The Last Station

July 2014


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March 12th, 2014




Warded to Draco
How would you take it if someone else in our House was shagging a Gryffindor?

Owl to Ritchie Coote

Have you gone by the Town Hall yet, this afternoon?

- H. J. Granger



[No Subject]

The petition appears on the Town Hall door at half past ten in the morning. It is charmed to withstand removal.



Owl to Millicent Bulstrode


Just thought I'd let you know before I go to work today I am going over to D-Money Draco's and confronting him about regarding his stupid effing "Cessation of Slytherin-Gryffindor Romances" petition he left on the door of the freaking town hall. So if you see me and I'm bloody or dead, you know why. Please wear black to my funeral, you look so hot in black.

I thought he was cool with us now? What does it even matter to him anyway? It's super upsetting. I am upset.

- R



Log: A McTurpin ambush

Who: Romilda Vane, Lisa Turpin, and Cormac McLaggen
Where: Qualitea
When: Wednesday evening, 6pm
What: A planned ambush
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing


Romilda had taken to considering Hogsmeade weekends more like Hogsmeade weeks. Considering the effort that went into preparing each month's sales, specials, and new recipes, she didn't think the categorisation was that far off.

Though she'd taken to spending fewer of her evenings testing recipes, favouring instead spending time with Lisa or Cormac, Hogsmeade weekends were a different story. She had three saucepans sautéing vegetables and was in the middle of charming pastry dough to roll itself out when she heard noises at the door. Her wards were set but that didn't stop her from catching sight of who was out there.

Frowning slightly, she brushed her hands off on her apron and walked over to the door, removing the wards with a wave of her wand and looking from Cormac to Lisa. "What are you doing here?"



Log: Pansy and Millicent

Who: Pansy and Millicent
What: Millie comes to talk to Pansy
When: lunchtime on Wednesday
Where: Hogsmeade Reads
Rating: low, except swearing
Status: ongoing complete!

Millicent didn't do regrets, and she didn't do guilt. What she did do, though, was own her fuck ups. Once Ritchie had owled her about Draco's very public reaction to finding out about the newest Gryffindor-Slytherin entanglement, Millicent knew she had to go talk to Pansy.

When her lunch break rolled around, Millicent donned her jacket and made her way through the village, past the fountain, and into Hogsmeade Reads. She'd never even set foot in the bookshop-- why the hell would she, after all?-- so she had to glance around for a moment before finally locating Pansy. Bloody hell but there were a tonne of books.

Shoving her hands in her pockets, Millicent approached Pansy, thanking Merlin that Granger wasn't around for once. "Got a minute?" she asked.



[No Subject]

Warded to P. Parkinson
Do you have something you'd like to tell me?

Warded to L. Bole, M. Derrick, M. Flint, G. Montague, A. Pucey, C. Warrington, and B. Zabini
If you expect to maintain my good favour, I suggest you keep your pricks out of Gryffindors. This House has standards.

Warded to T. Davis, B. Dunstan, A. Greengrass, E. Midgen, and G. Montgomery
If you expect to maintain my good favour, I suggest you keep clear of Gryffindor pricks. This House has standards.




A discarded owl to Terry Boot:


Would you like to get dinner and listen to a Quidditch match together some time?

- Serena


An interoffice memo to Ritchie Coote:

Two things:

1) Are you okay?

2) If you've time this afternoon, I'd like you to owl Terry Boot and ask him to provide a quick analysis of some of the upcoming Quidditch matches for one of the broadcasts later this week. I hear he's got a keen eye for that stuff. We'll pay him for his time, if he wants. If he's free, have him meet with me during my dinner break on any of the rest of the days these week to discuss.

Appreciate it,




Owl to Draco


So I was going to take the damn petition down and not say anything, but apparently you've put a bloody permanent sticking charm on it. You really hate all this Gryffindor shite that much?



Warded Against Draco
Well. Today has certainly been edifying. Best of luck to the folks at Town Hall getting that rubbish off the front door.

Warded to Sebastien
Sod the Falcons and the Bats. I'm owling in sick. Feel like sullying a Slytherin tonight?




Out of curiosity and scientific research and my husband's desire to petition for a re-Sorting, would you all kindly fill out this poll for me:

"I am from [House] and I am shagging/seeing/interested in a witch/wizard from [House]."

You may ward your replies to only me.

If anything else, humour me.




Quelle malchance! I seem to have moved to the village in the middle of some kind of little drama. Tell me, is it always like this around here? I hope not. I do not think I would like it very much if this were the case.

Warded to Viktor
I thought you said the village was quiet? No, I'm sure you did. If I could just find the letter... But never mind. I am here and it's too late to be changed. Tell me what I have missed.