The Last Station

July 2014


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March 6th, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Gwen and Lucian
What: Booty call?
When: Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning, just after this
Where: Lucian's
Rating: NC17 probably, starting low
Status: Ongoing

Gwendolyn wondered what it was about Lucian that had her heading over that late at night )



journal: lavender

Despite the head ache I've had all day (reminder to self: hangover potions are your friend) I can't help but be excited about events coming up this month. I really hope Myron gets approval to use the stadium for his concert. That would make two of the greatest musical acts performing in the same month. The other is Celestina Warbeck, of course, who is performing in Edinburgh on the 29th. So glad she decided to tour again!

[Warded to Caleb]
Are you still planning on going to the concert?




Busy month up ahead! Next week I've got Tracey's show in Milan, which is going to be fantastic if I've got anything to say about it, though it'll be a shame to miss the alleged Wagtail concert that'll be going on that Friday night. Assuming it's up to the old standard of his stuff, of course. Then there's Warbeck on the 29th -- and we all know that'll be brilliant. And then perhaps somewhere around there, spring'll finally show up. One day.

In other news, Batman's doing really well. But I suppose that means it's nearly time for him to find his permanent home with a new owner -- right, Kevin? Perhaps I'll do another foster next month.

Warded to Tracey:

Is it all right if Lavender Brown comes with us to the Warbeck concert? We talked about it once and she asked.

How's your stress level today?

Warded to Adrian:

Stop being such a damned stranger. Or are you too far gone on Summerby these days to remember your old mate? I've no plans this weekend besides getting roaring drunk with you, so let's make sure it occurs.

Warded to Draco:

Have you decided if you're going or not?

Warded to Marietta and Vicky:

Had a meeting with my previous supervisor from the DMLE earlier today. She seems to think it'd be a good idea if we formed some sort of 'Azkaban support group' or some such rubbish. I'm letting you both know so then at least it's like I told you about it.