The Last Station

July 2014


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March 16th, 2014



Log: Eloise and Finbar

Who: Eloise Midgen and Finbar Quigley
What: Meeting of the minds: talking plans and ideas for a common area for their apartment buildings.
When: Saturday 15. March 2006 – 7 o’clock
Where: Starting out in Hogsmeade
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

So at 7 o’clock on Saturday evening, Finbar knocked on the door of one Miss Eloise Midgen, patiently waiting for her to answer the door. )



Log: Success!

Who: Andrew and Oliver
What: Being happy
When: After the concert, and after drinks with Duncan Kirke (backdated)
Where: Hogsmeade / Oliver's flat, probably
Rating: NSFW
Status: Ongoing

I could have spread my wings and done a thousand things I've never done before )



Log: Celebrate!

Who: Andrew, anyone he invited over the journals, their plus ones and anyone who just happens to be at the Three Broomsticks
What: Celebrating!
When: Saturday evening (backdated, this is Kaylie Catching Up 2.0)
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low?
Status: Ongoing.

Celebrate good times, come on! )



Birthday Owls

Owls to Lucian Bole, Lavender Brown, Millicent Bulstrode, Roger Davies-Urquhart, Tracey Davis, Maxwell Derrick, Julian Dorny, Fera Dunstan, Marcus Flint, Astoria Greengrass, Draco Malfoy, Eloise Midgen, Graham Montague, Gwendolyn Montgomery, Isabel Moon, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Zacharias Smith, Sebastien Summerby, Caleb Warrington, and Blaise Zabini




Who: Zacharias, Isabel, Orla
What: Orla's birthday dinner
When: Saturday evening
Where: Zacharias and Izzy's home
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

It was Zacharias, not Isabel, who spent a majority of the afternoon in the kitchen that Saturday. He was often the one who made dinner anyway, what little cooking skills he had much more advanced than Isabel's surprisingly (she was a baker, she often insisted; not a chef), and the birthday cake was already cooling on the counter as he finished up the rest of the menu. It was a feast suitable for three, with all of Orla's favourites. Their present for Orla-- a set of high-quality paints and brushes, and an artist's smock in sky blue-- lay wrapped in brightly coloured paper in the middle of the living room.

He was on his way to set the final dish on the table when he heard the door.



Journal: Michael

I have never been one for rock concerts but I am gladly admitting to have enjoyed myself. Great performance from everyone involved!

That being said, I'm looking forward to today's Falmouth's match. Someone I haven't seen in ages has been sweet enough (yes Terry, I called you sweet) to invite me to the match. Just like old times!!!



[No Subject]

Oh, but I do adore March and April! Winter isn't so terribly awful, but there's a lovely charm in blooming flowers and trees. And in bird song! Waking at four is far more enjoyable when it's the robins and wrens who serve as an alarm! Though Pea is also very e--

Has anyone begun to garden again in the community allotments? I've half a mind to plant entirely new crops this year! I ought to order my seeds soon...




Izzy and I have been ridiculously busy working on tomorrow's specials at Foxglove. That should be a fun theme for everyone planning on going! Can't spoil the surprise, I'm afraid, you'll have to drop by the shop tomorrow, but I'm working with a couple fun ingredients so don't miss it!

Jimmy, bless him, is in charge of icing the cakes tomorrow, but maybe not for long! Saw a class in Glasgow I might take, actually, so I'm not so rubbish at artistic touches anymore.




Myron Wagtail is still super dreamy, and my best friend is going places, and my boyfriend is awesome, and spring is coming, and everything is beautiful!

Except the last couple of issues of Dear Emma have been so dull. Now I know for a fact this town is just crawling with real heartache and pain, so won't you share them with me anonymously?

Private to Andrew, Romy, and Michael

I FINISHED MY BOOK!!!! It's actually-- actually-- off to the editor now for review!



Journal: Justin

I have decided that I wanted to try a new restaurant next weekend and I'd like your suggestions people! Whether it's in the city or anywhere, really.

Rose has spent the weekend here with me and she's completely enchanted by the village. I think Honeyduke's did it for her when she was here for that special where we invited Muggle relatives. Okay, she was a little miffed at me for not spending enough time with her, but I have, since then, corrected the situation.

That being said, she met someone about her age in the village and sh's looking forward to seeing him again. They apparently get along famously.



Journal: Maxwell

Nathan is having one heck of a weekend so far. I haven't seen him much. Now that he's comfortable going around by himself, he has made a friend. Apparently she can't be here every weekend though. Nonetheless I am glad he's started feeling comfortable.

I was afraid he'd miss the city life too much, but it's not the case. So as of this week I'll be starting to slowly bring the topic of the Spring Break to Chelsea, see if I could have Nathan for a bit longer.



[No Subject]

I've a meeting with Sterling & Sterling tomorrow morning to discuss opening an office in Hogsmeade. While I'm certain the Ministry of Magic repaired damage from the Second War as best they could, there are numerous buildings here with historical detail unnecessarily obscured by structural charms.

I imagine the firm will be receptive to the idea.


Hard to believe that there are going to be four teams when the pick-up Quidditch games start again. It feels like the village population has grown in leaps and bounds even since I moved in, in November, but maybe that's just my skewed perception of how many people live here now.

I saw that Foxglove is having special cupcakes for the holiday tomorrow (which I can't wait to try), but are there other celebrations going on? Saint Patrick's Day has never been one of my favourites-- when I was a child, my brother used to come wake me up by pinching me, regardless of whether I had on green or not. Not that he's done that in years, of course, so maybe it's time to give the holiday another try.


Who: Serena and Terry
What: Dinner meeting
When: 5pm
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

Terry wasn't late-- he usually wasn't, but he made sure not to be, for this dinner with Serena. It wasn't quite a job interview, but Terry was determined to do what was needed so that the agency could get some coverage on the air, whether it meant having Terry on as a guest or referencing his research on the show. He'd even brought along with him the work that he'd done, even though he wasn't certain that it would come up. From what Serena had told him, she just wanted to talk. Terry thought this ran closer to the pitching part of the process, and he was ready to do that too.

He settled in a quiet booth by the back, ordering only fizzy pumpkin juice-- it wouldn't be good to be drinking, probably-- and waited.


Who: Michael and Terry
What: Hydras @ Falcons game
When: Tonight at 7pm
Where: Falmouth Stadium
Rating: Low (unless Terry swears at Falcons fans...)
Status: Ongoing

After his meeting with Serena Terry headed over to the Floo to meet Michael, giving the bloke a friendly pat on the arm before they took the Floo over to Falmouth. The crowd there was beginning to thicken as they were closer to game time, but after getting a beer and finding their seats in no time.



Owl to Millicent


So... I might be commuting in from Moldova tomorrow.

And the day after that.

And the rest of the week.

And possibly for good.



Cormac, you better watch out. My daughter seems intent on taking your job. As soon as we returned this afternoon she asked if we could go boom ('broom', or 'Spintwitches'). On a Sunday. I had to talk her down from going but she's eager to accompany me to work tomorrow. Merlin only knows why.

She probably just wants to go on the brooms again.

Private to Cormac

Er. Merrill doesn't know I let Violet fly on the toy brooms when she's in the shop. Don't tell him that, yeah?



Journal: Alicia

4 rolls of Spello-Tape + 2 tubes of toothpaste + 1 handful of oatmeal cookies = necessities to capture and harness the (imaginary) Hippogriffs in Isla's room. According to Isla, at least.

Less sticky solutions and suggestions are welcome.

On the plus side: Brilliant concert last Friday!



Journal: Victoria

Lovely day, today. Really, it is. The sun is shining, as it was yesterday and it's the last day of this month's Hogsmeade weekend. It's going to be a good day, I'm sure of it.

There is one thing, though, that I would like to make the world aware of:

Myron Wagtail does NOT live in 3D Main Street. I do, and yes, I am very sure that I am not sharing a flat with him. Don't get me wrong, I love unannounced guests, even several times in the middle of the night, just please, please, please don't be disappointed or upset that there is no Wagtail to be found here.

Wagtail? If you're reading this: Would you mind giving the correct address to your mates?

Owl to Justin


I know it's not much, but I hope this at least brings a smile to your face.


(the owl carries a care package including a dozen mint-chocolate brownies and a six-pack of pumpkin juice)



journal: cormac

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Rotten luck it's landed on a Monday this year, but that won't stop me from having a pint... or three! And the Magpies are playing tonight against the Cats. Should be a good game, so hopefully where ever I end up tonight has the wireless on!

Where is everyone celebrating this evening?



journal: pansy

What a bloody awful weekend. Hogsmeade weekends are usually terrible, but this one was especially unbearable. Perhaps the only good thing is that the weather is finally warming up. Here's to hoping it sticks.

[Warded to Draco]
Do you have a free evening this week?

[Warded to Adrian]
Care to give your dearest friend a clue about what you'd like for your birthday?

[Warded to Hermione]
You're coming to a dinner with me on Wednesday.