The Last Station

July 2014


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March 4th, 2014



[No Subject]

WHO | Isabel Moon and OPEN.
WHEN | Tuesday, March 4 (Shrove Tuesday), from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
WHERE | Foxglove Cupcakery.
WHAT | A pseudo-celebration of Shrove Tuesday (and sweets, more generally).
RATING | Low, presumably.
STATUS | Ongoing.

Isabel Moon was by no means a religious soul. Her intention in adapting a Muggle tradition-- one that had, to be fair, seemingly transcended the church-- was entirely free of malice and instead an opportunity for a bit of delight. One of the older women, a Muggle-born, had told her of Shrove Tuesday, of festival bannocks. But rather than bake good-luck honey bee charms into bread, she'd hidden one in each dozen of spring-themed cupcakes she'd prepared.



journal: marietta

There was a great sale on pancake ingredients today. If you haven't got any around the house, the Magic Neep should be open a bit longer. Though purchasing them right before lent starts does defeat the historical tradition of the holiday.

Anyone have a favorite filling for their pancake? Truth be told, I just like a dollop of whipped cream on top.

[Warded to Cho and Serena]
I realize the village is rather small and you'd both most likely prefer not to bump into me. If it would be helpful I could let you know what days I'm not at the store so you can do your shopping in peace. This week, I'm not working Wednesday and Friday.

Is there anywhere you'd like me to avoid?



Log: Pride @ Hydras

Who: Open
What: Pride at Hydras
When: Tonight at 7pm
Where: Bertie Botts Stadium
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

Pride at Hydras )



[No Subject]

I love pancake day. Especially with a bit of Nutella. It's one of the few things I can actually manage to cook without the threat of burning down the kitchen which makes this a very good day. Especially since tomorrow I'm off the chocolate.

They don't look anywhere near this good, but I shall leave you with the better images:

In addition to the above, I've been working on a list for the Book Club, and it really is so very hard to narrow down the choices. Clearly there should be a mix of muggle and wizarding books, but one has to take into account the time it might take to read it in order to be able to discuss the topics properly.



[No Subject]

Preparations are coming along famously and we should be putting up the posters across the village within the week. I can't go into too many details yet, but suffice it to say it will be fantastic.

[Gulliver's Dragons]
I hope you don't mind my contacting you in this informal manner, but I'm organising a function at Black lake in a few weeks. I hoped I might get contact details for your manager?

