The Last Station

July 2014


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March 26th, 2014



Owls: Zacharias and Marcus

Two owls, sent Tuesday lunchtime

Zacharias )


Marcus )



Marcus's Birthday Party with the Hydras!

Who: Anyone in the Hydras' organization!

What: Marcus's Birthday Party!

When:Wednesday, after practice.

Where: On the Bertie Bott's stadium Quidditch pitch.

Rating: Low, I'd assume.

Status: Ongoing!

Harry Birthday to you... )




I have just had a very odd thing happen to me and so I want to be sure that I have not misunderstood what I experienced. It is about Foxglove, you see, and I have not been there before today. Is it common in this country to have cupcakes that taste like pickles? I was told that what type of cupcake I had selected would be a surprise, but I did not imagine that it would ever be something so at odds with what one expects a cupcake to be!

If this is merely something I do not understand because I am French, then I will attempt to restructure my perspective. Pickles in a dessert! It is the most unusual thing. And what is more-- I enjoyed it!




A bowtruckle? It doesn't make sense; I've not been near any trees recently, nor has my table, which I've had for months! But there it is, right in my dining room table, and now I've got scratches on my face because I set my plate right on it.

Ritchie, I'll be late for work -- just nipping by the clinic to have this cleaned and taken care of before I come in.

Warded to Myron Wagtail:

We may need to postpone the meeting if I'm unable to remove the bowtruckle before 7 tonight. When else would be good for you? I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Warded to Asher Chambers:

I know bowtruckles are rather minor, but I've no time today to take care of it. Would you be able to help me? I'm supposed to have an important dinner meeting tonight at its table! If you're busy tonight, that's completely fine, I'll just postpone the meeting and do it on my break. I can set the wards to let you in and you can have some of the dinner I've ordered if you'd like.



Journal 5

Normally, I treat my body like a temple. Organic foods, watching my caloric intake, daily excercise, minimal alcohol. Okay, the first three mostly but that isn't the point. Emboldened by my pickup team's win this past Sunday, I thought I'd indulge myself in one of Foxglove's confectionaries. Purchased a half dozen cupcakes to be kept in my office at The Hogsmeade Herald, because if you leave anything out in the breakroom, the employees tear into it like vultures.

Little did I know the cupcakes were a bit too pickle-flavored for my taste. Though pickle juice has been lauded for its hydration benfits in professional sports, I felt these deceptive little devils could be put to better use. So I left the remainder of the treats in the breakroom, WITH my name on it and watched with perverse pleasure as my coworkers learned never to steal food from Blaise Zabini again.




Who: Lucian and Isabel
What: A visit
When: This afternoon
Where: Isabel's home
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

It was in Lucian's general experience that people who usually came back home from hospital may or may not have dietary restrictions placed upon them. Whether they followed them or not was up to them, of course, and Lucian was the kind of person who'd advocate fucking the rules and doing as you pleased, but in this case, Pea was involved and even he knew that babies were out of his depth.

He instead settled for a fruit basket from The Magic Neep, and flowers besides-- a festive array of purple daisies and pink carnations and yellow bells-- knocking on the door and greeting Isabel's boyfriend jovially before he went up to see her.

"There she is!" he said with a smile. "How are we feeling?"



Journal (March 26) | Isabel

Well! Mother often insists she knows an awful lot about everything the important things in life. And it seems she's correct-- Moon women do listen to no one so much as themselves! We know our own minds, Mother says, and Pea feels she's to be a March baby.

I do wish I'd finished "The Thinking Witch's Guide to a Better Birth" now. And "What to Expect When You're Expecting a Wizard."

I suppose it's too late now!




Pea's coming. Today. Or tomorrow morning, I don't know but she's coming before she's supposed to. She tried to arrive yesterday and the Healers all said not yet, and we said not yet, and mummy came home after but I guess Pea's just going to come anyway.


Or tomorrow morning.

Izzy's in labour and I'm going to be a father and the nursery's not half-done. Well. It's mostly done. It's fine, it'll be ready when Pea comes home. Which is soon. Five weeks before she was supposed to.

Added later: Ward to Sebastien

I forgot about Quaffle! Can you take care of him? Also, I didn't have time to find Izzy a push present. Can you look for one for me? I can't leave her here. I'll do whatever you want to return the favour.

log: Orla and Susan

Who: Orla and Susan
What: Lunch
When: dated forward to noon, Thursday
Where: Qualitea
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Susan didn't eat at Qualitea as often as she did some of the other establishments in Hogsmeade, which is why she suggested to Orla that they meet there for lunch. Arriving slightly early, she found a seat near one of the front windows, and watched the street for her friend, a cup of tea on the table in front of her.

Seeing Orla approach, Susan rose to her feet and greeted the other witch with a warm hug after she entered. "Isn't it amazing about Isabel and the baby? Have you heard any other news? Oh, they must be so happy!"