The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+mandy'

Apr. 1st, 2014



[No Subject]

As most, I'm quite enjoying the games, and they've thankfully been cleaner than expected, as some rules tend to go out the window in amateur games. I'm not complaining, believe me, there's enough during the regular seasons to keep me quite occupied. Quodpot season will be kicking off in earnest as well which should keep me busy, though I still have every intention on keeping the normal surgery hours and should be available as usual.

In other news, I'm quite looking forward to the book club, I've finished the book, it was quite good, though I'll domy best not to spoil anything for anyone.

Mar. 25th, 2014



[No Subject]

Merlin, I miss quidditch sometimes. The game was fun to watch, as they generally are, but it's sometimes easy to forget all of the intricacies of the game even if you do attend games quite frequently. I recently found my favourite Quidditch history book (stuffed behind my bedpost of all places) and I'd nearly forgotten all of the mental moves and passes and things that happened over the years. I'm, still not sure what's my favourite but the killer forest is certainly up there! Mind, I don't think I'd have appreciated it at the time.

In other news, I think we should be meeting for Book Club next month. Got a list of 5 books so far, mostly wizarding books, though I thought we might adjust as needed based on everyone's tastes.

Mar. 4th, 2014



[No Subject]

I love pancake day. Especially with a bit of Nutella. It's one of the few things I can actually manage to cook without the threat of burning down the kitchen which makes this a very good day. Especially since tomorrow I'm off the chocolate.

They don't look anywhere near this good, but I shall leave you with the better images:

In addition to the above, I've been working on a list for the Book Club, and it really is so very hard to narrow down the choices. Clearly there should be a mix of muggle and wizarding books, but one has to take into account the time it might take to read it in order to be able to discuss the topics properly.

Feb. 27th, 2014



[No Subject]

Nearly Friday, and I am looking forward to the weekend. I thought I might go exploring a bit further this weekend, see just how fa I can get lost. It would be interesting if we could venture into the Forbidden Forest but even now I'm not sure I'm that brave. I have signed up for a half marathon in a few months, so training starts as soon as. It'll be my second one, so I've got a time to beat this time, though I mostly just aim for finishing.

Though still have tomorrow to get through which should be a bit more interesting. Surgery hours take place up at the pitch in the morning for a few check-ups, as per usual, followed by an afternoon surgery at Woodcroft. It should be a fully packed day which will make the time pas s all that much faster.

Feb. 10th, 2014



[No Subject]

Can I change my mind about this
Looks like I might need to find a set of robes in red. Which means a brief shopping trip tomorrow during lunch, as I doubt I'll be able to pop out before the shops close. Still, I suppose it will be an experience, if nothing else.

I am rather enjoying this village, and feeling more settled as we get on. Went running this morning with Cho, which was a very good way to start the week. It's really good to have everyone so close, I have missed you lot.

Feb. 5th, 2014



Journal: Mandy

Week two and fully unpacked, which is saying a lot given the usual state of my flat. Wandered around the village a bit on the weekend, which was nice especially given the unexpectedly nice weather. I haven't quite yet met up with the team, but I'm sure that will happen in short order.

I did find a good route for my morning run which is great and has helped get my routine back in order. I'm starting to think that this move is going to be one of my best decisions.


Completely rethinking signing up tot that singles thing. Did it more to get myself out there, but I can't really remember the last time I went out with anyone, and I'm not even sure what the whole thing

Ok, no.

Jan. 29th, 2014




I've been here a whole four days so I suppose it shouldn't be at all surprising that everything still look so very different to me. I imagine that it might take a bit to get my head around everything, but the flat is nice, surprisingly large and not a bad view at all. Everything is still in boxes though,other than the sofa, bed, and some of my wardrobe, which to be perfectly honest is about as much energy as I have at the moment. Work's a bit more important.

The village seems nice though. Hopefully I'll have a bit more time this weekend to explore. There seem to be quite a few options and things to keep one occupied.
Also, why is there no book club?