The Last Station

July 2014


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April 29th, 2014



Log: Maxwell and Victoria

Who: Victoria Frobisher and Maxwell Derrick
What: Following up on that lost invitation
When: Monday April 28 2006 - Evening
Where: Vic’s flat
Rating: TBD
Status: Ongoing

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Viktor Mans Up: A Log

Who: Viktor Krum and Lavender Brown.

What: Viktor finally works up the nerve to ask Lavender out on a date.

When: Tuesday, April 29.

Where: Bertie Bott's Stadium, the offices.

Rating: Low.

Status: Ongoing! Completed!

It's cool, not trying to put a rush on you / I had to let you know that I got a crush on you... )



Owl: Orla to Victoria

Attached is a leaflet for The National Gallery, highlighting rooms 43 and 44.

Dear Victoria,

I picked this leaflet up while I was in the theatre last week and it looks amazing! I wondered if you might like to go with me sometime this week or next. I'm sure between us we can navigate Muggle London.

Yours sincerely,



Journal: Warded to Susan Bones

Ms. Bones,

I apologise for contacting you like this, rather than going to the Owlery and doing this in person, but due to work, it will have to be done like this.

Yesterday morning I made use of the Owlery's service to send an Owl. The Owl was adressed clearly and properly yet the intended recipient still hasn't received said Owl. I fully understand that delays can occur, but we are talking about an Owl sent from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts.

Is there any way of finding out what happened to the missing Owl?

-Victoria Frobisher.


Students are definitely beginning to see the end of the term on the horizon. If I can get my seventh years to just focus many of them would do very well on their NEWTs, but that is turning into quite the chore.

Also, I know it's last minute, but if anyone wants to come around to The Three Broomsticks tomorrow around seven for a drink of celebration, do feel free.



journal: lavender


Warded to Viktor
I've taken on the appearance of Draco Malfoy due to a whiskey mishap, so perhaps we should reschedule our date until I'm back to looking like myself.




Well, I can't say this is the worst I've ever felt after drinking a new whiskey.

Has this happened to anyone else besides the ones I've seen in Luc's journal?

Warded to Tracey

Er, I think we should postpone our upcoming date, if that's all right.




Well shit, this is new.

Too bad I didn't get bigger tits.


Right. General announcement. I am not Caleb Warrington. And he is not me! I mean-- the person who looks like Angelina Johnson right now is not me! As soon as this gets reversed, I'm getting Obliviated, I swear to god.

Warded to Warrington
You had better not be doing anything inappropriate while you're me.

Warded to Katie, Alicia, and Terry
I'm freaking out. I'm a Death Eater! I'm not coming to work. I'm not leaving my flat until there's a way to fix this.