The Last Station

July 2014


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April 28th, 2014



Owl to Ritchie


How do you know if someone is into you?




Owl: Mistakenly delivered to Jimmy Peakes

Owl to Professor M. Derrick, Hogwarts )




I think we can go ahead and make it official: Spring has finally sprung! You know how I know? I mean, yes, it's obvious we've past the equinox and the flowers are blooming and everything smells just a little bit like dog poop that's been hidden under piles of melting snow for months and months and months. But, how I really know that it is Spring is because love definitely is in the air. I know this because I literally saw it in action yesterday.

I had to pop out of the Gryffindor get-together to pick up more cups (drunks, the lot of you, I swear). I cut through the Great Lake picnic on the way back and spied a couple celebrating their love for one another in a more, uh, physical way. Even though it isn't quite May yet, I'm pretty sure they were engaged in an activity that is quite popular during that month. Really, when you think about it, can you think of a better way to take advantage of the weather? Yeah, me neither.

How about everyone else? How will you enjoy nice weather?

Warded to Harry
Missed you yesterday after I left the party for the night. Once I got home I was sorry I didn't stay over after the shindig. Might have been a little telling if I had but it was definitely lonely at my place. How did you end up sleeping? And don't know I'll know if you're fibbing.

Warded to Andrew
How's cohabitation with the boyfriend treating you? Have you two even left the bedroom yet?

Warded to Romilda Vane
I can't believe I am telling you this. Tried to make an omelette this morning...ended setting off the smoke wards in my flat. Got any cook books I can borrow?



Log: Hufflepuff Party!

Who: Badgers and their friends
What: Potluck
When: Sunday evening (backdated)
Where: Justin's flat
Rating: SFW?
Status: Ongoing

Try not to worry bout a thing, enjoy the good times life can bring )



Journal: Warded to Maxwell/Victoria

All right there?