The Last Station

July 2014


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March 15th, 2014




The concert last night was brilliant! My ears are still ringing this morning, but it was worth it. Congrats to Gulliver's Dragons on a great performance, congrats to the Hydras's players who appeared on stage, and HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Myron Wagtail for a fantastic comeback concert!

I'm in the studio for the rest of the weekend, if anyone needs me. I have concert photos to develop!



Journal: Pick-up Quidditch is coming back

Some of you might've seen the Quidditch sign-up sheets going around town and if you haven't yet, now would be a good time to sign yourself up, because we're almost close to filling up all open spots. I reckon it's warm enough to start playing again and with more people moving to Hogsmeade, we could do a four-team league here, starting next Sunday, the 23rd.

We're looking for two more seekers, three more beaters, and maybe an extra referee. Keeper and chaser spots are all filled but I can always switch positions.

I'm not sure how to pick teams yet-- you lot didn't seem to mind who you wanted to play with, for the most part-- but I think maybe now's a good time to open up the spot for Captains. If you're interested in captaining a squad, let me know, because it's gonna be a lot of work keeping up with everyone from all four teams and I could really use help. Let me know here if you're interested.

Finally-- we're looking for local businesses who would like to sponsor these four teams. I'll be working it out with Spintwitches but they can provide kits for players, so I thought maybe if a local business here helped shoulder some or all of the cost for that, the league fees would be minimal, or completely covered. For 100 galleons you can sponsor a team and get naming rights for them. If interested, let me know here too.

Private to Orla

Hey, first off: happy birthday! Secondly, saw you signed up-- that's great! Let me know if you want to get a couple practice flies.



Journal: Neville

Last night was so great!! Unfortunately I woke up to a sore throat. Now I hope it won't get too nasty.

[Warded to Gulliver's Dragons]
Guys!! You were definitely the best of last night! Congrats again!


Well, that was certainly worth five galleons, I'd say.

[Warded to Sloper Jack]
The concert was ace, mate, and I'm glad I came out for it. Does the band have any merchandise? Maybe I missed it last night, but I definitely would've picked up a shirt or something to show my support. Congrats to you and the rest of the Dragons!

[Warded to Ginny]
Good news-- we've finished going over your contract and have a few suggestions of small (but important) changes to consider requesting. Come by the office next week to talk about it?

[Warded to Alicia]
Are you signing up for the pick-up Quidditch again? Katie doesn't want to, but Terry and I have.



Owl to Finbar

Mr. Quigley,

I was wondering if you had any two bedroom flats available in our building. I'm looking for a bigger place, but figured it would be easier for the both of us if I could stay in the same building. Let me know. I'd be interested in moving April 1 if possible.


Cormac McLaggen



[No Subject]

I imagine I would be far more upset about my Healer's recommendation that I no longer play Quidditch if I wasn't in Milan. As it is, I've very nearly literally purchased all of Dolce and Gabbana's summer collection. I've plans to do the same with Gladrags' fall line just as soon as you cease Owling my Galleons back to me, Tracey.

Our hotel here is brilliant, even by Italian standards. We've a corner room with floor-to-ceiling views of the city, an enormous soaking tub, and a massive bed.

Do forgive the two-day-old picture. I'd have taken one this evening to share with you all, but my Greek god of a husband is lounging, naked, and I've shockingly little desire to share him.



log: harry and fleur

Who: Harry and Fleur
What: Catching up!
When: Saturday evening
Where: Fromage
Rating: sfw
Status: Ongoing

Promptly on time, mostly to avoid a scolding from Fleur, he arrived at her doorstep and knocked. He was rather looking forward to their evening together. They'd gotten on ever since he'd saved her sister at the Tri Wizards Tournament and had only grown closer since. It had been a while since he last saw her, however, so tonight would be a reunion of sorts.

Reaching up to flatten his hair, again to avoid a scolding, he jumped slightly as the door opened. "Fleur!" He grinned.