The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+eleanor'

May. 18th, 2014




Who: Len and Jack
What: Serious Roommate Discussion
When: Sunday evening
Where: Jack's flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Though it wasn't always that Jack and Len had dinner together, and though Len didn't always make food for the two of them, tonight she made a Cornish pasty and roasted vegetables for them both, with enough leftovers they could each take for lunch the next day. There was something on Len's mind that she'd been considering lately, though she'd worried about bringing it up so much that she never got around to doing so.

Tonight, though, would be different. Or at least, that was Len's plan.

Apr. 25th, 2014




Who: Len, Morag, and Alexei
What: An accidental injury is treated
When: Late last night
Where: Woodcroft Clinic
Rating: R for language/descriptions?
Status: Ongoing

Over time, Len was finally finding herself getting more comfortable in Woodcroft. Their training program wasn't exactly the same as St. Mungo's, but it worked out better for Len's work ethic and how she liked doing her job. There was much more freedom in exploring her interests and the Healers were often very helpful instructors.

This evening, for example, while Len had the late shift, her current attending Healer had allowed her to take in a handful of the emergency cases. It was a different setup from St. Mungo's, where sometimes it was all Len could do to stop an attending from literally breathing down her neck to make sure she was casting the proper charms just right.

She was just going over the charts from the last patient when one of the Mediwitches came in and let her know that she had a new one whenever she was ready, so she dotted her i's and crossed her t's before putting down that chart and taking the new one. "Please send them in."

Apr. 16th, 2014



Log: Mid-Week Specials at the Hog's Head

What: Mid-week special
When: Tonight!
Where: The Hog's Head
Rating: Low, but if it goes high it wouldn't be the first time Aberforth has to clean up the bathroom
Status: Ongoing

The Hog's Head, in a bid to lure more customers, has organized a mid-week special on Wednesday. It's half-off pints and 7-knut appetizers from 5pm to 7pm, with music from The Weird Sisters blaring from an unknown source.

At 9pm, the doors are closed and Aberforth Dumbledore announced that all pints are a knut apiece to the joy of everyone... until the bathrooms are used.

Happy drinking!

Apr. 13th, 2014



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 4

Who: Open
What: Gladrags vs Qualitea @ 10am; Fromage vs Foxglove @ 2pm
When: Sunday
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 4 )

Apr. 11th, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Graham and Open
What: Graham is bored
When: Thursday morning
Where: Hogsmeade
Rating: PG?
Status: Ongoing

He was tired, cranky )

Apr. 9th, 2014



Log: Something afoot at 23 High Street

Who: James Cadwallader, Cho Chang, Graham Montague, Finbar Quigley, and anyone else who lives at 23 High Street
When: Early morning, Wednesday April 9
Where: 23 High Street
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing


A loud blaring noise cut through the early morning silence, occurring once before picking up an insistent rhythm. And did it get louder with each go? It must've been five in the morning when it started; bloody hell.



Log: Gnomes!

Who: OPEN (even if you're not one of the characters listed here)
What: Gnome weeding
When: Today
Where: Behind the Town Hall
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing


That was the sign Julian had put up on the door to his office that morning. He thought, roughly, that it would be how long he might take to weed out the infestation of gnomes in the building's backyard. It wasn't necessarily up to him to do it, mind, but he was a civic servant, and Merlin only knows how long before a solution gets approved if he'd gone through the proper channels. It was easier this way, even though it would eat up all of his day. He'd need a break anyway.

Apr. 7th, 2014



Log: Len and Alicia

Who: Len Branstone and Alicia Spinnet
What: Len’s first day at the Clinic
When: Monday morning
Where: The Woodcroft Clinic
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

While Alicia had met in earlier today, to get some Owls out of the way before the trainee who would be shadowing her showed up, she hadn’t been in that much earlier. Eleanor Branstone wouldn’t be the first trainee assigned to her, though she would be the first at the Clinic who wouldn’t be doing half of her training at St. Mungo’s. Mostly Alicia loved the slower pace of the Clinic, but she couldn’t help but worry that maybe it was too slow to give this Fledgling Healer the necessary experience. She hoped, because though she hadn’t worked with Eleanor before, she recalled the younger witch as competent and she wouldn’t want her training to suffer in any way.

She was on her second cup of coffee and had just signed the last of her Owls, when there was a knock on the door. “It’s open!” she called, as she folded up the parchment.

Apr. 3rd, 2014




Who: Len and Jack, but also open to anyone Len might run into
What: Preparing to move
When: Thursday
Where: All around Hogsmeade
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Len had never been the kind of person to just up and move someplace-- it usually took her such a long time to get comfortable with the idea of change that anytime she did, there was a plan in place and that she could be as comfortable about it as possible.

She had been willing to stick it out with St. Mungo's for longer than she did once Healer Pye had left, but she did begin applying to other hospitals. She'd been lucky enough to have been accepted at Woodcroft, as well as at the hospital in Brighton, but Woodcroft felt more familiar, smaller and more personal in a way that St. Mungo's never did, and which Brighton only hinted at being.

Now here she was, the week before she was scheduled to start, spending almost every day in Hogsmeade just to get acclimated. The first few days had been spent looking at apartments, but there were few that looked right and she was holding out hope that she could find something soon, or she'll have to commute by Floo temporarily. There were a few new stores around that got her attention, too, and she hoped she'd be able to drop by and see what they offered.