The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+harry'

Apr. 21st, 2014



journal: harry

Easter at the Weasleys yesterday was great. I'm always impressed with Teddy Lupin's ability to change his hair color. Favorite game of the day was having him match his hair to the different colored easter eggs. He's so much like Tonks--

Warded to Gryffindors
Hermione mentioned a house gathering a few weeks ago but we never set a date. How about dinner this Sunday after the pick-up matches? We can have it at mine again.

Warded to Astoria
Do you think we could switch rounds this weekend? I'll take your Saturday if you take my Sunday.

Mar. 22nd, 2014



journal: harry

Well. Last night was interesting. I've never caught the snitch while not actively seeking it before, but I guess there's a first time for everything. I guess I'll call it practice for tomorrow's pick-up match.

Now if only I could figure out why all these owls are outside my window...

Feb. 21st, 2014



journal: harry

Had a dream where it was in reverse, like the muggle films, and all the snow on the ground was going back up into the sky. I'm sure everyone in the village can imagine my disappointment upon waking up.

[Warded to Gryffindors]
Who's planning on going to the match at Hogwarts tomorrow?

[Warded to Ginny]
Are you going? We could shag go back to mine after if you want.

[Warded to Hermione]
What should Kreacher make for dinner tonight?

Feb. 11th, 2014



journal: warded to ginny weasley

Have you heard of that Valentine's party that is happening at Qualitea?

Jan. 15th, 2014



journal entry: harry

Congratulations to the Hydra players who made the National teams. The rest of the Quidditch season is really going to be a good one. With all the Quidditch talk, though, I've been itching to get on my own broom. Anyone fancy going flying some time soon?

[Warded to Hermione]
Are you still mad at me? I heard you leave your flat last night.

[Warded to Ginny]
I just wanted to let you know that Hermione and I had a very in depth discussion and are both on the same page that we hold no romantic feelings for one another and it was a fluke moment between us.

I also wanted to apologize again. Hermione told me that I was being a prat and I hope you'll forgive me. Can we see each other soon? We can do whatever you'd like.

Dec. 1st, 2013




Rough match today. Is everyone all right?

Oct. 31st, 2013




Romilda and I are engaged!!!!!!!

Oct. 19th, 2013




Whoever had this office before me left it in shambles! Lucky Kreacher was here to help me clean otherwise it would have taken days! So glad to be back in Hogsmeade. When's the next pick-up Quidditch?

[Warded to Hermione]
Alright if I stop by the book shop tomorrow?

[Warded to Ginny]