The Last Station

July 2014


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March 14th, 2014



Who: Tracey and Caleb (with a special appearance by Tracey's parents), Tracey and Merrill

What: Post-fashion show

When: Thursday night

Where: Milan

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Tracey hadn't been able to sit through the entire show at all, watching from just behind the curtains as her models took to the runway with the newest Gladrags collection. It was by no means the best she'd seen around that week- she'd focused on wearable wizard clothing, and had only hoped that the show would put Gladrags back on the map, and be well-received- but there was still something completely exhilarating watching the designs she'd so painstakingly put together come to life under the light and high ceilings of a wizarding museum's lobby. From where she watched she saw Merrill and Roger, with Violet on Merrill's lap, and Caleb too, giving him a small wave when he caught her eye.



Journal: Fame and Fortune

In case you haven't heard, Gulliver's Dragons are opening Myron Wagtail's gig tonight. We're going to have an even more killer set list than usual so if you were thinking about arriving only in time for the main event I'd have to recommend against it. Come early and see music history in the making!

[Warded to Jack & Oliver]

I literally can't wait any longer. I'm going to the stadium to help them set up the stage and check the acoustics. The stadium staff should be able to point you in the right direction if you need anything.

[Warded to Oliver]

If, for example, you need to come kiss me good luck before I go on.

[Warded to Dan, Emma, Jack, Romilda, Neville, Alicia, Ginny, Lavender & Oliver]

Drinks tomorrow to celebrate?




After the winter we've had, the weather is downright lovely out. Cloudy still, but we do live in the United Kingdom. Crossing my fingers that we've made it through.

I'm thinking about building out a small sitting area in front of 22 High Street. Finbar, what do you think? Perhaps we can carve out time early next week to meet with the owner of 25 High Street and discuss some possibilities.

Warded Private to Astoria and Gwendolyn:

Are either of you going to the concert tonight? It sounds like a right mess but I could be tempted out if you'll be there.

Warded Private to residents of 22 High Street:
(J. Finch-Fletchley, D. Robins, M. Flint, M. Corner, C. Chang, G. Weasley, A. Greengrass, F. Delacour, L. Spinks, M. Brocklehurst)

Just checking in: Is everything all right in the building? Any complaints or questions I ought to know about? Please feel free to leave me a warded message here.

Log: Eet 'as been so long

Who: 'Ermione Granger & Fleur Weasley
Where: 'Ermione's flat, zen 'Ogsmeade Reads, zen Fromage
When: Friday, en ze afternoon
What: Overdue catching up
Rating: SFW
Status: Complete


Hermione didn't much like to ask Kreacher to help -- it went against much of what she stood for as a witch and as a human being! However, she knew that the house elf couldn't help but clean her flat sometimes, when he got bored with Harry's, and on this occasion she actually welcomed it. Though it had taken years for her and Fleur to get along, Hermione now trusted her deeply despite their many differences. Fleur, of course, was also extremely critical, so Hermione prepared for their get-together at length.

After reluctantly asking Harry to ask Kreacher to clean both her flat and Hogsmeade Reads (she knew that Kreacher wouldn't take well to being asked to do something, though, and that Harry would likely end up ordering him to do it), Hermione applied the last of her hair potion and went to her closet to choose an outfit. She did always make an effort when she saw Fleur, but she couldn't quite stop herself from choosing an extremely loud jumper to wear over black trousers. And she finished putting her hair back just in time for her to be able to meet Fleur at her door right away.


Who: Dan and Stewart

What: Quiet

When: Tonight, right around the time of the Myron Wagtail comeback concert

Where: Stewart's flat

Rating: NSFW

Status: Ongoing

Any other day, Dan would have been at the concert along with the rest of his friends, and actually, he'd have wanted to see Andrew's gig too. But now and then Dan was also the kind of person who enjoyed some peace and quiet, and he knew that he invited Stewart enough to parties and social events- who indulged him, because he was a saint- that surely some days the two of them could use some time alone. The concert just seemed to be the perfect time to do that, since everyone else in the village was keen on attending it, if not for Wagtail then for Gulliver's Dragons.

But Dan had no idea just how much he'd been waiting for the evening until it finally arrived. Ducking from work a little earlier- the stadium had been humming and buzzing with all kinds of concert preparations all day- he headed out to Inverness to grab a bottle of red and white wine and showed up at Stewart's doorstep when a few early concert-goers were just heading out to the stadium.

"Hi," he said with a smile. "Whatever you made smells really good."




Who: Maxwell and Lucian
What: Wingmen
When: Late tonight, after the concert
Where: London
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Lucian had volunteered to do a quick gig at Myron Wagtail's concert that Friday evening, so he and Max weren't able to leave until later that night. It was perfectly fine, in Lucian's opinion; often Friday nights in downtown London didn't pick up until later anyway, and they were men on a mission. Or at least, Lucian was. He was determined to make sure all of Chelsea's worst nightmares about what her ex-husband did in his spare time all came true. Debauchery, sex, alcohol, drugs if they were to be had-- Max would have a taste of it all. Lucian hoped neither of them made it back home that night, but if they absolutely had to, there was always the Knight Bus.

He found Maxwell after his part with Myron Wagtail was over, eager to leave the concert now and get started in London sooner. The pair of them Apparated to one of their usual spots in London, in an alley behind a quiet butcher shop that was out of place in a strip of street lined with bars and clubs, each lit with neon lights and thrumming with various kinds of music.

"Pick your poison, my friend," Lucian declared, already yelling even though they hadn't even entered one of the establishments yet. There were some whose doors were open, providing the two of them with a peek inside, the street dimly lit but far from empty, with pairs and groups of men and women all dressed in tight clothes, low necklines, and high hemlines. Even as Lucian smirked appreciatively at a passing redhead and her equally attractive brunette friend, he told Max, "Tonight's your night."




Who: Open to anybody who bought a ticket, duh
What: CONCERT!!!
When: Tonight at 7pm
Where: Bertie Botts Stadium
Rating: NSFW (Myron assumes)
Status: Ongoing

If Myron Wagtail was aware of the doubt among Hogsmeade's residents regarding his ability to play, he did not show it. He had always been a musician and performer first and foremost, and tended to go off the rails when he was doing neither-- now that there was a show to prepare for, he was, as Muggles might say, completely in the zone. So what if his 'band' have to be rented musicians and not the rest of the Weird Sisters? So what if he was fronted by a local group that only did covers and had a shitty singer?

The facts were this: he was sold out of tickets in less than a week since he announced the show, and his hand was cramped up and still achey to show for all of that autographing. The Daily Prophet was covering the comeback and WROCK had sat him down for an exclusive. Whoever he'd hired as his new publicist-- she was a pretty blonde thing, he thought her name was Guinevere or something-- had seen to it that Bertie Botts was presentable, they had the sound crew, and everything else was ready to go. Rehearsals in the days leading up to the performance had gone without a hitch.

That evening as Guns and Dragons took the stage he sat in his dressing room, going through the same routines that he'd gone in many previous shows before. He went over the set list, practiced his pitch, meditated. In a slow but sure haze he felt himself becoming himself again. He was going to start with a bang, with the fastest songs and the biggest hits. He'll keep his ballads after a good portion of the night was done, ease the tempo faster and close out with the biggest chart topper the Weird Sisters ever had.

Tonight will mark Myron Wagtail's return to the music circuit, band or no band.



Owls to Cormac and Millicent

(Both parties receive the following package with their owl)

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Owl to Cormac
Do you like it?! Yours has "El Presidente" on the back and I got it in a children's medium, because I know how much you love to wear tight tee-shirts that show off your stupidly ridiculous muscles. Included two more for Lisa and Romilda, if they'd like to join! They only get their names on theirs, though.

Owl to Millicent
Okay, so I sent you a present. The good news is you don't have to wear it. The bad news is you have to stand next to me when I wear mine. Have I told you that you are the most amazing girlfriend of all time and you are ever so pretty? Well, you are. I AM SO EXCITED, TONIGHT IS GOING TO BE EPIC.



[No Subject]

Could do with an additional foster family or three, if anyone new in the village wants. Usually look after a kitten or pup, sometimes more than one if there are siblings, for a few weeks. Shop provides bed, food, toys, all that. Animal Healer's care too.

Think Jasper likes his temporary siblings. Pup sister and kitten brothers. Brothers seem a little confused, though...