The Last Station

July 2014


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April 17th, 2014



Journal: West End Trip

So, since there's no choir this week I thought I'd lead an excursion into London's West End for a show instead! No idea which one as I'm planning on turning up to Leicester Square and seeing what they've got tickets for.

Anyone who wants to come, meet me at the Floo at half past five. That should give us time to get there, get tickets and make our way to the theatre(s).

Wear muggle-appropriate clothes! Bring muggle money if you've got it, but if not you can pay me for the tickets in wizarding money.

[Warded to Oliver]
Might be back late. If you don't want to come, do you think you could see your way to setting the wards on your flat to let me in? I'd like to wake up with you tomorrow morning, and you're going to have to do it soon anyway.



Owl to Jimmy Peakes

The owl brings a parcel that contains a small coffee, chorizo sandwich, and a cinnamon scone.

I know it wasn't your fault.

- R



Journal 6

Well, Hogsmeade, I have some news. With some very knowledgeable suggestions from the beautiful and intelligent Morag MacDougal-Levski, her architectural restoration firm, and in accordance with the Ministry of Magic...I, Blaise Zabini, now officially own The Shrieking Shack and its surrounding land. Now, before anyone gets their knickers in a bunch, just listen.

The Shrieking Shack is now, officially, a historical landmark as approved by the Ministry. However, with appropriate restoration and spellwork, it will be able to be repurposed for commercial use as long as the original structure is kept in its entirety. There will be some cosmetic charms done so it doesn't look like a complete shithole but otherwise, everyone wins. I get my property and everyone who wanted to keep the Shack can still walk by it every single minute of every single day if they so choose. Just know you'll see me outside of it, swimming in galleons and laughing.

Originally I thought to make it an art gallery. I have also heard suggestions for a wine bar, a spa, a massage parlor, and a night club. There was also some scuttlebutt about a polyjuice brothel but, alas, that would violate the terms of the historical preservation of the building. Also, it being illegal and all, there is that little chestnut. What other establishments would you like to see in Hogsmeade, residents?

Warded to Lisa something-or-other
Didn't you want to photograph the Shack or whatever? Or will that not be necessary since it isn't going anywhere?




Today at work, someone's pants caught on fire, and I put it out. Them too. I'm basically a hero. But I won't feel like celebrating until the Cats win their match. Urgh why did they have to be up against the United? I hate the United.

Warded to Jimmy

Did you get your butt checked out? Are you going to be okay? Do you want to take tomorrow off? Have you figured out why your pants were on fire yet?



Log: West End

Who: Open to everyone!
What: London's West End to see a show (or shows)
When: Thursday Night
Where: London, Hogsmeade
Rating: SFW
Status: OPEN

Give 'em the ole razzle dazzle )

(OOC Note: Feel free to join! And to say your characters went to see whatever show you'd like. Some things that were on in London in 2006 include: Les Mis, The Lion King, Chicago, Fame, We Will Rock You, Phantom of the Opera, Footloose, Guys and Dolls, Mary Poppins, Mamma Mia! )