The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+cormac'

Jun. 23rd, 2014



log: cormac and merrill

Who: Cormac and Merrill
What: Talking and such
When: Tuesday, early afternoon
Where: Spintwitches
Rating: SFW
Status: ongoing

Cormac had spent most of his day unpacking a new shipment of things, maybe taking a bit longer than necessary as he checked out all the new equipment and gear. The task would have been boring if it weren't for all the cool things he got to look at, but he didn't mind the task when the products caught his interest. He was working on unpacking the new Cleansweep model to set up a display when the door opened and chimed. Reluctantly taking his eyes off the brand-spanking-new broom, he looked up and nodded to Merrill. "Alright, mate?"

May. 26th, 2014




Sent to: Stewart Ackerly, Katie Bell, Lucian Bole, Dan Bradley, Lavender Brown, James Cadwallader, Serena Capper, Asher Chambers, Merrill Davies-Urquhart, Roger Davies-Urquhart, Maxwell Derrick, Julian Dorny, Fera Dunstan, Marietta Edgecombe, Marcus Flint, Victoria Frobisher, Hermione Granger, Astoria Greengrass, Angelina Johnson, Megan Jones, Viktor Krum, Alexei Levski, Aidan Lynch, Morag MacDougal-Levski, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Malfoy, Cormac McLaggen, Eloise Midgen, Graham Montague, Gwendolyn Montgomery, Isabel Moon, Pansy Parkinson, Jimmy Peakes, Harry Potter, Adrian Pucey, Orla Quirke, Jack Sloper, Zacharias Smith, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, Jacob Vaisey, Romilda Vane, Myron Wagtail, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini

When the envelope is opened, a burst of magic fireworks and all-too-real glitter explodes from within. The illustrated flames on the invitation itself are charmed to flicker with light, hissing and popping like a real campfire.

May. 11th, 2014



log: cormac and ali

Who: Cormac and Alicia
What: finally coming clean
When: Sunday morning, before Quidditch
Where: Alicia's flat
Rating: SFW, swearing?
Status: ongoing

Though he knew he'd be seeing her at Quidditch later, Cormac figured the conversation he needed to have with Alicia was one best done in private. And if she was really pissed off, she could always take her aggression out on the pitch. Equipped with two coffees from Qualitea, he made his way over to her place and knocked.

Once she'd opened he door, he gave a sheepish grin and extended one of the cups out to her. "Surprise. Er, morning. I'm not here to see Isla," he said, preemptively. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something. Got a minute?"

May. 5th, 2014



Log: The throuple goes to London

Who: Romilda Vane, Cormac McLaggen, and Lisa Turpin
Where: A hotel in Wizarding Knightsbridge, London
When: Backdated to Saturday, May 3
What: Some serious conversation
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing


Romilda wasn't entirely pleased with either Cormac or Lisa, but they'd all agreed to go out on this day trip of theirs before Cormac'd been arrested and Lisa had to bail him out. She liked both of them a lot, really she did, but she'd thought going into this that Cormac was maturing and he wasn't going to be getting arrested on a regular basis (though really, it'd just been one time). And Lisa was just encouraging his behaviour!

Of course, they all still had to sit down and talk about what was going on with them, and what the future could bring -- but Romilda didn't really see the point if they were going to continue along this path. That didn't mean that she was opposed to trying to have a good time, though, and the day they'd planned out was fun. Romilda did her best to act as though everything was fine, but once they returned to their hotel room to get ready for dinner, she sort of started to feel as though she was running out of steam.

"When do we need to leave?" Romilda put in her earrings and glanced over at Lisa's reflection in the mirror.

Apr. 27th, 2014



log: Gryffindor party!

Who: Gryffindors and +1s
What: House gathering
When: Sunday starting at 5pm
Where: Harry's flat
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

Despite not catching the snitch, Harry had thoroughly enjoyed Quidditch that morning. How could Harry be upset at missing the snitch when he was flying against a professional Seeker?

Thanks to Ginny sneaking into his flat prior to the gathering (and Kreacher's cooking, of course), everything was ready by the time 5 o'clock rolled around. Now all the gathering needed was some more Gryffindors.

Apr. 13th, 2014



log: super backdated post-party snuggles

Who: Cormac, Lisa & Romilda
What: post birthday party shenanigans
When: Backdated to March 28th, after Cormac and James' bday party
Where: Lisa’s flat
Rating: SFW
Status: Complete

Best birthday ever. )

Apr. 12th, 2014



Hydras' End of Season Celebrations

Who: Hydras team, management, and staff and their plus-ones // OPEN to all
Where: Executive suite, Bertie Botts Stadium // The Three Broomsticks
When: Saturday, 7pm // Saturday, 10pm
What: Celebrations!
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing


Over the last few months, James had started to have very fond feelings about his newly-adopted team. Though he was sure no other team could compare to his beloved Catapults, his new rapport with staff and players had convinced him that pushing for a successful Hydras team was something James genuinely wanted.

After making sure that preparations were in place for both the private party and the village celebration, James double-checked his pocket square, making sure it wasn't crooked, and waited for the first guests to arrive at the suite.

Mar. 27th, 2014



log: cormac's birthday dinner

Who: Cormac, Alicia and Isla
What: Birthday dinner + Quidditch match?
When: Thursday, March 27th
Where: Ali’s flat
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

How rare do you want your roast? )

Mar. 25th, 2014



Cormac and James' Birthday Extravaganza!

Who: Everyone who received an invitation and their plus-ones, plus anyone who might be in the Three Broomsticks or around in the village.
Where: Fromage, the Three Broomsticks, & Hogsmeade Village
When: Forward-dated to Friday, March 28, evening
What: Birthday shenanigans!
Rating: TBD
Status: Ongoing


Cormac's birthday was Thursday and James' birthday was Saturday, so it was a given that their birthday party would be held on the day in the middle, After choosing a three piece suit, it was time to make his way over to the restaurant and get ready for the big night!

Mar. 15th, 2014



Owl to Finbar

Mr. Quigley,

I was wondering if you had any two bedroom flats available in our building. I'm looking for a bigger place, but figured it would be easier for the both of us if I could stay in the same building. Let me know. I'd be interested in moving April 1 if possible.


Cormac McLaggen

Mar. 14th, 2014



Owls to Cormac and Millicent

(Both parties receive the following package with their owl)

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Owl to Cormac
Do you like it?! Yours has "El Presidente" on the back and I got it in a children's medium, because I know how much you love to wear tight tee-shirts that show off your stupidly ridiculous muscles. Included two more for Lisa and Romilda, if they'd like to join! They only get their names on theirs, though.

Owl to Millicent
Okay, so I sent you a present. The good news is you don't have to wear it. The bad news is you have to stand next to me when I wear mine. Have I told you that you are the most amazing girlfriend of all time and you are ever so pretty? Well, you are. I AM SO EXCITED, TONIGHT IS GOING TO BE EPIC.

Mar. 12th, 2014



Log: A McTurpin ambush

Who: Romilda Vane, Lisa Turpin, and Cormac McLaggen
Where: Qualitea
When: Wednesday evening, 6pm
What: A planned ambush
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing


Romilda had taken to considering Hogsmeade weekends more like Hogsmeade weeks. Considering the effort that went into preparing each month's sales, specials, and new recipes, she didn't think the categorisation was that far off.

Though she'd taken to spending fewer of her evenings testing recipes, favouring instead spending time with Lisa or Cormac, Hogsmeade weekends were a different story. She had three saucepans sautéing vegetables and was in the middle of charming pastry dough to roll itself out when she heard noises at the door. Her wards were set but that didn't stop her from catching sight of who was out there.

Frowning slightly, she brushed her hands off on her apron and walked over to the door, removing the wards with a wave of her wand and looking from Cormac to Lisa. "What are you doing here?"

Mar. 11th, 2014



Birthday party invitations

From: James Cadwallader & Cormac McLaggen
To: Hannah Abbott, Katie Bell, Susan Bones, Dan Bradley, Lavender Brown, Cho Chang, Ritchie Coote, Roger Davies, Emma Dobbs, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Victoria Frobisher, Hermione Granger, Wayne Hopkins, Angelina Johnson, Megan Jones, Aidan Lynch, Andrew Kirke, Viktor Krum, Ernie Macmillan, Jimmy Peakes, Zacharias Smith, Jack Sloper, Lucy Spinks, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, Romilda Vane, Myron Wagtail, Oliver Wood

RSVP to either James or Cormac by March 26.
Plus-ones welcome.

Mar. 3rd, 2014



Notes Left on the Doors in 23 High Street

Left on the doors of Orla Quirke, Bailey Dunstan, Blaise Zabini, Jack Sloper, Serena Capper, Cormac McLaggen, James Cadwallader, Caleb Warrington, Lisa Turpin, Aidan Lynch, Lucian Bole, Stewart Ackerley, Angelina Johnson, and Viktor Krum.

Dear [Full name of each resident of 23 High Street] )

Feb. 28th, 2014



Log: Cormac and Lisa

Who: Cormac and Lisa
What: post dinner conversation and stuff
When: Friday evening
Where: Lisa's flat
Rating: NSFW!
Status: ongoing complete!

Making the copies of Cormac's pictures for him had taken Lisa very little time, in the end. Once she'd gone home at the end of the day, a quick search of her pantry turned up all the ingredients for a batch of French toast, so she threw that together for dinner. And, since she'd had such good luck with her red dress, she changed into a red v-neck sweater and a pair of dark denim jeans, leaving her hair loose and her feet bare, since this was a relaxed evening in.

After they'd finished eating, Lisa cleared the table with a flick of her wand, setting the plates to scrub in the sink, and Summoned the folder she'd brought back from the studio. "I don't want to inflate your ego," she said, grinning as she handed over the photos, "but you could do this for a living. Seriously, I'd buy anything you were the spokesmodel for."



log: Cormac and Romilda have a night in

Who: Cormac and Romilda
What: dinner and talking and stuff
When: backdated to Thursday evening
Where: Cormac's flat
Rating: sfw
Status: ongoing Complete!

After a dinner of roasted chicken and winter vegetables -- Cormac's specialty -- he and Romilda moved to the living room for post-dinner drinks. He handed her her glass as he settled down next to her and smiled. "Thanks for coming to dinner. Seems like it had been a while since it was just the two of us." Obviously he liked spending time with both her and Lisa, but for some reason it seemed like it was important to have one-on-one time too. Plus, if he was being honest with himself, he had something on his mind and it was about something he and Lisa couldn't talk about... Yet.

Feb. 16th, 2014



log: cormac and the spinnets

Who: Cormac, Alicia & Isla
What: Checking up on his sick kid and chatting with Ali
When: Sunday, Feb 16th
Where: Alicia's home
Rating: SFW
Status: ongoing Complete!

After the shop was closed and sorted for the day, Cormac stopped by the Magic Neep for apple juice and gummy bears -- just as an added precaution in case she ran out or something. Being sick and not having enough comfort food was quite awful and he didn't want Isla to go through that. Though if what Ali said was true, Isla would probably be asleep the whole time. He actually didn't know how to deal with a sick child, so hopefully he wasn't botching this too badly.

Knocking, he waited for Alicia to answer the door.

Feb. 14th, 2014



Open Thread: The Valentine's Day Party

Who: Open to all
Where: Qualitea
When: Friday, February 14, evening
What: Valentine's Day party -- because there hasn't been enough yet
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

After what was quite a busy and hectic week for the shop, the party Romilda'd been planning for ages was finally here. And of course, because the week hadn't been hectic enough, the next two days were set to be Hogsmeade weekends for the students as well. If her own years at Hogwarts were any indication, she hoped to see plenty of business from students looking for a romantic outing. Of course, she'd thus also have to make sure any outings didn't include any antics; the last she needed was to send for Hogsmeade village police.

Tonight, though, wasn't about the students. It was about having a party. After setting up the place much like she had for the previous evenings, Romilda ensured that a dance floor of appropriate size was installed in the main room and that refreshments -- both paid and free, thanks to the town hall funds -- were plentiful. Music played at a volume that was still audible from outside but not too loud as to bother those who lived above the shop.

A few tables remained out in the space, to the side of the dance floor, in case anyone tired of standing and dancing. The place itself was decorated in a tasteful colour palette - she'd purposefully chosen to not use too many pinks or reds, opting for more complementary colours instead.

Feb. 9th, 2014



log: cormac and lisa go on a date

Who: Cormac and Lisa
Where: Signature Room, then Lisa’s flat
When: Sunday evening
What: getting to know you over drinks, then ...?
Rating: NSFW
Status: Ongoing Complete!

under the cut )

Feb. 7th, 2014



Owl to Cormac

Sent Friday morning.


Say a woman who sometimes shags this extremely attractive and amazing wizard-witch duo wanted to see one part of that pair on his own. Do you think that bloke would agree?
