The Last Station

July 2014


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March 18th, 2014



Owl to Julian Dorny

You sure you want out? Won't find another fuckin' roommate who ignores it when you jerk off in the shower right before fuckin' work. Mermaids don't appreciate it when I'm fuckin' late.

New kid wants in on the 31st.




I have a few extra tickets for tonight's match of the Wasp's against the Harpies's if anyone wants to come with! You'll have to sit next to me and my parents, so if you think the punishment is worth the crime, owl me!

Warded to Marcus Flint
So Captain...word around the locker room is that it's your birthday next week. I know, you might not remember it, since you're so damn old and all. But I was thinking we should probably do something about it. I'd be willing for it to be as benign as a few cupcakes and as crazy as a kegger and anything in between. Give it some thought, eh?

Warded to Harry
Do you want to come with me?

Warded to Hermione and Pansy
I have a pair of tickets that aren't smack dab on top of where my parents are. Would you like to be my guests for the evening? If you're busy, no big deal. Should be a good game!



journal: marietta

I was listening to the Wasp's game on the wireless tonight because I couldn't get tickets to go because there's no way Weasley would give me a free ticket and there was an advert about how they still had tonnes of tickets left for the match on Friday against the Cannons.

I would imagine they're inexpensive if they've such an excess of tickets. Although the Wasps doing more poorly in the league than I'd like, taking in a match could still be nice.




The promotional photos from last Friday are selling really well! We've still got copies available I think so if you'd like to purchase a photo of your favourite Hydras player and Myron Wagtail, let me or Lavender Brown know. We'll get to it in between training for the best pick-up Quidditch team to ever exist, the Fromage Fwoopers.

In other news, I've completely dropped the Quaffle on the polar plunge idea. So, let's do it before the lake gets above freezing temperatures! This Saturday, 3pm - who's with me?

Warded to the newly-minted Fromage Fwoopers and Hannah Abbott:
(Lavender Brown, Megan Jones, Dan Bradley, Maxwell Derrick, Victoria Frobisher, and Aidan Lynch)

Thanks, everyone, for trying out for pick-up Quidditch! I'm really looking forward to playing with you lot. I'm still working out people's schedules and when's good for training, so if you could leave a warded comment to either just me or the whole team with your availability I'll make sure we get in at least one or two good flies before Sunday's match. I've spoken to Hannah already and we're going to be doing a team dinner this weekend as well; more information will be forthcoming in her journal!

By the way, if you'd like to join me in my polar plunge on Saturday, I'd love to have you. Consider it team bonding! But you really don't need to do it if you don't want to. That would be peer pressure, or hazing, even, and that is just not on.

Warded to Ritchie, Cormac, and Jimmy:

Confession time -- which one of you really did spell the water green? Come on, you can tell me.

Warded to Cho:

You'll be supporting the Fwoopers, I hope?



Journal (and posted to Town Hall/public places)

Thanks to the generous contributions of Foxglove Cupcakery, Fromage, Gladrags Wizardwear, and Qualitea, the team uniforms for pick-up Quidditch are ready for pick-up. Please drop by Spintwitches to do so. Numbers are blank for now; Spintwitches staff will sew on the number you want for you, as long as it does not conflict with a number already claimed by a teammate.

Speaking of teams, the captains and I have gotten together to put the teams together.

To find out which team you're playing for, tap the journal with a Revelio charm. )

Roger Davies will be the referee at all matches.

The first games will be this Sunday. At 10am, Foxglove Flitterbies will face off against the Fromage Fwoopers. Later, at 2pm, it'll be Gladrags Glumbumbles against Qualitea Quintapeds. All games will last 2hours, or until the snitch is caught, whichever comes first.

If you missed the window of signing up for a team, we're looking for back-up players and back-up referees, especially the latter. I'm sure Davies will be grateful to get a break now and then.

The full schedule has been posted at Spintwitches in case you're interested in viewing it.



journal: hannah

I've been thinking of adding a spicier fondue option to the menu. Something with jalapeƱos, tomatoes and onion would work well I think. Would there be any interest in that? Or should I add another dessert?

[Warded to Fromage's Fwoopers]
As James already said, I'd love to have the team over at Fromage and celebrate your first match of the season coming. Would Friday or Saturday work better for everyone?

I look forward to watching you all play and know you'll do a great job representing Fromage!

Log: Uniform Pickup

Who: Open to everyone

What: Pick-up Quidditch uniforms are available for... pickup.

When: All week

Where: Spintwitches

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

The uniforms had indeed come in earlier that day, and Zacharias had dropped by not long after to see them. Satisfied, he'd thanked Roger for the quick work and asked if he would be up for adding numbers on for those who wanted to personalize each jersey with a number of his choosing. It was a simple enough spell, and each uniform's lettering was the same throughout, so Roger agreed.

The uniforms had been separated into four piles, one per team. Zacharias had already picked up his, and if Cormac wanted to personalize his, he could do it himself. Roger sat back, waiting for the first of the pick-up players to drop by.



[No Subject]

Warded to Members of the Foxglove Flitterbies: M. Bulstrode, R. Coote, T. Nott, O. Quirke, J. Peakes, and Z. Smith
There is no LOSE in TEAM. Report to the school pitch at 5:00 a.m. on Thursday morning.




I'm playing for the Foxglove Flitterbies! I'm excited because it's my boss's sponsored team and it's also the Bash Brothers' Reunion Tour! Go Flitterbies!

Warded to Ritchie

Hey, do you want to come with me to the Wasps/Harpies game tonight? Ginny has extra tickets so we can go sit with her and her family.

Added Ward to Asher

Hey, I got tickets to the Wasps/Harpies game courtesy of Ginny. Do you want to come watch? Do you like Quidditch? If you don't that's okay too!



Quidditch Owls

Owls to Members of the Foxglove Flitterbies: M. Bulstrode, R. Coote, T. Nott, O. Quirke, J. Peakes, and Z. Smith

The bird requires a signature of delivery confirmation prior to its departure.


5:00 - 6:00 a.m.
On-Broom Fitness and Strategy Drills (Hogwarts Pitch)

5:00 - 6:00 a.m.
Pre-Match Off-Pitch Strategy Review (14A High Street)

Immediately Following Match Conclusion
Post-Match Off-Pitch Pensieve Review (Town Hall)

5:00 - 6:00 a.m.
Off-Broom Fitness and Strategy Drills (Hogwarts Pitch)



I see that the rosters have gone up. Thanks to Zacharias for organizing everything and thanks to Spintwitches for providing the uniforms. Special thanks to Gladrags for their sponsorship! I hope we'll make you proud.

[Warded to the Gladrags team]
Right. So I think we all know each other, right? Or at least know of each other. I haven't any idea what the other team captains are planning, but I don't intend to be a hardass about practices and such. I swear to Merlin I don't. The Qualitea team is captained by Cormac and they've got a couple ex-professional players in their line-up, but their Seeker can't hold a candle to ours. All-in-all I think we're pretty well matched. If everyone could show up, say, half an hour early on Sunday, we can discuss tactics before the match. Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise I'll see you then!

Edited to Add:
On second thought, let's meet to strategize before Sunday. When is a good for everyone? Maybe some time on Saturday? We can meet at my flat. Or at the park, to get an idea of everyone's skills.



Owl to Millicent


Somehow, pick-up Quidditch has convinced Draco to return to Hogsmeade. Only now he's recreating his training regimen from when he played. I think he's just swung from one end of the pendulum to another.


Owl to Draco Malfoy


I see you're captaining a pick-up team - definitely a good choice on the part of whomever made that call. Wondered if you might want to get together for a drink and swap strategies. Not that I think you need the help in any way, but we haven't talked much since I've been back and I haven't even begun to make up for apparently tormenting you with that photo of Phin. (He's very sorry, too.) Pick a night.

M. Flint