The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+marcus'

May. 31st, 2014



The off-season is a bit different here than I'd become accustomed and I'm far less busy than I expected. This has worked out nicely in some respects as I've been able to really relax a bit, but it also means I have more downtime than I think I quite know what to do with. Perhaps I could convince the powers-that-be that we need to have more off-season practices, but I doubt the rest of the Hydras would be as keen as I am on that one... There really should be more to do in the village if we're going to live here. Heading out to London and back is getting exhausting.

Warded to Isabel
I feel like I've been a terrible friend as I haven't been by much. I've been spending some time with a bloke in London which is probably an even worse excuse... but maybe we can meet for lunch sometime soon? Would love to see how you and the baby are doing.

Apr. 6th, 2014



Well, that looks like a wrap on the season, but what a great way to end it, no? I may be biased, but I think we made a fantastic showing for our first year out and I'm more than excited for what next season has in store.

Warded to the Hydras
Not off the hook entirely yet. There will be off-season workout plans to follow and probably some other obligations from the people upstairs.

Mar. 22nd, 2014



Whoever gave me the advice that, as a team captain, I should have a publicist in addition to an agent should be crucioed or something. Like I really have time to "make appearances" all over bloody Scotland.

Warded to Draco, Isabel, Adrian, Caleb & Merrill
There's some charity dinner on Thursday there's one on Tuesday, too, but thankfully Weasley commented about planning something that day so I managed to get out of that one and I'm apparently expected to bring a date. None of you know of a young woman who would be interested in attending with me and wouldn't go back and tell the Prophet she's my new shag the next day, would you? I took someone to a charity auction a couple of years ago in Italy and woke the next morning to a headline in the Quidditch section of the regional newspaper announcing our happy engagement. Dante I was so pissed off horrified.

Feb. 27th, 2014



Time for Quidditch again. And we are busy once more.

[Warded to Isabel, Adrian & Caleb]
I shouldn't take the hiring of an 'official strategist' and additional coaching staff as an indirect comment on my ability to lead the team, should I?

Feb. 16th, 2014



Glad the weekend is over. Hopefully by morning it will be safe to wander the streets of the village without walking into awkward teenage snogging sessions (or worse). Need to get Phin out of the flat.

Anyone up for doing anything this week? I anticipate it will be a quiet one aside from daily practices for those of us that aren't off to warmer locales.

Warded to Hydras Players
Unless you're representing the UK in New Zealand, no excuses.

Feb. 2nd, 2014



Sorry I've been a bit poor about staying in contact with people lately. On top of practices, games, meetings, and Phin, I've just been extremely busy. (How people manage to have lives and have children is beyond me...looking at you, Merrill...) Hopefully things will be calmer now that I think Phin is growing out of some of his puppy behavior and finally starting to act like a normal dog. Sometimes.

Dec. 4th, 2013




To whichever resident lost a black scarf near the fountain: My apologies, but it's gone forever. Apparently my dog thought it was a chew toy.

Warded to Miss Orla Quirke
This is awkward but Apparently I am going to be accompanying you to your sister's wedding this weekend.

My sincerest apologies for my mother's presumptuousness with every bloody thing in this matter.

Oct. 10th, 2013




Warded to Draco

Practice was that bad, huh?

Sep. 11th, 2013




Well, a loss for the first game wasn't exactly in the game plan. Losing is never in the game plan, actually.

But nevertheless a good effort all around, Hydras.

Jul. 22nd, 2013



Warded to Slytherins & Dan

I'm going out of town for a couple weeks, get my head together before the season starts. I won't be able to receive or send owls, so if you need to get word to me send it through Dan.

[Private to Draco]

My condolences on your father's passing. I think it's best I don't come to the funeral, Father Julius will be there and we both know how that would end up. I'll buy you a round of Firewhiskey when you're up for it.

[End Private]

Jul. 9th, 2013



Journal - Warded to Marcus and Millicent

Are we going to watch the movie? I'm going to be out, but if you want to go, sign me up. Either or. Pretty please.

Jul. 3rd, 2013



Journal: Dan and Marcus

Me, you, we're totally spending Saturday the day together. I'm making sure you have fun, even if it kills me.

I have to figure out what time we're doing that practice thing. You can come with and give us pointers (and can you believe I'm a chaser, you can totally laugh) and then we'll do... I don't know, I'll figure it out before Saturday.

Jun. 27th, 2013



Journal: 002


Jun. 24th, 2013



journal: quidditch

Top notch match this past weekend, eh? Too bad it didn't count for the season. The best bit was when the hail knocked the Magpies' Keeper out for a solid ten minutes, though the broken arm was ace as well. How're your ribs feeling, Marcus? You give in and get them looked at yet?

Jun. 20th, 2013




Go Hidras. Ra fucking Ra.