The Last Station

July 2014


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March 13th, 2014



Owl to Terry Boot

Mr. Boot,

Hey Terry, it's Ritchie Coote over at the WWN. My boss, Serena Capper (you probably know her...she was in Ravenclaw as well) thinks you're just the best at Quidditch analysis. She was hoping you'd pop by the office with some insight on this week's upcoming matches. We'd gladly pay you for your time so if you're down, she would be free to receive you during her dinner break at any point this week. Let me know if you're interested!

Thanks and sincerely,
Ritchie Coote


I think I may take that job after all. It might be nice to get out of this village every so often.

Warded to Harry:

Are you all right?

Warded to Ginny:

Recent developments mean that not only have I had to tell Harry, but now Malfoy and Bulstrode both know. I assume this means Nott does as well. I just thought I'd keep you updated. However, I dislike solely talking about myself and this mess, so please let me know what's going on with you, lately.

Warded to Bulstrode:

I hope you enjoyed what you did to her.



Owl to Theodore Nott


I asked Mother-- Mother insists I stay at the manor this evening. Naturally, you're to come, as well. We'll leave once the apothecary closes.

Come to the castle for lunch?




Owl to Ritchie

sent last night, after her last owl to Draco


Alright if I stay at your place tonight? I thought I'd head over now, if that works for you. I don't want to be




log: harry and ginny talk it out

Who: Harry & Ginny
What: Harry drops by Ginny's and brings over dinner, hoping they can work out their confusion
When: March 13, Thursday evening
Where: Ginny's flat
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing Complete

After stopping at Fromage and getting some fondue to go (he didn't even know Hannah could do that, but apparently she was pretty good with warming charms), he made his way over to Ginny's flat and knocked on the door.

The way things were between them was so off, and Harry hated it. He knew that things would get complicated with them sleeping together again, but he hadn't anticipated it getting this weird... They needed to fix it. ASAP.

Log: lunchtime at the Quidditch agency

Who: Katie Bell, Terry Boot, and Angelina Johnson
What: a business lunch
When: Thursday, noon ish
Where: Katie's loft
Rating: low?
Status: onging

The Quidditch agency didn't have a business office, as such. For now, they were using Katie's flat above the Magic Neep as a base of operations, but that suited them just fine, as a start-up. Having the greengrocer's downstairs was handy for grabbing a quick snack, and Fromage was just a few doors down, which worked nicely when they needed to work through dinner. Lunch, though, meant someone had to run to the Three Broomsticks and today Angelina had drawn that lot, hurrying through the village and back again with their meals.

Balancing the food with one arm, Angelina pushed open the door to Katie's flat, slipping inside before it could shut on her again. "I've got lunch!" she called, carrying everything over to the table. "Who's hungry?"


If I have to watch one more game in this pensieve I will gouge my eyes out. Gouge.

Haha, only joking, I'm not sick of it yet.

Never noticed how sick Hertl's moves were for those goals.

Private to Serena

Ritchie passed your message along to me. One-- way to go, look at you, having underlings! Two-- I'm not sure he knows what he's doing. He didn't know if you wanted to talk to me on air, but that you wanted to talk to me over during your dinner break. I said I'd talk to you and make sure we're on the same page, because I don't want to be disturbing you during your break, you know?

Anyway, let me know when you want to talk. I work til 5 but I'm sure if I tell Angie and Katie what it's for they're going to let go. Publicity, or whatever.

Private to Oliver Wood

Hey, I don't know if you know me but I work with Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell at their agency, and they said I should talk to you. I was interested in looking at the past Quidditch matches for the year, if you were willing to share those? And if you knew who might have memories of the last few years' matches, while we're at it.




[No Subject]

Who: Theodore and Draco
What: Post-dinner
When: Tonight
Where: Malfoy Manor
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

Dinner with Narcissa was always something that Theodore enjoyed-- Draco's mother was a skilled conversationalist, and more than that, it was easy to tell that she truly and genuinely cared for her son and Theodore. She'd made a feast for dinner, far more than they needed to eat, and when Theodore offered to help with the dishes she shushed him away, banishing the two of them to talk to themselves, so Theodore followed Draco to his room, making himself comfortable on Draco's bed.



[No Subject]

WHO | Isabel Moon and Jimmy Peakes.
WHEN | The morning of Thursday, March 13.
WHERE | Foxglove Cupcakery.
WHAT | On-the-job training.
STATUS | Ongoing.

"Just like that," Isabel encouraged her newest employee, as he stirred the Cheer potion into a batch of vanilla bean cupcakes. "The most important thing is to use care with the more volatile solutions-- Ardour and the like. The stronger the emotion, the more temperamental the potion."