The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+morag'

May. 26th, 2014




Sent to: Stewart Ackerly, Katie Bell, Lucian Bole, Dan Bradley, Lavender Brown, James Cadwallader, Serena Capper, Asher Chambers, Merrill Davies-Urquhart, Roger Davies-Urquhart, Maxwell Derrick, Julian Dorny, Fera Dunstan, Marietta Edgecombe, Marcus Flint, Victoria Frobisher, Hermione Granger, Astoria Greengrass, Angelina Johnson, Megan Jones, Viktor Krum, Alexei Levski, Aidan Lynch, Morag MacDougal-Levski, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Malfoy, Cormac McLaggen, Eloise Midgen, Graham Montague, Gwendolyn Montgomery, Isabel Moon, Pansy Parkinson, Jimmy Peakes, Harry Potter, Adrian Pucey, Orla Quirke, Jack Sloper, Zacharias Smith, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, Jacob Vaisey, Romilda Vane, Myron Wagtail, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini

When the envelope is opened, a burst of magic fireworks and all-too-real glitter explodes from within. The illustrated flames on the invitation itself are charmed to flicker with light, hissing and popping like a real campfire.

Apr. 25th, 2014




Who: Len, Morag, and Alexei
What: An accidental injury is treated
When: Late last night
Where: Woodcroft Clinic
Rating: R for language/descriptions?
Status: Ongoing

Over time, Len was finally finding herself getting more comfortable in Woodcroft. Their training program wasn't exactly the same as St. Mungo's, but it worked out better for Len's work ethic and how she liked doing her job. There was much more freedom in exploring her interests and the Healers were often very helpful instructors.

This evening, for example, while Len had the late shift, her current attending Healer had allowed her to take in a handful of the emergency cases. It was a different setup from St. Mungo's, where sometimes it was all Len could do to stop an attending from literally breathing down her neck to make sure she was casting the proper charms just right.

She was just going over the charts from the last patient when one of the Mediwitches came in and let her know that she had a new one whenever she was ready, so she dotted her i's and crossed her t's before putting down that chart and taking the new one. "Please send them in."

Mar. 17th, 2014



log: Morag and Lisa

Who: Morag and Lisa
What: lunch!
Where: Morag and Alexei's home
When: Monday, lunchtime
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

When Lisa had made plans to meet with Morag today, she hadn't expected the whole village's water supply to turn green overnight. So, when lunchtime rolled around and she hadn't yet heard anything about whether the water was safe to cook with, Lisa Apparated out of the village to grab lunch from a bistro where water was whatever colour water was supposed to be.

Popping back into Hogsmeade with two bags of food-- she'd gotten enough for Alexei and Morag to have for dinner as well-- Lisa made her way to 17 Main Street, knocking on the front door that lead to Morag and Alexei's upstairs flat.

Feb. 22nd, 2014



Log: A Double Date (kind of)

Who: Sebastien, Adrian, Morag, Alexei
What: A double date (is a double date still a double date if the other pair isn't aware that the other two are a pair?)
When: Late Friday evening
Where: The Grove
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

It hadn't been completely unexpected, but losing to Ireland-- again-- had been disappointing all the same. Worse, still, was that Scotland lost their match too, and now Bulgaria and Scotland were going to face each other in the bronze medal match the next day. Between Alexei and Sebastien, one of them would return to the UK with third place; the other would be empty-handed. It wasn't the best outcome Alexei could have hoped for, but over his years of playing he'd found that dwelling on losses rarely helped him, so he was eager to put that game behind him for now and simply enjoy an evening with his wife, his teammate, and their WWN commentator-- the four Hogsmeade residents in the International Quidditch Championships.

He'd given Adrian the address earlier, hoping the man would be able to find Sebastien and bring him along. The man had proved elusive, in such a tiny place, but he wanted to see how his tournament had been too. The restaurant he'd picked was recommended by the locals, and had an extensive enough menu that Alexei hoped everyone would find something they liked.

Feb. 10th, 2014



Valentine's Day Extravaganza Owls

Sent to: Neville Longbottom and Vicky Frobisher

Dear Neville/Vicky:

Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to take part in the Hogsmeade Dating Game as our bachelor/bachelorette! A select group of witches/and wizards will be vying for a chance to go out on a date with you, and you will get to choose who they are.

Please be at Qualitea no later than 5pm on Thursday, February the 13th, to get ready. If you could wear something red with you that day we'd appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Sent to: Mandy Brocklehurst, Lucy Spinks, Serena Capper, Lavender Brown, Jack Sloper, James Cadwallader, Harry Potter, Saunderson Fawcett, Parvati Patil, Fera Dunstan


Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you will be joining the Hogsmeade Dating Game as one of the contestants vying for the chance to take our mystery bachelor/bachelorette out on a date.

Please be at Qualitea no later than 5:30pm on Thursday, February the 13th, to get ready. If you could wear something red with you that day we'd appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Sent to: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Wayne Hopkins, Alexei Levski and Morag MacDougal-Levski, Roger Davies-Urquhart and Merrill Davies-Urquhart, Caleb Warrington and Tracey Davis.


Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you will be joining the Hogsmeade Couples Game vying for the prize of a weekend away with your significant other.

Please arrive at Qualitea no later than 5pm on Wednesday, February the 12th, to get ready for the games. If you could wear something in coordination with your significant other we'd much appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Jan. 2nd, 2014



Log: A private dinner

Who: Alexei, Morag, Lisa, Hogsmeade Hydras players and staff, Caleb, Tracey, etc
What: Morag's birthday dinner
When: January 1 (backdated)
Where: Alexei and Morag's home
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Alexei and Morag had spent her actual birthday, on the 31st of December, with a dinner and an overnight stay in London to celebrate the coming of the new year, but Alexei had wanted to throw a dinner party for her as well. Reasoning that most people would have already had plans for new year's eve, he set up a dinner for the night after, putting all of his culinary expertise to the test and whipping up a small but still impressive feast consisting of savory favorites and sweet desserts, bottles of wine and some of Morag's favorite champagne.

Dec. 31st, 2013



OWL: The Boyfriend Survey

The following survey has been heavily charmed to Owl any wizard who kissed somebody at the stroke of midnight, and includes the following note (OOC: Feel free to tag your character if they kiss anyone <3):

Dear Prospective/Current Boyfriend/Girlfriend,

Congratulations! You have been selected by the charm on this document because you kissed somebody on midnight. My name is Emma Dobbs and I would like to conduct research on relationships -- if you could, please fill out the form and return it to me within the week. I guarantee the utmost in confidentiality with regard to your answers, though of course if you would rather fill out the form anonymously that would be more than welcome as well. The results will not be published anywhere.

You are under no obligation to fill it out, but we have developed an advanced rubric and system for determining compatibility based on the answers of this survey, and I would be more than happy to let you know the results in exchange, and what it means for the future of your budding relationship!

Thank you, and happy new year!

Emma Dobbs
Advice Columnist
The Hogsmeade Herald

The Boyfriend/Girlfriend Survey )

To fill it out:

Dec. 26th, 2013




Sent to: Alexei and Morag, Daphne, Draco and Theodore, Eloise, Isabel and Zacharias, Marcus, Merrill and Roger, Pansy, Ritchie, Tracey, and Vicky



Cards and Gifts (from Orla)

All delivered by owl on Christmas Day.

Cards for Alexei/Morag, Dan, Draco/Theodore, Luna, Marcus, Stewart and Susan.

Silent night, holy night )
Gifts for Isabel, Serena and Zacharias.

All is calm, all is bright )

Dec. 25th, 2013



Holiday Gifts

All sent via owl, except for Draco's.

For Millicent
A set of traditional Greek liquors, plus a week off Eye of Newt.

Here's to a well-earned break. Merry Christmas.


For Tracey, Daphne, Pansy, and Morag
Each receives a special Grecian pendant with an inscribed charm on the back. For Tracey: wisdom. For Daphne: prosperity. For Pansy: happiness. For Morag: health.

For Marcus, Caleb, Ritchie, Roger and Merrill
Each receives a specific set of Grecian cheese, olives, and wine pairings.

For Justin and Wayne
A collection of special Greek herbs and spices, plus a recipe book.

For Isabel and Zacharias
A jar of crocus for Isabel and a collection of special Grecian cheese for the both of them.

Merry Christmas! Izzy, I've been told crocus can be quite potent in potions.


For Draco
The name of a renowned Architectural Charmer, and a signed agreement contracting his services, indefinitely, for the Malfoy Manor.

He owes me a favour, and I've decided to cash in.

Merry Christmas.




Christmas presents!

All of the presents come with a holiday greetings card and a note wishing them a merry Christmas.

Present for Dan )

Present for Marcus, Sebastien, and Ginny )

Present for Caleb )

Present for Lisa )

Present for Draco )

Present for Morag )

Dec. 24th, 2013



A Flurry of Owls!

Everyone receives the same vintage-style Christmas card with their owl.

Alexei and Morag (and Jaime) )

Alicia and Isla )

Dan )

Kevin )

Lucy )

Megan )

Michael )

Myron Wagtail )

Neville )

Ritchie )

Sebastien )

Tracey )



[No Subject]

Owl to Lisa Turpin
The owl carries a collection of six chocolate and liquor pairings from around the world.

Figure you'll receive plenty of photography gifts. Happy holidays.

Owl to Luna Lovegood
The owl carries a basket of food-stuffs known to attract rare magical creatures, as well as a leather notebook and quill to sketch the natural world.

From one animal-loving Ravenclaw to another. Happy holidays, Luna.

Owl to Michael Corner
The owl carries two tickets to a Hogsmeade Hydras match.

Not all that healthy to work too much. Happy holidays.

Owl to Alexei Levski and Morag MacDougal
The owl carries a painting, by Kevin's own hand, of a lively Quidditch scene.

Figure you can hang this in the nursery, start the little one early. Happy holidays.

Dec. 10th, 2013



Owl: Invitation and Portkey to Draco's Stag Party

(An invitation arrives at the home of everyone who received a "Save The Date" notice earlier in the day. It is on nice, heavy cardstock which Ritchie had written on the back in the same, childish scrawl.

"This is the official invitation to Draco Malfoy's stag party! This has to be the best party ever because he's Draco and he deserves it. Portkey is the invitation and will be active between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. Thursday the 12th of December, so if you miss it...tough titties.

The party is outside and in the woods. And although we will have protection wards (from any woodland creatures that should want to party with us) and heating charms (so you don't freeze your sexy bits off) dress warmly, because, obviously, wintertime. There will be alcohol, and food, and drinking games and snowball fights and in all likelihood, snow penises, and, of course, general awesomeness by the buttload. I will accept no party poopers, so if you're planning on pooping on Draco's party I will have to say good day to you and send you out into the Forbidden Forest alone to be mauled by unicorns. But seriously, Pansy and I worked really hard and want Draco to have a good time and the only way that will happen is if all of you can be there!

Can't wait to see you all with your drinking hats on,
Ritchie Coote and Pansy Parkinson"



Owls: Save the Date

(Hastily scribbled owls to Millicent, Merrill, Tracey, Roger, Marcus, Daphne, Alexei, Morag, Isabel, Zacharias, Pansy, and Caleb. Ritchie also sent owls out and told the birds to deliver to anyone else he might have missed.)


This is the save the date for Draco's stag night. Invitation and portkey to follow later today, 'cause I have to go to work and do work type things. Clear your calendar for Thursday, December 12, after 9 p.m. You know what? Go ahead and cancel your plans for Friday too, because we're going to tie one on and you're going to be incredibly hungover from alcohol and awesomeness (sorry, Isabel! You'll just have to double up on the awesomeness to make up for alcohol bit!) Look for the invitations and portkeys later and get ready to send our buddy off into marriage in style. Bring your A game!

Ritchie Coote

Dec. 8th, 2013




Owls to R. Coote, R. Davies, T. Davis, M. Flint, D. Greengrass, A. Levski, M. MacDougal-Levski, I. Moon, P. Parkinson, Z. Smith, and C. Warrington

Each owl carries a Golden Snitch in its box, the below announcement included upon a slip of curled parchment. The Golden Snitch serves as each attendee's admission to the match and the reserved private suite.

Merrill Urquhart and Millicent Bulstrode
cordially invite you to a public mourning
for Theodore Nott's single personhood
at Falmouth Stadium
Tuesday, December 10, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.

RSVP to Merrill Urquhart by Monday, December 9

Nov. 9th, 2013



[No Subject]

WHO | Alexei Levski, Caleb Warrington, Draco Malfoy, Isabel Moon, Marcus Flint, Merrill Urquhart, Millicent Bulstrode, Morag McDougal, Ritchie Coote, Roger Davies, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, and Zacharias Smith.
WHEN | The evening of Saturday, November 9, 2005.
WHERE | The Black Orchid (London).
WHAT | A spot of birthday debauchery.
RATING | Potentially high.
STATUS | Ongoing.

Draco was certain it would have surprised some of Theodore's guests to learn that The Black Orchid did not sit in Knockturn Alley. It was too expensive an experience and too expected a location for the underground burlesque lounge. Its patrons arrived and departed by Portkey, its charm-woven wards an effective gag on those who tried to share details of its more illegal actives after the evening concluded. They simply found themselves... tongue-tied. Unable.

For good reason. There were liquors distilled from protected sources, substances whose effects were hallucinogenic, euphoric, banned. Women-- and men-- who saw to needs and desires, their forms flexible, darkly capable. The key lay in recognizing who solely danced and who reveled in more.

It hadn't been a Slytherin who'd exposed Draco to The Black Orchid-- rather a Puddlemere teammate. But it was Draco who would see to a long-needed House introduction that evening.

Nov. 6th, 2013



Owls to M. Bulstrode, R. Coote, M. Flint, M. McDougal, I. Moon, P. Parkinson, and C. Warrington.

Each owl carries a rectangle of thick parchment embossed with a white orchid. The parchment, in reality a Portkey, accompanies the following message from Draco regarding Theodore's birthday celebration...

When the orchid blackens, press your thumb to it. Saturday, November 9 at 9:00 p.m. If you don't know what we're celebrating, don't bother to attend. You can bring someone, I suppose, but bloody RSVP. No Hufflepuffs, except for Smith.

Upon Portkey activation, the parchment will flame to ashes.

Oct. 21st, 2013



[No Subject]

WHO | Morag McDougal-Levski and OPEN.
WHEN | Midday on Monday, October 21, 2005.
WHERE | Foxglove Cupcakery.
WHAT | Respite from a cold afternoon.
STATUS | In progress.

Often, while Alexei practiced with his teammates, Morag walked about the village with baby Jaime in his pram. After giving birth, she'd soon found that the strolls helped to keep her mood temperate, given that the majority of her close friends (save Lisa) lived elsewhere and that she hadn't had an architectural project to attend to in more than six months. Jaime, too, seemed to enjoy the walks, his coos content.

But on this particular Monday, Hogsmeade was grey with clouds that threatened the first snow of the year. The cobbled streets were wind-whipped, and Morag sought refuge at Isabel's cupcake shop. Her pumpkin-chocolate chip cupcake suited a strong cup of tea, and Morag savoured both in the upper-level seating area, Jaime occupied by the artfully decorated walls.

Aug. 25th, 2013



Log: Skins vs Shirts, Game 9

Who: Open
What: Skins vs Shirts, Game 9
When: 10:30am, August 25
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing

Skins vs Shirts, Game 9 )