The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+rosmerta'

Apr. 23rd, 2014



We are removing eggs from the menu for the foreseeable future. After the last two days I have had my fill of them.

Apr. 16th, 2014



My goodness, it doesn't look like the village is any less Quidditch-crazed now that the Hydras' season are done. Just yesterday I had to wrestle a Bats fan off a Wanderers fan and kick them both out for disturbing the peace, and then of course Aberforth came storming in moments later because apparently they'd picked up their fight in his pub.

I am trying to imagine two grown men- more than grown, they were at least fifty!- getting up after a scuffle, walking the entire distance of the village from The Three Broomsticks to The Hog's Head, and then resuming their scuffling once more.


But for the curious, The Three Broomsticks will be open and tuning in to the games until the playoffs end! Specials every night, just don't get into trouble. I'm back in the kitchen temporarily so it's not going to be easy breaking out fights when they happen. Remember, everyone, it's just a game.

But the Harpies are going to kick everyone's arse!

Apr. 1st, 2014



The last time The Three Broomsticks hosted a listening party to the Hydras game was such a success that we are doing it again tomorrow! It's cheaper than heading to Holyhead, and you'll be among friends. We'll do drink specials and games and it'll be a grand time!

Specials start at six.

Mar. 19th, 2014



Stupid owls and stupid charms and stupid restaurants! A barn owl tapped on my window this morning and dropped a letter outside my doorstep before I could let it in. I go outside to pick it up- nothing but junk owl, some invitation to a frou-frou restaurant opening- and maybe it was the light snow outside, but somehow when I got back inside my entire apartment is snowing! Inside! It's supposed to be warm and heated and cozy!

I didn't install the charms but my Charms Guy says he's booked til tomorrow. Tomorrow my house will be a sopping wet mess! I do not have until tomorrow!

To top it all off, I found out that the Skins are no more. Why? I enjoyed those abs games.

Nov. 11th, 2013



It's very cold outside, but if you can stand the trek, there's a fire going in The Three Broomsticks and the Cannons/Wasps game on the wireless. All your favorites on the menu are half off, and we've also got drink specials going, to better keep the warmth around!

Come on by and let's make it a party.

Aug. 19th, 2013



If you catch me at a bad mood this week, don't take it personally.

My mother is in town.

Jul. 24th, 2013



My, my, what an influx of lovely new faces around here. If you've been here less than a month, your dinner is on me. Thursday, 6-10pm at The Three Broomsticks. Who shall I pencil in?

Jul. 10th, 2013



What is this new Pensievery business, hm? I have been seeing the notices but I still don't know what it is.

Private to Hannah: Who are the good-looking gentlemen in Town Hall? I passed by this morning and there were two of them. I swear I did not see them before. You usually know everyone, so give me the details. There's a hard cider in it for you, but if you're also interested, I have first dibs on the one with the broad shoulders.

Oh, never mind. Broad Shoulders is Cormac McLaggen. He's a DMLE agent. Excuse me while I fan myself.

Jul. 7th, 2013



Why didn't somebody tell me the pick-up teams were named Skins and Shirts because of what they wore? I missed two matches for no good reason!

No matter, I will be there next week. Members of the winning team can also enjoy a free meal and half off drinks at The Three Broomsticks that Sunday. It's the least we can do.