicky Frobisher

Dear Neville/Vicky:

Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to take part in the Hogsmeade Dating Game as our bachelor/bachelorette! A select group of witches/and wizards will be vying for a chance to go out on a date with you, and you will get to choose who they are.

Please be at Qualitea no later than 5pm on Thursday, February the 13th, to get ready. If you could wear something red with you that day we'd appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Sent to: Mandy Brocklehurst, Lucy Spinks, Serena Capper, Lavender Brown, Jack Sloper, James Cadwallader, Harry Potter, Saunderson Fawcett, Parvati Patil, Fera Dunstan


Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you will be joining the Hogsmeade Dating Game as one of the contestants vying for the chance to take our mystery bachelor/bachelorette out on a date.

Please be at Qualitea no later than 5:30pm on Thursday, February the 13th, to get ready. If you could wear something red with you that day we'd appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Sent to: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Wayne Hopkins, Alexei Levski and Morag MacDougal-Levski, Roger Davies-Urquhart and Merrill Davies-Urquhart, Caleb Warrington and Tracey Davis.


Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you will be joining the Hogsmeade Couples Game vying for the prize of a weekend away with your significant other.

Please arrive at Qualitea no later than 5pm on Wednesday, February the 12th, to get ready for the games. If you could wear something in coordination with your significant other we'd much appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Feb. 3rd, 2014



[No Subject]

WHO | Mandy Brocklehurst, Millicent Bulstrode, Serena Capper, Asher Chambers, Cho Chang, Tracey Davis, Julian Dorny, Marcus Flint, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Adrian Pucey, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Caleb Warrington, Oliver Wood, and the newlyweds. Plus-ones welcome.
WHEN | Monday, February 3 at 8:00 p.m.
WHERE | Grace (London, England).
WHAT | A celebration of marriage among friends.
RATING | TBD. Presumably low to moderate.
STATUS | Ongoing.

Despite its new status within the city of London, Grace was a hard-sought seating. Its chef and creator was a vivacious young woman with a son Violet's age, and Merrill knew her through the arts classes both their little ones took. The chef's table that evening was her wedding gift to Merrill and Roger, and it was as handsome as the small plates that followed.

Feb. 1st, 2014



Log: Alicia and Julian

Who: Alicia Spinnet and Julian Dorny
What: A bit of winding down and planning ahead
When: 1. February - Evening
Where: Alicia’s place
Rating: High'ish
Status: Complete

When do we get to go away again? )

Jan. 29th, 2014



Owl to Julian Dorny

Mr. Dorny:

I wish to lodge an official complaint against Ronald Weasley in response to the enclosed comment. This comment appeared on my journal on January 29, 2006 at approximately 9:00 p.m.

While Mr. Weasley may cite me for my response to a member of law enforcement if he so wishes, what measures exist within Hogsmeade to ensure Ministry of Magic employees do not abuse their positions of power? Mr. Weasley's verbal attack is disturbing and unbecoming of his role within the village.
