The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+millicent'

Jun. 7th, 2014



Log | A Bar-Bee-Q

WHO | The Davies-Urquhart family, as well as their guests.
WHEN | Saturday, June 7, from 5:00 p.m. on.
WHERE | The Davies-Urquhart home (19 Main Street).
WHAT | A bar-bee-q.
RATING | TBD - low to moderate?
STATUS | Ongoing and open.

Though the weather wasn't quite as ideal as on past Saturdays - there was a slight chill to the Scottish air, as well as the threat of rain in the grey clouds overhead - Merrill, Roger, and Violet were ensconced in the garden by 5:00 p.m. As narrow as the townhome (though long in length), the green space was wild with colour - and well-stocked with food and beverage, now.

Jun. 5th, 2014



owl to draco

The owl carries a garish green and silver card, simply signed with an "M" and an "R", which plays tinny music when opened. Inside, a certificate thanks Draco for his subscription, informing him that he will receive a new type of whiskey and chocolate by owl post each month for the next year.

May. 30th, 2014



Log: Birthday Party!!!

Who: ANYONE! invitation or not -- feel free to crash!
What: Caleb and Ritchie's joint b-day party
When: Saturday, May 31, from 7PM - ?
Where: a secluded Welsh campground
Rating: PG 13 at least, for shenanigans
Status: ongoing

Trellyn Woodland, in Wales, is pretty much your basic campsite -- lots of space, lots of trees, not a lot of people. Of the seven pitches available, Millicent and Tracey booked the most secluded, and carefully set up an anti-muggle barrier before the guests arrived, on the off chance any outsiders should be drawn to investigate their celebrations.

May. 26th, 2014




Sent to: Stewart Ackerly, Katie Bell, Lucian Bole, Dan Bradley, Lavender Brown, James Cadwallader, Serena Capper, Asher Chambers, Merrill Davies-Urquhart, Roger Davies-Urquhart, Maxwell Derrick, Julian Dorny, Fera Dunstan, Marietta Edgecombe, Marcus Flint, Victoria Frobisher, Hermione Granger, Astoria Greengrass, Angelina Johnson, Megan Jones, Viktor Krum, Alexei Levski, Aidan Lynch, Morag MacDougal-Levski, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Malfoy, Cormac McLaggen, Eloise Midgen, Graham Montague, Gwendolyn Montgomery, Isabel Moon, Pansy Parkinson, Jimmy Peakes, Harry Potter, Adrian Pucey, Orla Quirke, Jack Sloper, Zacharias Smith, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, Jacob Vaisey, Romilda Vane, Myron Wagtail, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini

When the envelope is opened, a burst of magic fireworks and all-too-real glitter explodes from within. The illustrated flames on the invitation itself are charmed to flicker with light, hissing and popping like a real campfire.

May. 14th, 2014



Log: Have you just spilt tea all down your front?

Who:Ritchie and Millicent
What: fluffy domestic type stuff
When: Wednesday night, after Ritchie gets off work
Where: Millie's flat
Rating: I'm going to tentatively say low
Status: ongoing complete!

And we could pretend it all the time )

Apr. 27th, 2014



Log: Great Lake Picnic

Who: OPEN!
What: End of the month picnic (sponsored by the Hogsmeade Town Council)
When: Sunday at 6pm
Where: By the Great Lake
Rating: Will be NSFW apparently :|
Status: Ongoing

Though during the winter months the Great Lake Picnic had been put on hold, but now that the weather has become warmer, the first of the picnics for the year 2006 was well under way. As with previous picnics, the Town Council sponsored the provision of some food, invited a few Hogsmeade vendors over, and allowed residents to come bring their own food. There was music in the background and a campfire in the middle of the field. There are no organised activities, the picnic a purely social community activity.

Apr. 23rd, 2014



Log: Ritchie and Millie

Who: Ritchie Coote and Millicent Bulstrode

What: Someone says "I love you"!!!! Who says it first?! Does the other say it back?! SUSPENSE!

When: backdated to Sunday -- After Easter dinner at Ritchie’s Gram’s house.

Where: Millie’s flat.

Rating: Super fluffy and sweet to start, though likely to graduate into NSFW territory later on. (NB: It totes did.)

Status: Complete!

I wanna kiss you every minute, every hour, every day / You got me in a spin but everything is A-OK! )

Apr. 8th, 2014



log: Merrill and Millicent

Who: Merrill and Millicent
What: curry!
When: Tuesday evening
Where: London
Rating: low, except language
Status: ongoing

It was warmer in the city than it was father north, and the fine weather seemed to have brought everyone out that evening, judging by the number of pedestrians that greeted them outside the Leaky Cauldron. Or maybe Millicent had just gotten used to the small population of Hogsmeade. She and Merry merged into the flow of foot traffic, sticking close together and keeping conversation to a minimum until a few turns away from the Leaky Cauldron brought them to a quieter street.

"Bloody hell," Millicent muttered, tugging at the hem of her light jacket. "All of London chose tonight to eat out, it seems like. You fancy anywhere in particular?"



Owl to Merrill


Where the bloody hell have you been hiding lately? Didn't abandon us all for that Italian sunshine, did you? Or is it me who's too damn busy?


Apr. 7th, 2014



log: a customer gets more than he bargained for

Who: Theodore, Millicent, and Terry
What: a bit too much celebrating has unfortunate consequences
When: Monday morning
Where: Eye of Newt
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Millicent glanced at Theodore out of the corner of her eye, and not for the first time that morning. From the moment of her arrival at the shop, it had been clear that Theodore wasn't at his best. Assuming he was just a bit peaked, she'd said nothing about it, but-- honest to Salazar-- he seemed worse now than before. Frowning, Millicent put aside the potion she'd just finished labeling and turned to Theo.

"You look like shite, mate," she said, crossing her arms. "I can watch the shop, if you want to skive off for the rest of the day."

Apr. 4th, 2014



Log: More Training

Who: Orla and Millie
What: Extra Training
When: Friday evening
Where: Quidditch pitch in the park
Rating: SFW? MIillie did say she wouldn't be too cruel...
Status: Ongoing

I get knocked down, but I get up again )

Apr. 1st, 2014



log: when is a sugar quill not a sugar quill?

Who: Ritchie and Millicent
What: slightly unexpected sweets
When: Wednesday, during Millicent's lunch break
Where: behind Eye of Newt
Rating: low, save for language
Status: ongoing complete!

When Ritchie arrived, Millicent was just finishing up a transaction for one of several ancient wizards who came into the apothecary for potions to ward off indigestion, restore hair growth, or counteract impotence. Given that this was one of the latter, she avoided eye contact, sliding the decrepit bastard his change before sending him off with a curt nod.

"Come on," she said, once the door closed behind the departing wizard and they were left alone. She gestured for Ritchie to come behind the counter, then kissed him soundly, if briefly, when he did. "We'll head out the back so I can let Theo know I'm going on break." Taking his hand, they slipped out through the storeroom, pausing only long enough for Millicent to grab her bagged lunch and shout for Theodore to come man the till.

The open area just behind the shop allowed them a bit of privacy and the run of slightly warmer temperatures the village had been enjoying lately meant that they could actually sit outside without freezing their arses off. It wasn't the most comfortable of spots, but there was a weather-worn little table they could eat at, along with a pair of chairs. Millicent dropped in one of these and used the toe of her foot to pull the other closer, nodding for Ritchie to join her.

Mar. 30th, 2014



Owl to Isabel

The owl carries a small box, inside of which is a pea pod inspired necklace and the following note.


Thought you deserved something in honour of your first Mother's Day and this seemed appropriate. Three beads: you, Zacharias, and Pea.


Mar. 25th, 2014



Flitterbies Practice

WHO | Members of the Foxglove Flitterbies.
WHEN | 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 25.
WHERE | The Hogwarts pitch.
WHAT | The Flitterbies' off-broom workout.
RATING | To be determined. Presumably low?
STATUS | Ongoing.

For all Draco demanded adherence to a strict Quidditch regimen, he was far from an unfeeling or unreasonable captain. The off-pitch drills he selected were intended to increase flexibility, stamina, and strength-- not to injure or punish. And when practice concluded at 6:00 a.m., he was the individual most exhausted and most drenched in sweat.

Mar. 24th, 2014




Owls to Caleb, Megan, and Jimmy

Hey, I'm sorry this is late notice, but can one of you do Izzy's morning shifts with Megan? We're in hospital; Pea tried to arrive a little earlier. Izzy's fine, but she's on bedrest for now.


Owls to Tracey, Millicent, Lucian, Marcus and Theodore

Just so you know, Pea almost arrived tonight. Izzy's fine-- the Healer is putting her on bed rest and we're going back tomorrow-- but if you have time to drop by the next few days I think she'd really appreciate that.


Mar. 23rd, 2014




Owls to Millicent Bulstrode, Tracey Davis, and Theodore Nott

I've a Veela problem.

Mar. 18th, 2014



Owl to Millicent


Somehow, pick-up Quidditch has convinced Draco to return to Hogsmeade. Only now he's recreating his training regimen from when he played. I think he's just swung from one end of the pendulum to another.




Quidditch Owls

Owls to Members of the Foxglove Flitterbies: M. Bulstrode, R. Coote, T. Nott, O. Quirke, J. Peakes, and Z. Smith

The bird requires a signature of delivery confirmation prior to its departure.


5:00 - 6:00 a.m.
On-Broom Fitness and Strategy Drills (Hogwarts Pitch)

5:00 - 6:00 a.m.
Pre-Match Off-Pitch Strategy Review (14A High Street)

Immediately Following Match Conclusion
Post-Match Off-Pitch Pensieve Review (Town Hall)

5:00 - 6:00 a.m.
Off-Broom Fitness and Strategy Drills (Hogwarts Pitch)


Mar. 17th, 2014



log: Ritchie and Millicent

Who: Ritchie and Millicent
What: a late homecoming and some talking after that
When: late Monday night, after this
Where: Millie's flat
Rating: low? why did I even write that? NSFW
Status: ongoing

Millicent hadn't meant to come home so late. Her original plan had been to go to Moldova with Theodore, talk to Draco, and-- hopefully-- make it home right around the time Ritchie finished up at the station. Once they'd arrived in Moldova to find that Draco wasn't there, however, everything had begun to unravel quickly. Waiting for Draco to return had eaten up time and talking with him more beyond that. Millicent ended up taking the Floo back to the village so late that it was practically the first hours of Tuesday morning when she finally arrived at the door to her flat.

Once inside, she shrugged off her coat without looking around to see if Ritchie had stayed to meet her. It wouldn't be a big deal if he'd left. No one wanted to wait around in someone else's empty flat, and with no idea when she'd be home, he could've easily opted to return to his own place.



log: a trip to Moldova

Who: Draco, Theodore, and Millicent
What: fetching Draco home
When: Monday evening
Where: D&T's flat in Moldova
Rating: low, save for language
Status: ongoing complete!

At the end of the day, once the shop was closed, Theodore and Millicent traveled by Floo to Moldova as planned. They'd talked off and on throughout the day about how to convince Draco to return to Hogsmeade, but, as they made their way from the public Floo station to the flat in which Draco and Theodore had once resided, Millicent had no firm strategy in mind but one. Make it happen. If, despite her best efforts, he still refused to return... Millicent pushed the thought from had mind. He would, that was all there was to it. Hogsmeade without Draco and Theodore would be unbearable.

Millicent followed Theo through the door and gave the place a quick once over, frowning when she saw it was empty. "He's not here," she said, flatly.