The Last Station

July 2014


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March 17th, 2014




I can officially corroborate Ritchie's report of green water in the village. It doesn't seem to be harmful to the touch, but I'd recommend no one ingest it until we know what sort of magic's been applied to the water. There are many spells I wouldn't want to unknowingly ingest.





Just a note to let you know that at Qualitea, we're not doing the ready-to-go house teas or coffees until further notice which is like sixty percent of my morning business and the whole bloody point of my shop thanks to whoever thought it'd be funny to spell the water green. Luckily, aguamenti is a thing that exists, which means I can do coffees and teas to order if you can spare a few moments.

Oh! Also, I've also a new line of quiches that are the proper colour and are ready for you to takeaway for breakfast or lunch.




So...not sure if it's just Apartment 24 or me specifically, but after my shower this morning I am now a lovely shade of light green. I want to call it "mint cream", but it might be more of a "pistachio". Either way, I look delicious. If it's a plumbing malfunction, everyone stay on the lookout for the green water! If it's a St. Patrick's Day prank (Cormac, James, Jimmy, I'm side-eyeing all of you), you got me good, but watch your backs! Though, to be honest, it did put me in the mood to celebrate the holiday! Irish cream flavor everything!

Warded to Serena I allowed to call out sick if I have a case of the greens? Literally, my skin is green. Do you know any good spells that might help? Showering again will only make things worse.

Warded to Millicent
Well, I think you will find me even more irresistible than normal today. I am a fantastic shade of Slytherin green.




Quidditch teams are full, we've got four sponsors for the teams, and also four captains. I'll be talking to Spintwitches later today to get the uniforms for everyone and posting the final teams and schedule before Sunday this week.

Warded to the captains: Angelina, Cormac, Draco, and James

Hey everyone, thanks for stepping up to be captains for your teams. First thing's first is to pick which teams you want to do. I drew straws and this is the order we'll be picking:

1. Cormac - Qualitea Quintapeds
2. James - Fromage Fwoopers
3. Draco - Foxglove Flitterbies
4. Angelina - Gladrags Glumbumbles

The teams to pick are: Gladrags Glumbumbles, Fromage Fwoopers, Foxglove Flitterbies, and Qualitea Quintapeds.

If you want, go ahead and list your preferred teams. We'll just give first priority to Cormac.

Next you guys can take turns picking the players on your team. Pulled straws again and here's the order we're picking:

1. Cormac
2. Angelina
3. Draco
4. James

Rules are simple -- Cormac, you start first. Pick a player from any position, up to you how you want to do that. Then Angelina picks, then Draco, then James. Then James can pick, then Draco, then Angelina, then Cormac. And then back to Cormac. This way James doesn't keep picking last.

Here are the players available per position. Just note that Ritchie and Jimmy want to play together, if you guys can make that happen it would be really great. Obviously make sure that there are only three chasers, two beaters, one seeker and one keeper per team.

Adrian - Qualitea
Alicia - Gladrags
Angelina - Gladrags
Blaise - Qualitea
James - Fromage
Lavender - Fromage
Megan - Fromage
Michael - Qualitea
Millicent - Foxglove
Terry - Gladrags
Theodore - Foxglove
Zacharias - Foxglove

Dan - Fromage
Finbar - Qualitea
Jack - Gladrags
Jimmy - Foxglove
Julian - Qualitea
Kevin - Gladrags
Maxwell - Fromage
Ritchie - Foxglove

Cormac - Qualitea
Morag - Gladrags
Orla - Foxglove
Victoria - Fromage

Aidan - Fromage
Draco - Foxglove
Harry - Gladrags
Marietta - Qualitea



log: a trip to Moldova

Who: Draco, Theodore, and Millicent
What: fetching Draco home
When: Monday evening
Where: D&T's flat in Moldova
Rating: low, save for language
Status: ongoing complete!

At the end of the day, once the shop was closed, Theodore and Millicent traveled by Floo to Moldova as planned. They'd talked off and on throughout the day about how to convince Draco to return to Hogsmeade, but, as they made their way from the public Floo station to the flat in which Draco and Theodore had once resided, Millicent had no firm strategy in mind but one. Make it happen. If, despite her best efforts, he still refused to return... Millicent pushed the thought from had mind. He would, that was all there was to it. Hogsmeade without Draco and Theodore would be unbearable.

Millicent followed Theo through the door and gave the place a quick once over, frowning when she saw it was empty. "He's not here," she said, flatly.




I have tasted the water and I am still alive.

We're not putting them in any of Foxglove's treats-- though we don't use water anyway, the equipment's just piling up unwashed-- but yeah I brewed it for tea this morning and it was fine.

Also drank it and no funny business.

Just in case some of you were really really thirsty.




The following notice also appears in multiple places around the village

Notice from the Town Council

We've received multiple reports that the water has turned green overnight. Rest assured we're looking into the matter right now, but continued testing has shown us that the water is affected only in terms of appearance. Boiling the water seems to clear it up of any traces of green colour and makes the water potable for drinking again. We suggest that you do this if you're affected, and we'll look into where the water is getting turned green.

Questions, concerns, owls or howlers, please send them to the Town Hall.




Log: Birthday Surprise!

Who: Iris, Brendon and Orla Quirke plus Marcus Flint
What: Birthday tea - with surprise guest!
When: Monday afternoon/evening
Where: Greenview House
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Matchmaker, matchmaker, plan me no plans, I'm in no rush )



Log: Chess

Who: Astoria and Draco
What:Wizarding chess, chocolate, Scotch
When: Monday evening
Where: Astoria's flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Looking back I could have played it some other way )



log: Ritchie and Millicent

Who: Ritchie and Millicent
What: a late homecoming and some talking after that
When: late Monday night, after this
Where: Millie's flat
Rating: low? why did I even write that? NSFW
Status: ongoing

Millicent hadn't meant to come home so late. Her original plan had been to go to Moldova with Theodore, talk to Draco, and-- hopefully-- make it home right around the time Ritchie finished up at the station. Once they'd arrived in Moldova to find that Draco wasn't there, however, everything had begun to unravel quickly. Waiting for Draco to return had eaten up time and talking with him more beyond that. Millicent ended up taking the Floo back to the village so late that it was practically the first hours of Tuesday morning when she finally arrived at the door to her flat.

Once inside, she shrugged off her coat without looking around to see if Ritchie had stayed to meet her. It wouldn't be a big deal if he'd left. No one wanted to wait around in someone else's empty flat, and with no idea when she'd be home, he could've easily opted to return to his own place.



log: Morag and Lisa

Who: Morag and Lisa
What: lunch!
Where: Morag and Alexei's home
When: Monday, lunchtime
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

When Lisa had made plans to meet with Morag today, she hadn't expected the whole village's water supply to turn green overnight. So, when lunchtime rolled around and she hadn't yet heard anything about whether the water was safe to cook with, Lisa Apparated out of the village to grab lunch from a bistro where water was whatever colour water was supposed to be.

Popping back into Hogsmeade with two bags of food-- she'd gotten enough for Alexei and Morag to have for dinner as well-- Lisa made her way to 17 Main Street, knocking on the front door that lead to Morag and Alexei's upstairs flat.



Journal: Finbar

Who the hell thought dyeing the water green would be a great idea?

I stopped trying to tally up an estimate on the repairs and restorations of the ceramic installations in the building when it had reached a ridiculous amount for the ground floor alone.

Once the water's returned to normal, I'll be taking on freelance Charmers to help remove the residue colour. Any takers? You'll be paid well.

In the meantime, to the residents of 23 High Street: If it is possible, would you mind trying to keep AVOID still standing water in sinks and toilets etc? Thank you, in advance.


Thank you, Julian, for letting me see the village water supply. While I did have to take a brief leave from the shop this afternoon in order to investigate, I managed to trace the magic to one of the flats in 24 High Street. Imagine my surprise, then, when I knocked on the door and a woman who had to be no younger than 95 answered!

It turns out that the culprit was her great-grandson, who's in the village visiting family. Apparently he blames the prank on his friend, Captain Morgan.

Anyway, the water's back to normal now, so here's hoping Tuesday morning won't bring with it another colour of the rainbow from our taps.



[No Subject]

Fuckin' glad the worst of the holiday is over now. Don't know who the fuck would need to know, but it turns out the fuckin' water supply for the village doesn't drain into the Black Lake. Mermaids would have been real fuckin' hot if we'd fucked with their colony. Not too happy with me as it is.

Put me off the green beer I fuckin' bought too.

Warded to Jimmy Peakes
You still interested in the flat?



log: pansy and draco in moldova

Who: Pansy and Draco
What: talking
When: Tuesday, March 18
Where: Moldova
Rating: sfw, probably swearing
Status: ongoing complete!

After completing the slightly exhausting commute from Scotland to Moldova, Pansy made her way to Draco's flat. Winter was finally relenting, but the wind stilled chilled her to the bone. Or maybe that was just the sense of dread she felt to even be here in the first place. Though Draco was known for his dramatics and tantrums, she could understand why he was here and why he wanted to leave Hogsmeade. But she still felt uneasy and she feared she could lose him if something wasn't done about the situation.

Waiting outside the cafe below their flat, she took a drag from her cigarette, passing the time until she spotted Draco. "It's a nice change of scenery," she said lightly, once he was within earshot.


How many months in and I still sometimes forget to stagger when I have essays due. Four years at once is just too much and probably explains why I've been a bit scarce. So...sorry? But I should be caught up by Friday.

Warded to Ilia
I enjoyed showing you around the village. Maybe sometime soon you can show me around your farm?

Warded to Merrill
Haven't heard from you in a while. Roger's keeping you busy, I assume? Should catch up sometime. I have things to report and discuss.

Warded to Hufflepuffs
I feel like I haven't seen any of you in too long. And I know I haven't because none of you are scrolls of parchment, right? I hope to see many of you at James's party, but wouldn't mind a lunch/tea/drinks/anything with anyone this weekend if you're free.