The Last Station

July 2014


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April 30th, 2014



Journal: Alicia

If I or anyone even remotely resembling me contacts you in person about anything, please make sure that it's actually me and not Lucian Bole.

[Private to Julian]
I'm in the upstairs guest bedroom. Everything is wrong and I didn't want to wake you up. I'm sorry. And we're almost out of quills. I promise I will explain everything as best I can, but please, if you come up here, put on that hideous shirt you know I don't like. Please don't let Isla come up here, but give her a kiss and a hug and tell her I love her, but I

tell her I have to work.

[Private to Emma]
Is is possible that you and Isla can spend today out of the house? Take her to the Zoo somewhere or your place, please? Just ask Julian for any money you may need for this.

[Private to Cormac]
Any chance you can take Isla tonight? Hopefully it won't come to that, but just in case?

[Private to Bole]
Could you for just a moment at least pretend to be a decent human being and have a set of clean clothes sent over here, please?

[Private to Healer Branstone]
I don't know how much you've seen on the journals since yesterday, but things aren't exactly right here, so you'll be on your own today (and until this get sorted out). As far as I recall there shouldn't be any new patients today, but I'll have my journal with me if there is anything.

Also, if I could have you send me a copy of Lucian Bole's medical records as well as a set of his currently prescribed Potions, I'd be very grateful. Might as well get the best out of this.

And a jar of Bruise Healing Paste, too, please.



Owl to Draco Malfoy


Is your shoulder still hurt from that Quidditch match? What have you been doing to treat it? It's rather uncomfortable.

- Lavender

Owl to Caleb Warrington

Warrington To hell with it, I'm calling you Caleb.


Since the effects don't seem to have worn off this morning, I'm going to assume you have to go to work. I've managed to alter some clothing to fit me-as-you, but if you need anything, I can't believe I'm writing this like bras or other underthings, I'd be willing to provide it for you from what I have here. At least everything would be the right size, then.

- Angelina



Journal: Andrew

Well. Choir tomorrow ought to be interesting if things haven't gone back to normal. I want to see if Malfoy can hit the notes Lavender thinks she can Lav's high notes.

[Warded to Alicia & Lavender]
Either of you need anything?

[Warded to Oliver]
Can I take you out to dinner Friday, to celebrate moving in and both being in our rightful bodies?

[Warded to Ginny, Lavender & Dan - added later]
Do any of you you have any sway over Bole? If you ask him not to do anything awful while he's in Ali's body will he listen?




Who: Open to Andrew, Alicia, Julian, Lavender and Angelina
What: Eat all the junk food you want and let Malfoy, Warrington and Bole work it off for you!
When: Wednesday afternoon from 3pm onwards
Where: Alicia's flat above Willing Wands
Rating: SFW? Maybe Definitely some language?
Status: Ongoing

I want a party with room fulls of laughter, ten thousand tons of ice cream )



journal: cormac

All these blokes being girls and girls being blokes is really weird. The fact that the mother of my child is currently a man is really messing with my mind, but hopefully it's not permanent.

But in other news, how about those Magpies? They're just fucking fantastic! They crushed the Harpies (seriously, they were never going to make it and only barely made it to the playoffs) and they will dominate the rest of the league! Anyone who doesn't see this is completely barking.

Log: It's a Birthday

Who: Ernie & anyone
What: A few drinks to celebrate the anniversary of one's birth
When: Wednesday evening
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low?
Status: On-going

Ernie had never been one to make a big deal out of his birthday. To him, it was worth noting that he'd made it through another year, but he was content to keep it to a quiet night. He suspected this was in part due to his upbringing and the way his parents instilled the values of putting others first - he wouldn't necessarily call having a birthday part selfish, but it just never felt right to him. That said, he could handle letting others celebrate with him since he'd also learned that birthday parties (even small, unstructured ones like he preferred for himself) were often just as much about the celebrants as the one being celebrated.

He'd finished planning out his final lessons for the rest of the term - a huge stress off of his mind - and wandered over to The Three Broomsticks. He grabbed a table near the middle of the room. He'd no illusions that there would be lines out the door, but he wanted the flexibility to include whomever might decide to drop by. He ordered himself a drink and settled in, quietly toasting to another year before anyone else showed up.



Owl: Draco Malfoy

Astoria's own owl sent at 5pm to Draco with specific instructions to deliver the letter even if he doesn't look like Draco


I was working the night shift last night and just woke up to see this mess in the journals. I'm piecing together what happened, someone already reported it to the DMLE and we're looking into it in case it was malicious. Are you okay? Is there anything I can do? Lavender Brown's body will stretch out my robes and underwear irreparably, but I offer them to you in any case. Your need is greater than mine and I can always buy more.

Just let me know if you need anything other than for me to find and punish whoever did this. Rest assured, I'm already working on that.





Four and a half experimental brews later and I'm no closer to figuring out how to turn the effects of that drink back. We tried to use Polyjuice as a temporary fix but it didn't even take at all.

Private to Lavender Brown

I hope you're enjoying his body. He's being surprisingly careful about yours, if it helps your peace of mind. Won't even let me kiss him.




Yikes! And to think I almost went to that tasting!

Private to Susan

Do you know if a package for me has arrived at the owlery? I was meant to check, but today got away from me. It's a small package from Witch Weekly and I think they said to expect it early this week, but I haven't received anything yet.