The Last Station

July 2014


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April 27th, 2014


[No Subject]

Another eventful week, and I really must thank Gwen for putting up with me. There is always a snag on every job I undertake, but walls falling down was not something I had planned for. Note to self, vintage buildings come with vintage challenges, namely damp and rot. The salon will be having a more open plan look than first anticipated, but I do think it will retain it's charm.

I must mention the fondue place again as I had lunch there Wednesday. Simply beautiful cheese.

As this week's work is now starting on interior, this leaves me a little time to visit old friends. Blaise, i'm looking at you, name the time and place. Would be great to get out of Hogsmeade for an evening, perhaps London?



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 6

Who: Open
What: Fromage vs Gladrags @ 10am; Foxglove vs Qualitea @ 2pm
When: Sunday
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 6 )




Fucking fantastic. Don't get me wrong-- Chasing is the bloody best, but I get the appeal of Seeking.

Warded to the Flitterbies
Is Draco back next week? I don't mind doing this again, if it's needed.


Congrats to Fromage. Great playing against you guys this week, and I look forward to next week's match against Qualitea.

Warded to the Gladrags Glumbumbles
Fantastic playing today, team. Don't worry about the loss-- we'll hit them hard next week. Practice on Wednesday as usual.

Warded to Katie and Terry
Did either of you stay to watch the second game? Warrington played Chaser, and I'd say I feel better about the prospect of repping him now. Do either of you have any further thoughts on the subject?

Log: Dinner with Friends

Who: Dan, Stewart, Lucy
What: Dinner!
When: Saturday evening
Where: Dan's flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

"She should be here any moment now," Dan said, turning to beam at Stewart. The food was ready, the drinks were out, the table was ready. Everything had a warming or cooling charm on, depending on what they needed, and Dan even charmed music to play softly in the background. "You're going to love her."



Log: Great Lake Picnic

Who: OPEN!
What: End of the month picnic (sponsored by the Hogsmeade Town Council)
When: Sunday at 6pm
Where: By the Great Lake
Rating: Will be NSFW apparently :|
Status: Ongoing

Though during the winter months the Great Lake Picnic had been put on hold, but now that the weather has become warmer, the first of the picnics for the year 2006 was well under way. As with previous picnics, the Town Council sponsored the provision of some food, invited a few Hogsmeade vendors over, and allowed residents to come bring their own food. There was music in the background and a campfire in the middle of the field. There are no organised activities, the picnic a purely social community activity.


The Catapults won in 6 games, the first team to advance to their conference finals.

And there goes my bracket.

Log: end of the first day

Who: Hannah Abbott and Malcolm Baddock
What: cleaning up after the restaurant closes for the night
When: late Sunday
Where: Fromage
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

As far as first days went, Mal thought this one had been pretty good. Yeah, he was still finding his sea legs, so to speak, but there hadn't been any glaring errors. Nothing burned, nothing broken, and no customer complaints that had made it back to him. Maybe it was something to do with the fact that a lot of people had gone to the village picnic, leaving him fewer opportunities to screw up, but Mal liked to take it as a good sign anyway.

Once the restaurant had closed, it wasn't long before he and Hannah were among the last ones left. They cleaned up the kitchen in comfortable silence, Mal not being one to talk for no reason, especially while he worked. At this point, most of the after hours straightening up was second nature, and he automatically put things away where he'd always been accustomed to them belonging in the kitchen, without considering whether things were arranged differently at Fromage.



Owl to Lucian Bole

A crumpled piece of parchment, torn from Kate's journal, unwittingly bears her question on one side and this conversation on the other. The subject of the debate is unclear.

You work out in the off-season, Handsome? Because I could do with a run.



log: Gryffindor party!

Who: Gryffindors and +1s
What: House gathering
When: Sunday starting at 5pm
Where: Harry's flat
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

Despite not catching the snitch, Harry had thoroughly enjoyed Quidditch that morning. How could Harry be upset at missing the snitch when he was flying against a professional Seeker?

Thanks to Ginny sneaking into his flat prior to the gathering (and Kreacher's cooking, of course), everything was ready by the time 5 o'clock rolled around. Now all the gathering needed was some more Gryffindors.



[No Subject]

Bear does not like his little doggy bed, so he's appropriated ours with his new friend, Bear Jr.

And Draco's letting him.



[No Subject]

I'm bored and there's

It's been a rather busy few weeks, despite the very long holiday and I think things will settle a bit better this upcoming week. Though we do have a fair few games coming up, so that will keep me occupied.

This feels like a complete lie