The Last Station

July 2014


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May 3rd, 2014


[No Subject]

Who: Hogwarts students & anyone else who wants to attend
What: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin; penultimate match of the year
When: Saturday morning
Where: Hogwarts quidditch pitch
Rating: Low
Status: On-going

It was a beautiful morning for a Quidditch match - much better than the last match back in February. The excitement among the students was electric, as it was clear that both teams playing today still had a shot at the Quidditch Cup. Oliver stepped out to the middle of the pitch, calling the captains over so they could get things started.

Details )


I've never been so happy to be myself before.

While I appreciate that Blishen's was pretty prompt in working out an antidote, I'm never drinking anything with their label on it again. Or not for a long time, at least, and certainly never faerie-distilled whiskey.

Warded to Caleb
Thank you, again, for the way you handled our switch. I hope you found everything in order (so to speak) now that you're back to yourself. I did. If you wouldn't mind sending over the clothes I was wearing you had on when we switched back, I'd appreciate it. They belong to my brother and he'll miss them sooner or later. Oh, and the other things I lent you as well.

Merlin, but this whole thing was damned inconvenient, wasn't it? Do I have anything of yours? I can't even remember.

Warded to Kate
I feel like celebrating! Are you free to go out tonight?




Guess who's wearing high heels and a summer dress, snuggling her daughter, being cuddled by her boyfriend and never ever again drinking anything from Blishen's? This witch! That's right, I'm back in my own skin, I can dance without knocking things over though I can no longer reach the things on my top shelves. It's a small price to pay though, and one that I'm happy to pay.




It has been many years since Bill and I were apart for the beginning of May, but I have had an Owl from him to say all is well. And that is a very good thing. I am glad he did not forget.

I hear everyone is back to themselves, yes? This is also a very good thing.

Warded to Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Viktor
I forgot to say that I will be away this weekend, mes amis. I spent yesterday at the Burrow, of course, and this morning I am on my way to France to visit Maman. And Gabrielle, if she is there. I will miss the Quidditch, I am afraid, for which I am very sorry.

Warded to Draco
Do you still favour that little pâtisserie in Paris? I see you have had a harrowing week-- you would enjoy a treat, perhaps? Something chocolate?