The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+angelina'

Jun. 4th, 2014



My Nana sent me a present today, along with a pamphlet about making a donation to a granian breeding program. (Her latest craze, I assume.) It's some kind of wire statue ... thing. I mean, it's obviously a winged horse, but I thought granians were supposed to be grey? And that doesn't even begin to explain why it has a horn.

Terry, if you had anything to do with this

It's definitely unique. )

May. 3rd, 2014



I've never been so happy to be myself before.

While I appreciate that Blishen's was pretty prompt in working out an antidote, I'm never drinking anything with their label on it again. Or not for a long time, at least, and certainly never faerie-distilled whiskey.

Warded to Caleb
Thank you, again, for the way you handled our switch. I hope you found everything in order (so to speak) now that you're back to yourself. I did. If you wouldn't mind sending over the clothes I was wearing you had on when we switched back, I'd appreciate it. They belong to my brother and he'll miss them sooner or later. Oh, and the other things I lent you as well.

Merlin, but this whole thing was damned inconvenient, wasn't it? Do I have anything of yours? I can't even remember.

Warded to Kate
I feel like celebrating! Are you free to go out tonight?

Apr. 29th, 2014



Right. General announcement. I am not Caleb Warrington. And he is not me! I mean-- the person who looks like Angelina Johnson right now is not me! As soon as this gets reversed, I'm getting Obliviated, I swear to god.

Warded to Warrington
You had better not be doing anything inappropriate while you're me.

Warded to Katie, Alicia, and Terry
I'm freaking out. I'm a Death Eater! I'm not coming to work. I'm not leaving my flat until there's a way to fix this.

Apr. 27th, 2014



Congrats to Fromage. Great playing against you guys this week, and I look forward to next week's match against Qualitea.

Warded to the Gladrags Glumbumbles
Fantastic playing today, team. Don't worry about the loss-- we'll hit them hard next week. Practice on Wednesday as usual.

Warded to Katie and Terry
Did either of you stay to watch the second game? Warrington played Chaser, and I'd say I feel better about the prospect of repping him now. Do either of you have any further thoughts on the subject?

Apr. 6th, 2014



I'm so proud to be the captain of the Glumbumbles! Congrats on a fantastic game, team. I'll be at the Three Broomsticks this evening, hopefully listening to the Catapults-Hydras game, so if any of my players stop by, I'll buy you a drink to celebrate. Otherwise, see you for practice on Wednesday.

And congrats to the Fromage team too, who fought hard and really made the game top notch.

Mar. 30th, 2014



Merlin, but I'd forgotten the misery of playing Quidditch in the rain. Not that I gave a damn about the weather during the match, but I did after. Two cups of hot cocoa later and I finally feel like I've warded off the chill.

Warded to the Gladrags Glumbumbles
Brilliant job today, team. Sure, we didn't win, but we played our hearts out in terrible conditions and managed to give Foxglove quite a run for their galleons. If Harry had Make sure you all warm up and let me know if anyone feels like they might be getting ill. Practice same time this week!

Warded to Katie
Couldn't help but notice you're sporting a love bite on your neck, Kate. Does this have anything to do with a certain flirty exchange with Lucian Bole I witnessed on the journals a few days ago? You know he could be

Mar. 23rd, 2014



It's odd to be playing Quidditch for points again. It's one thing when it's you, a couple mates, a Quaffle, and arbitrary goals. Something else all together with teams and referees and all. It's good.

Warded to the Glumbumbles
I think we should have a more formal practice session this week. Preferably more than one, really. How does Wednesday evening sound?

Mar. 18th, 2014



I see that the rosters have gone up. Thanks to Zacharias for organizing everything and thanks to Spintwitches for providing the uniforms. Special thanks to Gladrags for their sponsorship! I hope we'll make you proud.

[Warded to the Gladrags team]
Right. So I think we all know each other, right? Or at least know of each other. I haven't any idea what the other team captains are planning, but I don't intend to be a hardass about practices and such. I swear to Merlin I don't. The Qualitea team is captained by Cormac and they've got a couple ex-professional players in their line-up, but their Seeker can't hold a candle to ours. All-in-all I think we're pretty well matched. If everyone could show up, say, half an hour early on Sunday, we can discuss tactics before the match. Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise I'll see you then!

Edited to Add:
On second thought, let's meet to strategize before Sunday. When is a good for everyone? Maybe some time on Saturday? We can meet at my flat. Or at the park, to get an idea of everyone's skills.

Mar. 15th, 2014



Well, that was certainly worth five galleons, I'd say.

[Warded to Sloper Jack]
The concert was ace, mate, and I'm glad I came out for it. Does the band have any merchandise? Maybe I missed it last night, but I definitely would've picked up a shirt or something to show my support. Congrats to you and the rest of the Dragons!

[Warded to Ginny]
Good news-- we've finished going over your contract and have a few suggestions of small (but important) changes to consider requesting. Come by the office next week to talk about it?

[Warded to Alicia]
Are you signing up for the pick-up Quidditch again? Katie doesn't want to, but Terry and I have.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


journal (warded)

Warded to Katie, Alicia, and Ginny
First Aidan Lynch comes to the village, then Viktor Krum moves in next door to me, and now Finbar Quigley is my landlord. If any more fit, single, ex-professional Quidditch players show up, like Barry Ryan, I'm not sure I'll be able to contain my inner fangirl any longer. OK, maybe that's overstating things a bit, but bloody hell.

Feb. 9th, 2014



I'm here, but I'm still at that point where everything is slightly surreal. My flat's still filled with boxes (some half-unpacked and some empty) and I think last week I spent a day outside of the village for every one I spent in it. The good news is my asshole ex-landlord has finally agreed to give my deposit back on my old place, so that's something. Now, if only the agency would stop feeling like I had a dream I opened one and forgot it wasn't real once I'd woken up.

So. How about that Quidditch, huh?