The Last Station

July 2014


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Apr. 12th, 2014



note to megan jones

Are we still doing something tonight, roomie? I need more of you in my life. When left to my own devices I make poor life decisions.


Apr. 8th, 2014



Interoffice Memo to Cho Chang

Ms Chang,

Because dinner our scheduled meeting will be a bit later in the day -- and I do expect us to have a bottle of wine it to run over the allotted time period -- I'd like to motion for you to spend the night at mine a follow-up meeting to take place directly afterwards. I've already put new sheets on the bed and cleaned my flat booked the venue and hope you've not got any other conflicts.

Please indicate your preference:

( ) Yes
( ) No

Mr Cadwallader

Apr. 6th, 2014



Slipped under the door of Lisa Turpin's photography studio...

...Is a blank copy of Romilda and Emma's partner survey, left sans note.

Mar. 25th, 2014



A Very Hydras' Birthday Party

(Fliers appear all around Bertie Bott's stadium, charmed to appear differently to different people. To all the Hydras' players and staff [except for Marcus Flint], the following appears:)

Help Us Celebrate the Birth of Our Captain, Marcus Flint, With A Surprise Birthday Party!

When: Wednesday, after practice (the day after his actual birthday).
Where: On the Bertie Bott's Quiddich pitch!
Who: For Marcus, obviously! But everyone in the Hydras' organization and their families are welcome to attend! Feel free to extend the invitation to Marcus's close friends! Just keep it quiet, as we are discouraging any paparazzi from sneaking in.

* Snacks, cake, soft drinks and beer will be provided. Bring only yourself, your birthday wishes, and any embarrassing photos and stories you have of our fearless leader! Any questions, contact Ginny Weasley! *

(What Marcus Flint sees when he views the flyer:)

Oy! Marcus Flint, you old bugger! You're getting a belated birthday party on the pitch on Wednesday, after practice. Pretend to be surprised! We love you, Captain!

Mar. 12th, 2014




A discarded owl to Terry Boot:


Would you like to get dinner and listen to a Quidditch match together some time?

- Serena


An interoffice memo to Ritchie Coote:

Two things:

1) Are you okay?

2) If you've time this afternoon, I'd like you to owl Terry Boot and ask him to provide a quick analysis of some of the upcoming Quidditch matches for one of the broadcasts later this week. I hear he's got a keen eye for that stuff. We'll pay him for his time, if he wants. If he's free, have him meet with me during my dinner break on any of the rest of the days these week to discuss.

Appreciate it,


Mar. 10th, 2014


Note to James

left on his desk with a thermos of coffee and a savoury corn and pepper muffin

The Cats' loss is the Hydras' gain, right? Better luck against Montrose.


Mar. 3rd, 2014



Notes Left on the Doors in 23 High Street

Left on the doors of Orla Quirke, Bailey Dunstan, Blaise Zabini, Jack Sloper, Serena Capper, Cormac McLaggen, James Cadwallader, Caleb Warrington, Lisa Turpin, Aidan Lynch, Lucian Bole, Stewart Ackerley, Angelina Johnson, and Viktor Krum.

Dear [Full name of each resident of 23 High Street] )

Jan. 28th, 2014



Presented at Lunch at Hydras HQ


Catered by Foxglove was a cupcake tower with various Quidditch themed decorations (including a snitch, quaffle, bludger, and broom). There were a few different cupcake flavors but a few triple chocolate especially for Dan.

The office was also decorated with a banner and ton of balloons!


Lavender's gift was delivered to Dan's desk. The gift bag included a large bundle of sugar quills and a case of one of the specialty stouts from The Drunken Druid, plus a note:

Happy Birthday, boss! Enjoy your day. xoxo, Lav



Left on Dan Bradley's desk

James and Lavender created a moving (and singing) birthday card that, when prodded with a wand, plays a recording of their melodious voices singing 'happy birthday.' They also somehow managed to get Cho involved, too.


cut for birthday card )

James also wrapped a gift and placed it on the desk along with this note:

I thought this might be fun for your desk, but you can also use it in the toilets too. Whatever you'd like to do. I don't know your preference.

Birthday cuddles,

Jan. 21st, 2014


Note left for Pansy Parkinson on the till of Hogsmeade Reads


Will be out for lunch and errands today. Please look after the store in my absence.

I've set up surveillance wards, so no funny business.


Jan. 18th, 2014


a series of messages: or, Parvati screws her courage to the sticking place

Owl to Neville Longbottom
Hi Neville,
Can we meet for lunch or dinner sometime? I wanted to talk to you about something.

Owl to Justin Finch-Fletchley
Hi Justin,
I know I'll see you at work but I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee or something.

note spellotaped to Megan Jones's bedroom door
Thanks for the other night. You're a real friend and I appreciate you putting up with me.

note spellotaped to Lavender Brown's bedroom door
I need to tell you something.

Jan. 13th, 2014



Interoffice Memos

To Ritchie Coote:

Mr Coote,

Thank you for your recent application for the post of junior researcher. On behalf of the Countdown radio show, it is my pleasure to let you know that you have been selected for an interview this Thursday, 1pm.

The team looks forward to meeting you then.

Serena Capper
& the Countdown team


To Adrian Pucey:

Mr Pucey,

Thank you for the weekend summary that I received today. I'd like to go over the report's structure with you when you have a moment. Please let me know the next time you'll be in-office.

Thank you,

Serena Capper

Jan. 10th, 2014



Inter-office Memos at Hydras HQ


I'll be going out of town tonight and returning Sunday afternoon. I'll be back to work on Monday as normal. If you need anything, feel free to send me an owl, though maybe try to keep it for 7's and above?

- Lav



I'll be out of town this weekend. If you need anything from Dan this weekend, save it for business hours on Monday for everyone's sake.

- Lavender

Jan. 6th, 2014



Note: Emma

On a piece of parchment, charmed to stick to the bathroom mirror at roughly Emma's head-height:

Dec. 24th, 2013



Owl/Log: Andrew and Oliver

Who: Andrew and Oliver
What: A note, followed by a brief meeting
When: Christmas Eve
Where: Their respective mother's houses, then probably Hogsmeade
Rating: SFW?
Status: Ongoing

(OOC: Apologies for having notes and the log in the same thread, but it seemed a little silly to spam the community with separate ones when I anticipate around four notes maximum.)

I know your mum expects you to be there today, but do you think you could spare me ten minutes? I just really need a hug to see you. I'll be in my Hogsmeade flat for an hour or so, taking a break from mum. If you can apparate in even for a minute, I'll be there.


Dec. 17th, 2013



Note: Emma

A note left for Emma under a cup of Romilda's Love Potion No 9 Tea Blend

Can we do Hogmanay?

Dec. 14th, 2013



Note left on Vicky Frobisher's apron at Qualitea

Happy birthday, love! How does twenty-four feel?

Take an extra long lunch today, hopefully some place that's away from the shop and all of the schoolchildren.

Can't wait to go to London next Friday. We'll do it up properly.

- Romilda x

Dec. 5th, 2013



A note left on the kitchen table in Draco and Theodore's flat

Hey guys,

You might have noticed...I'm not here. I'm not just out getting milk (although, I did do that as well, it's in the fridge, obviously). I have, officially, moved back into my apartment. Ectoplasm sucked out, ghostly omens removed, poltergeist 100% evaporated. I wanted to leave before you two came home from work because I know I would've cried and I'd like to at least pretend to be manly about this. I am grateful you let me stay with you all this time, despite I was a little more than a stranger when you took me in. It was awesomely generous and very, very kind. Oh, goddamn it, here come the waterworks again. Ignore the tear marks, they're an illusion. Okay, I'll make this short. I love you guys. A deep, unapologetic man love. I'm so happy you're getting dudes are going to be so happy. But, if you ever want me to move back know where to find me.


P.S. Found the photo a couple of weeks ago. Not even sure who took it, but I think we looking smoking hot.

(Left on the table is photograph of Theo, Draco and Ritchie placed in a delicate frame Ritchie purchased especially for the photo.

Nov. 25th, 2013



Notes left under doors in 22 High Street

Left under the doors of Justin Finch-Fletchley & Wayne Hopkins, Susan Bones, Marcus Flint, Michael Corner, Cho Chang, Ginny Weasley, and Lucy Spinks.

Dear resident,

Please bear in mind that 22 High Street has recently changed ownership. However, your terms of lease remain the same. Starting on December 1, you may leave your monthly payment envelopes under the door of #104. If you would prefer an automatic Gringotts transfer, please contact Eloise Midgen directly to set up your recurring payment.


Eloise Midgen
22 High Street, #104

Nov. 12th, 2013



Note: To Oliver

A note sent to Oliver in the flat downstairs, a little while after Theodore's journal entry.

Want to come up and spend the night again? Or I could come down.
