The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+julian'

Jun. 13th, 2014




Hogsmeade, you're wonderful and amazing, but you're gonna have to learn to live without me for a week because my girlfriend is even more wonderful and amazing.

In other news, has anyone tried Honeyduke's flavoured sugar quills lately? They might be giving Bertie Botts' a run for their money.

Apr. 9th, 2014




Gnomes. Gnomes everywhere. I was told there was a bit of an infestation problem but until I went to the little plot of land behind the Town Hall I didn't realise just how bad it was.

Now I know what I'll be doing this morning.

Mar. 17th, 2014




The following notice also appears in multiple places around the village

Notice from the Town Council

We've received multiple reports that the water has turned green overnight. Rest assured we're looking into the matter right now, but continued testing has shown us that the water is affected only in terms of appearance. Boiling the water seems to clear it up of any traces of green colour and makes the water potable for drinking again. We suggest that you do this if you're affected, and we'll look into where the water is getting turned green.

Questions, concerns, owls or howlers, please send them to the Town Hall.


Mar. 9th, 2014




Warded to all the blokes in Hogsmeade EXCEPT Asher

Is anybody out there looking for a roommate? I have one, slightly used, can come with the flat or can move into yours, but preference is for you to move in. Doesn't cook, but stays out of your way. Comes with a witch who sometimes stays over, but makes you pancakes in the morning. Swears a bit and can be gruff, but means well.

If interested, please contact me. No arseholes need apply.

Feb. 9th, 2014




Well, this night calls for whiskey.

Warded to anyone involved in this exchange:

Need I remind everyone that these journals were created and distributed to residents in an effort to encourage building better relationships with others, not destroying them?

Now I've no power to enforce any kind of rules around here, but please, this isn't the sort of thing Hogsmeade is here to do.

Feb. 1st, 2014



Journal: Announcement

For the week of Valentine's, the Hogsmeade Town Council has partnered with Qualitea to host a few events that we think could be entertaining for the town.

The first of these is a Couples Game where we would be challenging couples -- anywhere from as new as a day old to twenty years together -- to a game to see how well they know each other. The winning couple gets a weekend's stay at a bed and breakfast in lovely Cornwall.

If you are interested, please reply to this entry using the following form and ward it private to Julian:

The other is a Dating Game. We haven't decided yet what the format would be, and would like to base this on interest. The winning couple will get a night's date in London.

If you are interested in that, please reply to this entry using the following form. Again, don't forget to ward it to Julian:

More details forthcoming. Thank you!

Jan. 4th, 2014




Let's recap, shall we?

1. No cups. Tremendous transfiguration work, you two, but I don't think those paper napkins were really built for drinks.

2. No food. I must admit, that got everyone in the party mood.

3. Not one, not two, not even three-- five complaints posted to the door of the flat this morning.

4. Raging hangovers all around, and I did pass by Eye of Newt, who seem to be offering some kind of special. At least they were ready.

5. Roger disappeared halfway through the night. At his own party. Thanks, mate.

Warded to Asher 6. And sex in the kitchen? Really? /End Ward

7. Both of you need to come back here and clean up, by the way. Cho took care of a spill last night, but you've got the rest of the place to look after.

Dec. 17th, 2013




In case this village ever needs a sailor/mermaid chantey expert, Asher Chambers is your man.

His vocal range is pretty decent too. Is the choir looking for more members? Give the man a solo!

Oct. 15th, 2013



Journal: Thanks

Still somewhat recovering from the last weekend. It's been crazy and exhausting but altogether a lot of fun, I think. At least, that seems to be the feedback we're getting right now. I can't take all the credit for it though-- truly, it wouldn't have been what it was without everyone's help. If you volunteered, ran a booth/stall, played in either of the games or even dropped by, the festival wasn't what it was without you.

So, thank you, everyone.

We'll do this again around the holidays.

Oct. 5th, 2013




Private to Merrill

Everything alright, mate? Zacharias said you weren't playing tomorrow.

Oct. 2nd, 2013



Journal: Fall Festival

I realise I've done a terrible job with communicating the Fall Festival details, but nevertheless, here's what I can tell you:

Gulliver's Dragons will be playing!
(We're working on getting the local choir there too, but we'll see.)
We've got booths from Foxglove, Summerbird, The Three Broomsticks, Honeyduke's, and even The Magical Neep is setting something up, so there will be plenty of yummy goodies.

There shall be fun and games for everyone, all the usual stuff. Professor Trelawney has graciously agreed to set up a fortune-telling booth for us, and there will be boat rides on the lake as well. The festival will be held primarily at Hogsmeade Park, and the pick-up game on Sunday will be part of the festivities. We're bringing the Pensievery out as well, and running movies from Saturday to Sunday.

We're looking for volunteers to help man two booths (The Pensievery and the ticket booth) that the Town Council is doing, for six-hour shifts beginning 4pm on Friday, 10am on Saturday, 4pm on Saturday, 10am on Sunday, and 4pm on Sunday.

The schedule right now:
4pm - Fall Festival opening ceremony
5pm - Festival booths open
7pm - Hydras home game vs Arrows
10pm - Town social in Hogsmeade Park

10am - Festival booths open
11am - Pensievery special: Labyrinth
2pm - Pensievery special: Hocus Pocus
5pm - Pensievery special: TBD
7pm - Gulliver's Dragon Concert in the Park

10am - Festival booths open
10:30am - Pick-up game
11am - Pensievery special: TBD
2pm - Pensievery special: TBD
7pm - Movie in the park: The Princess Bride

4pm on Friday
Pensievery -
Tickets - Neville Longbottom

10am on Saturday
Pensievery -
Tickets - Merrill Urquhart and Roger Davies

4pm on Saturday
Pensievery -
Tickets - Justin Finch-Fletchley

10am on Sunday
Pensievery -
Tickets - Lucy Spinks

4pm on Sunday.
Pensievery -
Tickets - Lisa Turpin

Private to Dan Bradley I was hoping to speak with you about something -- would any of your players be willing to do signings/appearances during the festival?

Aug. 28th, 2013




How feasible is it to plan a fall festival in a month, do you think? I was thinking it might be a good way to showcase Hogsmeade artists and food products. We could do it at Hogsmeade Park, have a few fairground attractions, some programming...

But in a month? Too ambitious or do you suppose it's doable?

Jul. 29th, 2013




Does anyone have any special requests or ideas for the Pensievery? Or any memories of shows you'd like to share? I'm trying to plan ahead for the coming weeks and someone gave me the idea of soliciting input from everyone here. We do want to put up shows you'd like, so if you've seen anything good recently, let me know!

And while we're at it, is there anything else the town council could be doing in terms of activities? The nature hikes haven't been too popular-- is there interest or is it a timing issue? What kinds of events do you want to see? A cook-off? Fair? Anything else?

Jul. 8th, 2013




A Monday morning site visit to the Shrieking Shack wasn't exactly my idea of a relaxing first day, but government work, right? What can you do. I should have known better than to go in wearing my favourite shirt, though. Now that's a new load of laundry I hadn't planned to do until the weekend.

You'll be pleased to know, though, that the Shrieking Shack no longer appears haunted. What it is, though, is falling apart. It's a public hazard and with students coming in every Hogsmeade weekend and daring each other to go into it, it really shouldn't stay that way very long.

My first instinct is to tear it down completely and use the lot for a new building, but that's too easy. Hogsmeade can be more creative with it.

Any ideas?