The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+lucy'

Jun. 2nd, 2014



Muggle Night

Who: James, Lucy, Dan
What: Football, Fish & Chips
When: Thursday night (backdated, sorry)
Where: Liverpool
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming, football's coming home )

May. 28th, 2014



Log: Chocolate

Who: Lucy and Neville
What: Dinner, chocolate, spoilage
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Lucy's flat
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you )

Apr. 30th, 2014


Log: It's a Birthday

Who: Ernie & anyone
What: A few drinks to celebrate the anniversary of one's birth
When: Wednesday evening
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low?
Status: On-going

Ernie had never been one to make a big deal out of his birthday. To him, it was worth noting that he'd made it through another year, but he was content to keep it to a quiet night. He suspected this was in part due to his upbringing and the way his parents instilled the values of putting others first - he wouldn't necessarily call having a birthday part selfish, but it just never felt right to him. That said, he could handle letting others celebrate with him since he'd also learned that birthday parties (even small, unstructured ones like he preferred for himself) were often just as much about the celebrants as the one being celebrated.

He'd finished planning out his final lessons for the rest of the term - a huge stress off of his mind - and wandered over to The Three Broomsticks. He grabbed a table near the middle of the room. He'd no illusions that there would be lines out the door, but he wanted the flexibility to include whomever might decide to drop by. He ordered himself a drink and settled in, quietly toasting to another year before anyone else showed up.

Apr. 28th, 2014



Log: Hufflepuff Party!

Who: Badgers and their friends
What: Potluck
When: Sunday evening (backdated)
Where: Justin's flat
Rating: SFW?
Status: Ongoing

Try not to worry bout a thing, enjoy the good times life can bring )

Apr. 27th, 2014


Log: Dinner with Friends

Who: Dan, Stewart, Lucy
What: Dinner!
When: Saturday evening
Where: Dan's flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

"She should be here any moment now," Dan said, turning to beam at Stewart. The food was ready, the drinks were out, the table was ready. Everything had a warming or cooling charm on, depending on what they needed, and Dan even charmed music to play softly in the background. "You're going to love her."

Apr. 25th, 2014



Log: Goodbye Flat 24

Who: Andrew, Emma, OPEN
What: PARTY!
When: Friday evening and into the night
Where: Flat 24
Rating: SFW? Not necessarily? Depends what you want to get up to!
Status: OPEN

Our house, it's our castle and our keep, our house, in the middle of our street )



Log: After Eight

Who: Neville and Lucy
What: Date night
When: After dinner Thursday
Where: Lucy's flat
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

One day my prince will come )

Apr. 17th, 2014



Log: West End

Who: Open to everyone!
What: London's West End to see a show (or shows)
When: Thursday Night
Where: London, Hogsmeade
Rating: SFW
Status: OPEN

Give 'em the ole razzle dazzle )

(OOC Note: Feel free to join! And to say your characters went to see whatever show you'd like. Some things that were on in London in 2006 include: Les Mis, The Lion King, Chicago, Fame, We Will Rock You, Phantom of the Opera, Footloose, Guys and Dolls, Mary Poppins, Mamma Mia! )

Apr. 15th, 2014



Log: Sunny Afternoon

Who: Lucy and OPEN
What: Lucy's at work
When: Tuesday, 13.30
Where: Willing Wands shop
Rating: SFW
Status: OPEN

Who can take a sunrise, dip it in a dream )

Mar. 30th, 2014



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 2

Who: Open
What: Fromage vs Qualitea @ 10am; Foxglove vs Gladrags @ 2pm
When: Sunday
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 2 )

Mar. 11th, 2014



Birthday party invitations

From: James Cadwallader & Cormac McLaggen
To: Hannah Abbott, Katie Bell, Susan Bones, Dan Bradley, Lavender Brown, Cho Chang, Ritchie Coote, Roger Davies, Emma Dobbs, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Victoria Frobisher, Hermione Granger, Wayne Hopkins, Angelina Johnson, Megan Jones, Aidan Lynch, Andrew Kirke, Viktor Krum, Ernie Macmillan, Jimmy Peakes, Zacharias Smith, Jack Sloper, Lucy Spinks, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, Romilda Vane, Myron Wagtail, Oliver Wood

RSVP to either James or Cormac by March 26.
Plus-ones welcome.

Mar. 3rd, 2014



Log: Neville and Lucy.. a walk.

WHO: Neville, Lucy and Shelley
WHEN: Monday, March 3rd.
WHERE: Hogsmeade.
WHAT: Neville and Lucy go on a walk. Of course Shelley is just happy to be out and about.

Neville attached the leash on Shelley )



Owl: Lucy Spinks

WHO: Neville and Lucy
WHEN: Sunday Evening
WHERE: Respective places.
WHAT: Neville finally gets his s**t together and owls Lucy

Owl to Lucy )

Feb. 16th, 2014



Log: First Date

Who: Lucy and Neville
What: A date!
When: Valentine's Day Evening - We're a little late, sorry.
Where: Restaurant in London
Rating: Low?
Status: Ongoing

I forgot how nice romance is, I haven't been there for the longest time )

Feb. 10th, 2014



Valentine's Day Extravaganza Owls

Sent to: Neville Longbottom and Vicky Frobisher

Dear Neville/Vicky:

Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to take part in the Hogsmeade Dating Game as our bachelor/bachelorette! A select group of witches/and wizards will be vying for a chance to go out on a date with you, and you will get to choose who they are.

Please be at Qualitea no later than 5pm on Thursday, February the 13th, to get ready. If you could wear something red with you that day we'd appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Sent to: Mandy Brocklehurst, Lucy Spinks, Serena Capper, Lavender Brown, Jack Sloper, James Cadwallader, Harry Potter, Saunderson Fawcett, Parvati Patil, Fera Dunstan


Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you will be joining the Hogsmeade Dating Game as one of the contestants vying for the chance to take our mystery bachelor/bachelorette out on a date.

Please be at Qualitea no later than 5:30pm on Thursday, February the 13th, to get ready. If you could wear something red with you that day we'd appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Sent to: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Wayne Hopkins, Alexei Levski and Morag MacDougal-Levski, Roger Davies-Urquhart and Merrill Davies-Urquhart, Caleb Warrington and Tracey Davis.


Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you will be joining the Hogsmeade Couples Game vying for the prize of a weekend away with your significant other.

Please arrive at Qualitea no later than 5pm on Wednesday, February the 12th, to get ready for the games. If you could wear something in coordination with your significant other we'd much appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Feb. 1st, 2014


Log: Birthday Party

Who: Dan and OPEN!

What: Birthday Party

When: Tonight at 7

Where: Dan's flat

Rating: ?

Status: Ongoing

It wasn't billed as a birthday party because Dan really hated calling attention to the fact, but it was what people knew it to be anyway. He had set up tons of food in a corner (not just finger food either, real food, to help people keep drinking for good times), and drinks in the other. The master bedroom was warded from intruders although the guest bedroom was not- at this point, Dan figured he'd just do his mates a solid- and there was music playing from an unseen source.

Jan. 28th, 2014



Owls sent to Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Millicent Bulstrode, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Daphne Greengrass, Wayne Hopkins, Megan Jones, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Adrian Pucey, Orla Quirke, Lucy Spinks, Sebastien Summerby, Merrill Urquhart, Caleb Warrington, Blaise Zabini



Owl to Lucy Spinks

Hey Lucy,

It's Ritchie Coote. You might remember me from that night where we got so drunk over heartbreak that I think we puked the same toilet together? Maybe that wasn't you and if so, my apologies. I hope you are doing better than that night. So, I was wondering if Willing Wands carried second hand furniture? I've been thinking that maybe patio furniture indoors is not the way to go. I want to surprise Millicent the next time she comes over that I'm a grown ass man with grown ass man furniture. Maybe you could help me pick out a few (cheap) pieces?

Thanks again,

Jan. 24th, 2014



Business Owls

James sent the following letter to: Lisa Turpin, Hannah Abbott, Hermione Granger, Rosmerta Derwent, Roger Davies, Theodore Nott, Lucy Spinks, Romilda Vane, Tracey Davis, and Isabel Moon. Each copy of the letter has been charmed to display the correct name of the recipient in the salutation.

Dear Shop/Establishment Owner... )

Jan. 20th, 2014



Log: Dirty Dancing

Who: Lucy, any and all single people from Hogsmeade.
What: Drinking, dancing, chatting, partying.
When: Friday night [Backdated because I was unexpectedly without internet all weekend. Trying to catch up now]
Where: Nameless club in muggle London
Rating: SFW? Maybe.
Status: OPEN

Just wanna dance the night away )