The Last Station

July 2014


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Mar. 24th, 2014



Journal: Politics


Is it any wonder that no one trusts us when we go around openly talking about inflicting 'crucio or something' on people who annoy us? Honestly, does no one except me think before they start writing things down for everyone to see?! The more people I meet who are involved with the Hydras, the more I think I should avoid the lot of them - but Quidditch is so popular, I don't want to seem like I think I'm too good for it...


I watched both pick-up Quidditch games on Sunday and thought everyone played excellently! As someone who's never played the game, it was nice to see things taken at a slightly less frantic pace than in professional games, for the most part. I could actually follow the Quaffle and the Bludgers, most of the time whereas when I watched the Hydras a lot of it was just blurs moving past one another and a commentator telling me someone had scored. I've still no idea how anyone spots the Snitch, though. I hadn't seen it at all in the first game and then suddenly Draco was diving for it!

Speaking of which, congratulations Marietta! Besting Harry Potter in his best position is something to be celebrated, even if it was just beginner's luck.

[Warded to Gwen]

How're preparations for the party coming along? Is there anything I can do to help? I've got four days off from Thursday evening, so plenty of time on my hands. Especially if you've anything that requires a shopping trip to London, for example.

Mar. 19th, 2014



Journal: Awake

Written at 4.30am

This is insane. Just as I was getting used to being up through the night, my schedule changed back to days. I don't even remember when I last slept through a period longer than four hours. The sleeping draught I bought today was supposed to help but Theodore fucked that up there was a mistake with that and I got Pepper-Up instead. I've been awake for simply hours.

If anyone considering breaking a law in Hogsmeade today could just put it off for twenty-four hours then I could go for a run pick up my potion when Eye of Newt opens for business and be back on form for Friday.

[Warded to Harry Potter]
I'm only kidding about sleeping through my Thursday shift, obviously, but do you have any tips for the new girl?