The Last Station

July 2014


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April 15th, 2014




For anyone keeping track, we are now in full beard season for Caleb Warrington. I seem to have done this backwards, though, as the weather's heating up now right as I've just developed a growth on my face. Poor planning on my end, but I still look dashing and rugged.

In case anyone was wondering, by the way, the Warbeck concert changed my life.

Warded to Bell and Johnson
Thanks again for your consideration . I look forward from hearing from you.




I don't even know what I'm going to do with myself once Hogsmeade weekends are over. I might actually have time to have a life! Who would've thought?

I'm still recuperating from this past weekend and from losing my knickers at work yesterday. You know what we need in Hogsmeade? Or at least somewhere nearby? A proper spa with loads of different kinds of bubbles and ways to relax. Everyone looks so tense and busy with work all the time. I People just need to relax.



Journal: Long Weekend

I know I mentioned this on Thursday, but just a reminder that there's no Hogsmeade Choir this week to give you all a head start on your Easter long weekend. We'll be back in the town hall on Thursday 24th.

Which reminds me - Dominic Maestro's is also closed all four days of the long weekend so if you need anything, best get it Thursday or before.

[Warded to Oliver]
You've got the long weekend off too, right? None of the Hogwarts teams are going to need you over the Easter break? Because I'm all yours any day but Sunday.



Log: Sunny Afternoon

Who: Lucy and OPEN
What: Lucy's at work
When: Tuesday, 13.30
Where: Willing Wands shop
Rating: SFW
Status: OPEN

Who can take a sunrise, dip it in a dream )



journal: hannah

I popped into Honeydukes today for sugarquills but somehow ended up with a hand full of chocolate frogs instead. You'd think I got enough chocolate at work, but I was feeling nostalgic I suppose because I collected the cards when I was younger. Did anyone else?

One of the cards I got was for Andros the Invincible. Hadn't seen that one in ages. I forgot that his patronus was said to be the size of a giant. Don't you think it would take a lot of magic to make a patronus that big? I struggle enough with--


Playoffs start tomorrow, so don't forget to fill your brackets if you haven't yet! Right now we're up to 9 galleons for the grand prize but we could up that some more, can't we?

The schedule for the curious:

OOC: Results to be posted here

As soon as the first match result comes up I won't accept any more bracket entries, so go go go.




Just heard back today that I've got tickets for Thursday's Catapults match! Excuse me while I go paint my entire body yellow in preparation for it. Should be a good kick-off to this season's play-offs!

Anyone who's lived in Hogsmeade for longer than us Project-ers -- what's there to do in the summer? I know I'm looking forward to the season properly arriving and expect many more of you to join me in more lake swims now that it won't be so polar.



[No Subject]

Who: Gwendolyn Montgomery and Jake Vaisey
What: Drinks and fun
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Gwen's flat
Rating: NC17
Status: Ongoing

Firewhiskey was his drink of choice tonight )



[No Subject]

Opening weekend and I'm terribly excited! It's a whole new play, so I'm looking forward to seeing the reactions. We're doing a preview on Friday and then a regular show on Saturday, matinee and evening show on Sunday and a second matinee on Monday for the Bank holiday crowd. The run will be through the end of march, and there's a special showing on the 19th. It's going to be terribly busy, but certainly a good busy. My staff's fully trained up so that's certainly helping matters and I have the best designer in the country to help.

If any of you want to come, do let me know, I'll bring you in to the cast party thereafter!

Do you need anything from me for the meeting?

How are things?

How are you darling, feels like we haven't spoken in ages.



log: pansy/ginny

Who: Pansy and Ginny
What: Ginny's looking for Hermione but finds Pansy instead
When: Wednesday, late morning
Where: Hogsmeade Reads
Rating: SFW
Status: ongoing

With Hermione away running errands, Pansy decided to take advantage of her solitude and attempt to crack open the diary she'd discovered over the weekend. One of the students must have left it when they were in the village, but who ever it belonged to was damn good at locking spells. The owner was probably a bloody Ravenclaw.

She was cross referencing Keeping Secrets Secret when the front door chimed. Looking up, she let out a slight sigh of relief as she discovered it wasn't Hermione... However the she Weasel wasn't exactly someone she wanted to see at this moment either. Though painful to produce, Pansy gave Weasley a slight smile (though it was really more of a sneer) and said, "Morning."