The Last Station

July 2014


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Jul. 6th, 2014



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 16

Who: Open
What: Gladrags vs Qualitea @ 10am; Foxglove vs Fromage @ 2pm
When: Sunday
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 16 )

Jul. 5th, 2014



Who: Adrian and Sebastien
What: an evening in
When: Saturday, 7/5
Where: Adrian's flat
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

With Sebastien no longer off at Quidditch practices and Adrian's time no longer wholly consumed by his work for the WWN, the two of them had been able to make up for lost time. Staying in or going out both had their benefits, but Adrian would admit, if pressed, that he preferred the former, especially on a night like tonight. A simple meal of fettuccine with seared tomatoes, spinach, and fresh mozzarella, the two of them settled onto the sofa after with glasses of wine -- all in all not a bad way to spend the evening.

Adrian stretched his arm across the back of the couch behind Sebastien, and took a sip of his wine. "Knut for your thoughts?" he asked, tilting his head to look at the other man.

Jun. 30th, 2014



Log: Hannah and Megan

Who: Hannah and Megan
What: Food tour
When: Monday afternoon
Where: London
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Though Megan usually left Foxglove at 2pm, she tended to stray a little bit longer just to make sure that everything was fine before finally leaving. As it was, she didn't actually leave Foxglove until closer to quarter to 3, which left her with just enough time to dash to the apartment she shared with Lavender, chuck her apron, pull on something less cupcake-smelling, and hurry over to the Floo station to meet Hannah.

Thank goodness Hogsmeade was such a small town. She managed the feat in, like, nine minutes.



Log: Vic and Max

WHO: Maxwell and Victoria
WHEN: Monday, June 30th
WHERE: Maxwell's flat
WHAT: Just relaxing.. really.
RATING: Who knows, let say R for now.

No fire, too hot for that! )

Jun. 29th, 2014



Bad Day

Who: Oliver and Andrew
What: Andrew needs comforting, but will he accept it?
When: Saturday evening
Where: Their flat
Rating: SFW?
Status: Ongoing

Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me but every one around me )

Jun. 28th, 2014



Sebastien's Going Away Shindig

Who: Hydras' players & staff, Sebastien's friends, crashers?
What: One last hurrah for Sebastien!
When: Friday night, 6-10pm
Where: Fromage's newly renovated patio (sans bar)
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

Lavender hadn't much time to throw together a proper party, but with news of Hannah renovating the patio of Fromage, she deemed it the perfect location for Sebastien's going away party. Not that he was really going away but he was leaving the Hydras, and that deserved recognition.

She reserved the entire patio for the party, the majority of the tables and chairs against the edges of the patio to leave more room for mingling and dancing, if people so wished.

Just before six, Hannah set up a table with various fondue options and enchanted the lights on, leaving the space more than ready for a party.

Jun. 26th, 2014



Who: Hannah and Mal
What: Mal fills Hannah in on his first night running Fromage alone
When: Thursday evening
Where: 4J Main Street
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Once the night's final customers had left and all the familiar closing routines were complete, Mal saw the last members of the staff off and then ran through the checklists twice more before he was content that he'd done everything. The night had gone well. Not entirely smoothly, of course, but the bumps they'd run into had been small, thank goodness.

With the wards set behind him, Mal left Fromage shrouded in darkness and made his way to Hannah's flat. He was nervous about reporting to her, half afraid that she would find some huge mistake he'd made, but he was also glad to be going to see her. Several times throughout the night, he'd reflected that it was undeniably strange to be at Fromage without Hannah, and he'd missed her working alongside him.

Pausing outside the door labeled '4J', Mal knocked softly, not wanting to disturb any of Hannah's neighbors.

Jun. 24th, 2014



Who: Adrian and Merrill
What: drinks
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Lamb & Flag, Covent Garden
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

With the Quidditch finals over at last, Adrian suddenly found himself with a lot more free time on his hands, particularly in the evenings. For a solid week after the final game, he'd holed up in Hogsmeade, relieved not to have to travel every night as he had been since January. Finally the things he and Pansy had bought were put out, making his home seem more, well, home-like.

Now that some time had passed, Adrian felt up to venturing out again, catching up with everything that he'd missed during the playoffs. To that end, he and Merry met in London, at a pub known for its collection of whiskey.

Adrian ordered a glass of the Auchentoshan 3 Wood for himself, and when they both had a glass in hand, he raised his to Merrill. "Thanks for coming out, Mer. I feel like a bear coming out of hibernation, or something equally poetic."



Log: Swimming in the lake

Who: Megan, Susan, open to others!
What: Swimming!
When: This evening
Where: Lake
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

It was hot and sticky, two things Megan hated associating with the weather, but tonight she was willing to let it pass. Dressed in a swimsuit and a wraparound dress, picnic basket in one hand and blanket slung over her shoulder, she headed to the lake to meet up with Susan, who should be off her shift at the owlery about now. She'd left a note for Lavender and Asher and invited everyone at Foxglove, but if it just turned out to be her and Susan that was fine with Megan too. She was just eager to see how cold the water might be, and if it would help with the heat of the summer.

Susan hadn't arrived yet by the time Megan did, so she set about laying out the blanket, allowing it to be held down in strategic corners by bottled drinks and the picnic basket while she hiked her dress up and padded into the water to test its temperature.



Unexpected Encounter

Who: Astoria and Hermione
What: Awkward politeness? Outright manipulation? Who knows?
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Police offices
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down )

Jun. 23rd, 2014



log: cormac and merrill

Who: Cormac and Merrill
What: Talking and such
When: Tuesday, early afternoon
Where: Spintwitches
Rating: SFW
Status: ongoing

Cormac had spent most of his day unpacking a new shipment of things, maybe taking a bit longer than necessary as he checked out all the new equipment and gear. The task would have been boring if it weren't for all the cool things he got to look at, but he didn't mind the task when the products caught his interest. He was working on unpacking the new Cleansweep model to set up a display when the door opened and chimed. Reluctantly taking his eyes off the brand-spanking-new broom, he looked up and nodded to Merrill. "Alright, mate?"

Jun. 22nd, 2014



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 14

Who: Open
What: Fromage vs Qualitea @ 10am; Foxglove vs Gladrags @ 2pm
When: Sunday
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 14 )

Jun. 13th, 2014



Log: Garden Party

Who: Open to everyone
What: Garden Party
When: Friday evening
Where: Zizzy's backyard
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

The garden party was put together at the last minute, it seemed, but Zacharias and Izzy pulled through with mini sandwiches, grilled vegetables, mashed potatoes, a big bowl of salad, and of course, Izzy's cupcakes. The sun was still bright and warm on their backyard, where they'd arranged seats and had music playing softly. Little Lyla was in an outdoor bassinet, Quaffle playing fetch with Zacharias and a worn quaffle, when the first of their guests arrived.

Jun. 8th, 2014



Log: none but ourselves

Who: Theodore and Draco
What: A weekend in Turkey
When: Friday evening
Where: Turkey
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete

you're my end and my beginning )



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 12

Who: Open
What: Fromage vs Gladrags @ 10am; Foxglove vs Qualitea @ 2pm
When: Sunday
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 12 )

Jun. 7th, 2014



Log | A Bar-Bee-Q

WHO | The Davies-Urquhart family, as well as their guests.
WHEN | Saturday, June 7, from 5:00 p.m. on.
WHERE | The Davies-Urquhart home (19 Main Street).
WHAT | A bar-bee-q.
RATING | TBD - low to moderate?
STATUS | Ongoing and open.

Though the weather wasn't quite as ideal as on past Saturdays - there was a slight chill to the Scottish air, as well as the threat of rain in the grey clouds overhead - Merrill, Roger, and Violet were ensconced in the garden by 5:00 p.m. As narrow as the townhome (though long in length), the green space was wild with colour - and well-stocked with food and beverage, now.



Log: Alicia and Oliver

Who: Alicia Spinnet and Oliver Wood
What: Catching up over lunch
When: 6. June, 2006
Where: Alicia’s place
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

With the mild weather, a picnic had seemed like a brilliant idea for when Oliver came to lunch, however, when the morning rain had turned into continuous showers, it didn’t seem all that likely. Isla, however, was still very set on having a picnic, so while she had set the table – a red and white checkered tablecloth – on the living room floor, Alicia had filled the picnic hamper with bottles of lemonade a decent selection of different sandwiches.

When there was a knock on the door, both of them stopped, Isla looking up at Alicia with surprise painted on her face. “Who do you think that is?” Alicia asked, and couldn’t help but smirk to keep her laughter hidden when Isla answered “Santa!”

“Close,” she chuckled. “Want to try again?”

With a nod Isla thought for a moment; they had talked about this earlier. “Oliver?” she tried.

Alicia smiled and nodded towards the door. “Why don’t you go take a look, and don’t forget to let him in, alright?”

Jun. 5th, 2014


Log: Marcus & Isabel, Lunch

Who: Marcus & Isabel
What: Lunch
When: Thursday
Where: The Moon-Smith flat.
Rating: Low
Status: On-going

Marcus had stopped by The Three Broomsticks and picked up some sandwiches for lunch. Though it had been a while since he'd last done so, the staff there knew exactly what to prepare. He also had a small plush hippogriff tucked away in his bag for Lyla that he picked up in a shop in Diagon Alley. He knocked on the door to the flat and waited.

Jun. 2nd, 2014



Log: Saunderson and Victoria

Who: Victoria Frobisher and Saunderson Fawcett
What: Saunders is back in town and she has new inks to show
When: 2. June 2006 – 8-8.30’ish pm
Where: Saunders’ flat
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

You’re back )



Log | Merrill and Roger

WHO | Merrill and Roger Davies-Urquhart.
WHEN | Midday on Monday, June 2.
WHERE | Spintwitches.
WHAT | A discussion and a meal.
RATING | Likely low.
STATUS | Ongoing.

PROMPT | "A lazy afternoon..."

Merrill's Monday afternoon had the mark of an unhurried stretch of hours, with Violet at her grandparents' and no outstanding commitments to attend to. Just before noon, he stopped in at Honeydukes and The Three Broomsticks, then walked the short distance to Spintwitches. With the bright sound of the welcome bell at his heels, he further announced his presence with, "Lunch delivery for the devilishly handsome shop boy."