The Last Station

July 2014


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April 16th, 2014


log: Quidditch collision

Who: Jack Sloper, Angelina Johson, and Alicia Spinnet
What: an accident during the Gladrags' practice session
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Hogsmeade park
Rating: low except swearing?
Status: ongoing

The Gladrags' last game had ended in a draw, which-- while not as good as winning-- wasn't an embarrassing outcome, by any means. Angie worked the team a little harder at their weekly practice session, running a few extra drills to make sure everyone ready for next week's match. She still struggled to control her tendency toward perfectionism, reminding herself that the pick-up league was a fun enterprise. So what if their Beaters weren't the most skilled, and their Seeker's performance uneven, and she and Trrry could hardly keep from sniping at each other during practice? It was fine. Everything was fine.

Angelina was hovering low, her attention so focused on the drill some of her teammates were running by the goals, that she had no notion Jack was anywhere nearby until a flicker of motion in her peripheral vision made her turn her head-- just too late to brace herself for impact. Tumbling off her broom, Angelina hit the ground hard, her left elbow and shoulder absorbing most of the impact. Of course I landed on my bad side, she thought. Followed immediately by, Thank Merlin I wasn't flying any higher. And finally, Fuck that hurts.

Sitting up, she tentatively tried to move her arm, wincing as pain shot up from her elbow.



Journal 3

I had the great pleasure of watching my first pickup Quidditch game in town this past weekend. Who knew there was so much hidden talent in such a tiny town! I urge you all to come out next year for the Hydra's if we have any open positions...who knows, you could be the next Quidditch superstar on a promising, second year team! You will have to work under me and I have been known to be a very cruel taskmaster but other than that, everyone is quite nice.

Now that the regular season is over, and even with all the off season practices and conditioning, I have entirely too much time on my hands. I want to take advantage of all the activities the village has to offer. Anyone have any suggestions? I have already read the book for book club (when will that start again?) but I heard there was a knitting club. I always felt my Seeker abilities would lend itself well to the hobby. Perhaps if I am any good, I will find a new occupation! Would anyone buy a Krum sweater? Krum scarves? Krum overalls? Bestsellers, I am thinking! Please inquire below to pre-order the must own fashion items for Autumn!


I'm looking forward to the Harpies/Magpies match tonight. It's odd not having a horse in the race, figuratively speaking, but remarkably stress-free.

Warded to Aidan, Viktor, Marcus and Lavender

It's still a little early to make decisions but I want to schedule regular weekly meetings until the playoffs end so we have a game plan next season regarding the team and our personnel.

Warded to Stewart

With the long weekend coming up, what do you think about nipping off to Cabo San Lucas?


My goodness, it doesn't look like the village is any less Quidditch-crazed now that the Hydras' season are done. Just yesterday I had to wrestle a Bats fan off a Wanderers fan and kick them both out for disturbing the peace, and then of course Aberforth came storming in moments later because apparently they'd picked up their fight in his pub.

I am trying to imagine two grown men- more than grown, they were at least fifty!- getting up after a scuffle, walking the entire distance of the village from The Three Broomsticks to The Hog's Head, and then resuming their scuffling once more.


But for the curious, The Three Broomsticks will be open and tuning in to the games until the playoffs end! Specials every night, just don't get into trouble. I'm back in the kitchen temporarily so it's not going to be easy breaking out fights when they happen. Remember, everyone, it's just a game.

But the Harpies are going to kick everyone's arse!



Warded to Ritchie/Millicent

As soon as you left this morning, the cats stole my toast. Hot, buttery toast with jam wasted on your mean, conspiring cats. My whole day is ruined and so is your ottoman, I think. Simply covered in jelly pawprints. I miss you. You should come and meet me for dinner. I'll share my bagel with you and everything.



Log: Mid-Week Specials at the Hog's Head

What: Mid-week special
When: Tonight!
Where: The Hog's Head
Rating: Low, but if it goes high it wouldn't be the first time Aberforth has to clean up the bathroom
Status: Ongoing

The Hog's Head, in a bid to lure more customers, has organized a mid-week special on Wednesday. It's half-off pints and 7-knut appetizers from 5pm to 7pm, with music from The Weird Sisters blaring from an unknown source.

At 9pm, the doors are closed and Aberforth Dumbledore announced that all pints are a knut apiece to the joy of everyone... until the bathrooms are used.

Happy drinking!



Log | Draco and Theodore

WHO | Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott.
WHEN | The evening of Wednesday, April 16.
WHERE | The Malfoy-Nott flat.
WHAT | A new Malfoy-Nott joins the fold.
STATUS | Ongoing.

Draco was 99% certain that Davies had followed him - both that afternoon and the one prior. Yet again, Davies' mutt had whined when Draco started toward the flat, but Draco's tolerance had been low, the pain in his injured shoulder distracting. He'd given in for Merlin knew what reason, and now there was a monster sleeping on their sitting room floor, in front of the fire he'd charmed to life. At least Death and Destruction hadn't tried to eat him.




Last week Draco returned home raving mad about some kind of monster on a leash that he ran into.

Today he came home with him.

The monster in question?

A truly fearsome ball of fur behemoth named Bear.