The Last Station

July 2014


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March 27th, 2014




At 6:31 am this morning, we welcomed Lyla Penelope Smith into the world. Mum and Pea are both healthy, although they will be staying at St. Mungo's for a few days since Pea came a little earlier than expected. She was twenty-one inches long and weighed five pounds, three ounces.

Thanks everyone for your well wishes last night. We couldn't be happier.



Owl to Zacharias, Isabel, and Lyla

cut for image )



log: cormac's birthday dinner

Who: Cormac, Alicia and Isla
What: Birthday dinner + Quidditch match?
When: Thursday, March 27th
Where: Ali’s flat
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

How rare do you want your roast? )


I found a locket by the fountain in the center of town as I was walking home from work last night. I meant to post about it right away, in case anyone was missing it, but I tucked the necklace into my coat pocket and completely forgot. Well, I remembered in the middle of the night, when I couldn't sleep, so I pulled it out to look at it, trying to see if there were initials or anything that might help me figure out who it belonged to.

I thought the locket was broken, because it was rather tarnished and wouldn't open at first, but then it suddenly did and-- Well, the strangest music I've ever heard came out. It was so sad, but I couldn't understand any of the words. Asher, Harry-- one of you might know for certain, but I rather fancy it was Mermish. I remember Cedric

Of course, when I tried to confirm that this morning, to convince myself that I hadn't dreamt the whole thing, it wouldn't open again. I'll try again tonight; maybe it has to be a certain time of day. Or maybe it was all a dream. The strangest, least dreamlike one I've ever had, if so.



Journal: Finbar

As it turns out, the grumpy old man downstairs Lynch isn’t all thumbs when it comes to woodwork, which means that the project I’d expected would take at least a week or two longer to finish was completed this afternoon:

Cut for image )

The bed is made of solid, light stained oak, holds a mattress sized 60 in x 78 in (King) and is disassembled into 12 parts.

Seeing as how both Lynch and I have beds though Lynch’s isn’t used to its full potential, we’re looking for someone to take it off our hands, first come, first served, and all that. Whether it’s for yourself or someone else, if you pick it up, the bed is yours.

The question now is – aside from who will take this bed off our hands – what will the next project be?



Journal: At Last

I finally sold the last of Madame Puddifoot's old crockery! I've had it in the shop practically since I opened and it's been selling slowly - a cup here, a spoon there - because none of it matches. The woman who came in today said she didn't care about that, she was going to charm them all white anyway and the different shapes would make things interesting. She's opening a tea shop in Aberdeen and promised me and a friend a free cream tea once she's established.

I agreed to go along to the pick-up Quidditch this weekend, but I haven't been keeping track of who's on what team, so I'll just wish luck to everyone!

[Warded to Zacharias & Isabel]
Congratulations and welcome to little Lyla! I'm sure a dozen people have said this by now, but if you need anything I'm only an owl away.




I had the oddest dinner the other night. This lady wot I was meeting with, it looks like she's in some sort of threeway with a lumberjack and my number one fan.

I think they wanted me to join in?



004: Journal

Seeing as Isabel is out of commission for now, maybe it's not the best of times to be craving that cotton candy cupcake I picked up from Foxglove the other day.

Time to test how well her staff stack up to her, maybe?