The Last Station

July 2014


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March 29th, 2014



[No Subject]

Luau tomorrow and I have to say everything is coomming together nicely. The last few weeks have been terribly busy, but that much is expected given the events we've been working on. The concert was fantastic and the party tomorrow will be fab as well. The other projects are well in hand as well, and I'm confident that this summer will be quite busy.

I'll be back on the stage shortly as well.

Right, off to check on a few things.


log: Sebastien and Adrian

Who: Sebastien and Adrian
What: staying over, semi-drunk
When: Friday night, after the party for James and Cormac
Where: Adrian's flat
Rating: NSFW, most likely
Status: ongoing complete!

Adrian stripped off the jacket of his suit as he entered the flat, tossing the garment unceremoniously across an armchair. Too many pieces to this outfit, really. A jacket and vest was overkill, and he longed to be free of both. The vest half unbuttoned, he turned and caught sight of Sebastien, his curls tousled and smooth cheeks slightly pink from the walk over from the pub.

"I'm a bit drunk," Adrian announced, crossing the few steps to his boyfriend. His hand reached out to graze Sebastien's jaw, the lack of facial hair still new and unusual, though not unwelcome. He liked Sebastien with or without a beard, preferring neither state over the other. "And so are you, I think."