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July 2014


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Jun. 8th, 2014



Just tallied up the results for the little pool we had going over Quidditch, and we ended up with a tie. Both Theodore Nott and Jimmy Peakes will split the 13 galleon pot with 22 points each, Draco Malfoy and Isabel Moon not far behind with 21 each.

Interestingly enough, neither Theodore nor Jimmy guessed the outcome of the final series-- Jimmy had the Wanderers winning over the Kestrels in five games, while Theodore had the United winning over the Wanderers in seven. Zacharias Smith got Wanderers in seven, but he thought they would be up against the United. No one guessed it would be a Wanderers/Catapults final.

That was fun, outside of only one team making it out of my first four choices. Let's do this again next year.

May. 20th, 2014



So. Wanderers versus Catapults. I shouldn't be surprised, but since I thought it'd be Bats and United, and both those teams were defeated by-- yep, the Wanderers and the Catapults-- I just feel like banging my head against the wall.

I'll just take solace in the fact that no one else predicted this would happen either, so there's that.

Apr. 27th, 2014



The Catapults won in 6 games, the first team to advance to their conference finals.

And there goes my bracket.

Apr. 24th, 2014



So how's everyone's bracket doing?

For those not paying attention to the game results so far, this is what we've got:

Kestrels vs Falcons: Kestrels are up 2-1, Falcons look to even the series tonight
United vs Catapults: Series is tied 2-2, game tomorrow night
Magpies vs Harpies: Series is tied 2-2, game tomorrow night
Bats vs Wanderers: Bats are up 3-0, Wanderers face elimination tonight

So basically it's 13-1 to the home team. Only the Wanderers have lost when they played at home, and I really gave them much more fight than this. United/Catapults is shaping up to be the best series in the first round so far, but I don't want to be a fan of either team. They gain and lose so many leads that it's really come down to the Seekers each and every time to win the game for them.

Anyway, I'll be at The Three Broomsticks tonight listening to the Bats/Wanderers if anyone wants to join me. Late start though, so I hope no one's got to go to work early tomorrow.

Apr. 15th, 2014



Playoffs start tomorrow, so don't forget to fill your brackets if you haven't yet! Right now we're up to 9 galleons for the grand prize but we could up that some more, can't we?

The schedule for the curious:

OOC: Results to be posted here

As soon as the first match result comes up I won't accept any more bracket entries, so go go go.

Apr. 14th, 2014



Warded to Katie and Michael

My penis is magic.

Now you know.

Warded to Angelina

My penis pen is magic.

Now you know.

Apr. 12th, 2014



Okay, so the Quidditch Cup Championships start next Wednesday. Who's up for a friendly little bracket competition?

Fill out your bracket here!

Here's how we'll score:
Guessing the correct team + correct number of games = 5pts
Correct team + off by one game = 4pts
Correct team + off by two games = 3pts

Guess the wrong team + correct number of games = 2pts
Wrong team + off by one game = 1pt
Wrong team + off by two games = 0pts

It's a galleon to join, but the winner takes all the galleons after, so the more of us that join the better, yeah?

OOC: For reference, the conference + standings list can be found here and results will be based off the NHL Western Conference Playoffs results -- the BIQL Southern Conference is the NHL Central Conference and the BIQL Northern Conference is the NHL Pacific Conference. Actual team equivalents will be posted once those are finalised this Sunday.

Mar. 13th, 2014



If I have to watch one more game in this pensieve I will gouge my eyes out. Gouge.

Haha, only joking, I'm not sick of it yet.

Never noticed how sick Hertl's moves were for those goals.

Private to Serena

Ritchie passed your message along to me. One-- way to go, look at you, having underlings! Two-- I'm not sure he knows what he's doing. He didn't know if you wanted to talk to me on air, but that you wanted to talk to me over during your dinner break. I said I'd talk to you and make sure we're on the same page, because I don't want to be disturbing you during your break, you know?

Anyway, let me know when you want to talk. I work til 5 but I'm sure if I tell Angie and Katie what it's for they're going to let go. Publicity, or whatever.

Private to Oliver Wood

Hey, I don't know if you know me but I work with Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell at their agency, and they said I should talk to you. I was interested in looking at the past Quidditch matches for the year, if you were willing to share those? And if you knew who might have memories of the last few years' matches, while we're at it.


Mar. 7th, 2014



Pro-tip: Never get in a Quidditch argument in a Quidditch pub. No one knows what they're talking about.

And you just get a split lip for your trouble.

Seriously, Merwyn Finwick's not as good as he's hyped to be, people are so high on him when he's just protected by a good defense.

Feb. 2nd, 2014



Alright, Hogsmeade?

Spent most of today unpacking-- okay, that's a lie. I was asleep til well past noon, and then naturally I had to feed myself (lo and behold, what do I find but lunch with my name on it, and I mean that literally. Hannah actually put my name on the food. Best roommate ever? Best roommate ever. Especially for someone I have seen all of five minutes this entire weekend.) and then, yeah, got some unpacking done.

Just in time to listen to the Tornados and Catapults game on the wireless too-- brutal match, absolutely brutal. Obviously a statistical anomaly; didn't sound like the anything went right with the Cats' game, that's all. They're solidly in second place anyway and I don't think United's going to catch up. Nor are the Cats going to catch the Kestrels-- bloody team's luck has got to start running out soon, but even then, there's a ton of ground to be made.

Warded to Kevin and Michael

Told you I was gonna be here soon, didn't I? Any plans for watching the Hydras match? I wanted to get tickets, maybe the three of us can go see it, just like old times. And I'm not going to miss a Harpies match.

Warded to Hannah

Lunch was great, thanks! You've got dinner for when you come back. I don't have a ton of stuff going on the next couple of days, so if you want some help in Fromage just let me know.

Warded to Serena

Just saw that kid's post. So... was doing that charm maybe too much for the bed, then? I didn't think it was. I mean people have to have manners, right?