The Last Station

July 2014


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March 19th, 2014



Owl to Zacharias


Can't I swap teams? I don't mind working hard, but I think having me is only going to make Draco and Millicent angry. Or I could just drop out entirely. Surely there was someone else who wanted to play Keeper?




journal: cormac

[Warded to Qualitea Quintapeds + Romilda Vane]
Warded to Adrian Pucey, Michael Corner, Blaise Zabini, Finbar Quigley, Julian Dorny, Marietta Edgecombe & Romilda Vane

So this is it, lads (and lady)! I think we've got a good team here and pick-up Quidditch is going to be tonnes of fun. Qualitea is our sponsor and Romilda has offered us a section of her shop if we want to have team meetings. I was thinking we could meet at least once before our first match on Sunday just so we can get to know each other and see what kind of chemistry the team has. So please advise what time works best for you.

Beyond that, how does everyone feel about practicing once a week? We've all got busy lives, but hopefully we can find a time that works for all of us.

And make sure you go pick your jersey up before the match. Either Roger or myself will be at Spintwitches all week and can help with that. You also get to choose a number.

Looking forward to playing with you all! Go Quintapeds!

[Warded to Romilda and Lisa]
Not that we had plans tonight or anything, but just so you know I've got Isla for the night. Also had a meeting with my landlord and I'm planning on moving into a different flat on the 1st. One with more space so Isla can have her own room. Probably doesn't matter at this point, but just thought I'd let you both know.


Stupid owls and stupid charms and stupid restaurants! A barn owl tapped on my window this morning and dropped a letter outside my doorstep before I could let it in. I go outside to pick it up- nothing but junk owl, some invitation to a frou-frou restaurant opening- and maybe it was the light snow outside, but somehow when I got back inside my entire apartment is snowing! Inside! It's supposed to be warm and heated and cozy!

I didn't install the charms but my Charms Guy says he's booked til tomorrow. Tomorrow my house will be a sopping wet mess! I do not have until tomorrow!

To top it all off, I found out that the Skins are no more. Why? I enjoyed those abs games.



Log: Lunch

Who: Andrew and Romilda
What: Lunch, catching up,
When: Wednesday, 3.15pm
Where: Qualitea
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Food, glorious food )



A Birthday Log

WHO | Individuals who received an invitation.
WHEN | Wednesday, March 19.
WHERE | Dragon Barrel Brewery.
WHAT | A feast and libations in honor of Adrian Pucey's birth.
STATUS | Ongoing.

Dragon Barrel Brewery, well-weathered when Merrill's grandfather was younger than he was now, wore its age well. Its private room was modern, with original details that paid homage to its successful past. And as was appropriate at any gathering between friends, the liquor flowed freely, the open bar Merrill's last-minute nod to hospitality. The meal was sorted, as well, and the atmosphere casual, jovial.



Owl: Theodore Nott

Owl sent at 11.30pm


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you, or someone working with you, have made a mistake with my most recent sleeping draught. I took it half an hour ago and I'm almost certain it was Pepper-Up. I wasn't going to complain, I understand that mistakes do happen, but as well as not helping me to sleep I think the potion is actually keeping me awake. It's also raised my temperature, though that's hardly relevant.

I'm on duty all day tomorrow, so I won't be able to stop into Eye of Newt myself but I hope it won't be too much trouble, all things considered, to send me a replacement potion by owl.

A Greengrass



Journal: Awake

Written at 4.30am

This is insane. Just as I was getting used to being up through the night, my schedule changed back to days. I don't even remember when I last slept through a period longer than four hours. The sleeping draught I bought today was supposed to help but Theodore fucked that up there was a mistake with that and I got Pepper-Up instead. I've been awake for simply hours.

If anyone considering breaking a law in Hogsmeade today could just put it off for twenty-four hours then I could go for a run pick up my potion when Eye of Newt opens for business and be back on form for Friday.

[Warded to Harry Potter]
I'm only kidding about sleeping through my Thursday shift, obviously, but do you have any tips for the new girl?