The Last Station

July 2014


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March 28th, 2014



Seriously, you guys, I will pay good money to anyone who can figure out how to get tellies working in Hogsmeade. I HAVE HAD A POPCORN MAKER SITTING IN MY KITCHEN FOR OVER A WEEK JUST BEGGING TO BE USED.

I might just give it to my dad in exchange for me crashing at his now and then to watch a movie at his place.

Unless someone wants to put on a play in my living room?


With the whirlwind of the last couple of weeks- or has it been months?- it seems I've been unable to stay to task with some things. Thankfully the show in Milan went well, and Gladrags inquiries have been steady, beaten only by the number of purchases in all three of our locations so far.

If anyone would like to drop by, this week (beginning today and ending next Saturday) we will be showcasing pieces of the collection that made it to the runway. Models not included- I know some of you will ask.

Private to all the business owners of Hogsmeade

I've been remiss in putting the business council together, but if you are all still interested, I would like to officially submit a proposal to the town council about our founding. I will be sending over a membership application and brochure within the next two weeks to get you officially signed up, and we can have our first meeting and project in the works soon after.



Log: Morning

Who: Andrew & Oliver
What: Talking
When: Friday morning, early
Where: Oliver's room
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Morning's here, the morning's here, the sky is clear )



[No Subject]

This morning, Lyla -- Pea (oh, I just haven't any idea which I'd like to call her!) -- said goodbye to the Mediwitches who have been ever so kind to her. She's done awfully well for how little she is, and so my Healer released us both just after lunch. I imagine it will be quite nice to be home. And we've to introduce Lyla Pea the baby to her nursery and to Quaffle!

She's already met the Hufflepuff-Slytherin hat Zacharias' sister bought for her:



Journal: Justin

I was so glad to find that the garden was starting to look good enough to sow that I got a little excited and thought I could work a little on my plot.

Something made it it's home and is viciously protective of that plot. Oh joy..

It didn't bite me or anything, but I can't get anywhere near it. I suppose I'll go back over there tomorrow and see what I can do. Unfortunately I'm working tonight so I can't do much.



Journal (March 28) | Sebastien

The first captain I played for in the IBQL would shave when the team fell below the record we needed to stay in playoff contention. Good Keeper and captain, and it worked most of the time. Might be too late for the Hydras, but I figure it can't hurt. Don't know how Witch Weekly managed to get this picture, though. Little unnerving, actually.




Who: Lucian and Katie
What: Name guessing
When: Tonight
Where: 3G Main Street
Rating: NSFW
Status: Ongoing

One thing Lucian will give Hogsmeade credit for is the number of beautiful witches who called it home. This witch, whose name remained a mystery to Lucian as much as his was to her, was the first he'd managed to pull from the journals, but he was sure it was only a matter of time before others followed.

As soon as Lucian got an address he yanked on a thin grey shirt, a black hoodie, and faded pants. The weather was finally to the point that a quick stroll across the entirety of Hogsmeade-- no more than a ten-minute trip, at most-- wasn't too cold for that outfit, and he made it to the witch's flat in almost no time at all, knocking on 3G's door.