The Last Station

July 2014


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March 5th, 2014



Owl to Gwen

Posted late last night, after the match.

You still up, Gwenny?



Warded to Serena

So...right now you are across the office and you seem weird. Not, like going on a killing spree weird but more quiet weird. Are you okay? Do we need to talk to some Honeyduke's chocolates about it?



log: best friends pick you up when you fall

Who: Lavender and Neville
What: A quarter life crisis? Idk
When: Tonight! After this!
Where: Neville's
Rating: sfw, but swearing/drinking
Status: ongoing

Truth be told, Lavender wasn't all that upset that Adrian was with someone else. They'd only shagged a few times and had a handful of flirty interactions, but what really grated on her was that this feeling of rejection was becoming a thing for her. First with Ritchie and now Adrian... Was there something wrong with her? Was there something about her that made her so undesirable that once they'd had their fun, they left to actually look for something serious? To think that Millicent fucking Bulstrode was a better choice than her was demoralizing. She wasn't sure who Adrian was with, but they were probably funnier and smarter and better looking. How depressing.

Figuring that Neville would be home from work by now, she decided to pay him a visit. She was feeling lousy and really just needed to not be alone. He always had a way of cheering her up and he hoped tonight wouldn't be an exception.

Grabbing a bottle of wine and bundling up, she made her way to his flat and knocked.



[No Subject]

Shift in the morning, and looking forward to it. The last couple of days around the house were a bit forgettable, though that's hardly surprising. Nothing seems to happen around here on Tuesday and Wednesdays.

I do have Friday and Saturday off this week and it will be a fantastic weekend, I can already tell.



Log: Drinks with Lucian and Maxwell

WHO: Maxwell and Lucian.
WHEN: Backdated to Monday 3rd of March
WHERE: Three Broomsticks
WHAT: Friends meet for a drink.
RATING: PG.. I think.

*sighs* )


I've begun planning out my garden plot, for when the weather finally warms up again. Seedlings are just starting to sprout in the indoor pots and more seeds for my next round of potting just arrived over the weekend. It won't be very long before I can put some of these in the ground, with a few protective warming charms, of course. I'm looking forward to it.

Warded to Hannah
Would you like to meet sometime soon for breakfast or brunch?

Warded to Kevin
I thought I might bring Jasper along once I start going out to the community garden again. Do you think he'd like that? It might be dreadfully early for him, but I thought he'd like the time outdoors.

Owl to Lavender


Don't know if you saw my conversation with Montague-- You free to grab lunch at the Three Broomsticks any time in the next day or so?

- Adrian

Log: Hermione sets up Lavender and Viktor

Who: Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown, and Viktor Krum
Where: The Three Broomsticks
When: Thursday Evening, March 6
What: A set-up! Hermione makes some introductions.
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing


It wasn't like she was scheming or anything. Lavender and Viktor were going to be working together on the Hydras' staff, after all, so she was sure they'd already technically met. But they were two of Hermione's oldest friends, even if she and Lavender hadn't started properly being friends until after they'd left school and she was less preoccupied with saving the world. She wanted Viktor to have an easy time settling into his new home and was sure Lavender could help with that. And if they happened to fancy each other, well. That would be a lovely coincidence that would go a long way towards easing the guilt she felt at letting him down romantically.

She arrived to the Three Broomsticks early, dressed with more care than she usually used for evenings out, and made sure she could secure a good table for the three of them. And then it was time to wait and hope that they'd get on.



Log: Aidan and Finbar

Who: Aidan Lynch, Finbar Quigley and OPEN
What: A bit of bonding and catching up over woodwork and beer
When: 5. March, 2006
Where: Fin’s flat
Rating: Low, though there might be some language
Status: Ongoing

Slowly, in long, steady strokes Finbar let the planer slide over the slab of oak. The wood had been delivered yesterday and after he had fixed the dripping tap in Johnson’s flat earlier today, he had spent the rest of the day getting the tools and work bench set up in the third bedroom. Aidan had shown up earlier, and without much talking he’d joined in on the project they had talked about for a while.

Finbar smoothed his hand over the plank, satisfied with it – for now at least. Leaning back against the work bench he took a swig of his beer. “If not strategist, then what?” he asked and drank again.



Log: Nightmares..

WHO: Michael and Emma
WHEN: Wednesday 5th of March
WHERE: Michael's place.
WHAT: Things are unraveling for Michael
RATING: Um.. I'll update if it goes up PG

Michael had always been good at keeping secrets and his conscience had never suffered from it, but recently he had found that hiding things from Emma was possibly the last thing he should do. Even if he wanted to protect her.

He didn't want pity, never had. Michael didn't look like a fighter, but he was and he was proud of this too. But ever since he had met with.. damn why couldn't he bring himself to even think his name? Ah well, ever since he had seen him, things had been complicated. Unwanted thoughts and memories, spacing out once in a while, nightmares.. Unfortunately, even around Emma.