The Last Station

July 2014


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February 22nd, 2014


Log: Investigating some dark magic...or soemthing

Who: Ernie & Theodore
What: Discussing a plan to undo the wards on the Nott property
When: Thursday evening (backdated)
Where: The Hog's Head
Rating: Medium (potential mentions of graphic dark magic)
Status: On-going

Ernie arrived at The Hog's Head much earlier than he was expected. He set the parchment on a small table in the corner and tried not to look at it. His research had turned up something that was not uncommonly used around the time he suspected the wards were initially placed. He'd copied some notes on it and detailed instructions for removing the ward. The copying had been partly so he didn't have to seek permission to remove the book from the Hogwarts library, but also because there was a part of him that wanted to just hand the instructions over and walk away. This wasn't the type of magic he was interested in learning too much more about. At the same time, though, he'd committed himself to helping and his research might be useful knowledge if he found himself facing any similar dark magic in the future. He ordered a drink and sat back in his chair waiting for Theodore to arrive.



Log: A Double Date (kind of)

Who: Sebastien, Adrian, Morag, Alexei
What: A double date (is a double date still a double date if the other pair isn't aware that the other two are a pair?)
When: Late Friday evening
Where: The Grove
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

It hadn't been completely unexpected, but losing to Ireland-- again-- had been disappointing all the same. Worse, still, was that Scotland lost their match too, and now Bulgaria and Scotland were going to face each other in the bronze medal match the next day. Between Alexei and Sebastien, one of them would return to the UK with third place; the other would be empty-handed. It wasn't the best outcome Alexei could have hoped for, but over his years of playing he'd found that dwelling on losses rarely helped him, so he was eager to put that game behind him for now and simply enjoy an evening with his wife, his teammate, and their WWN commentator-- the four Hogsmeade residents in the International Quidditch Championships.

He'd given Adrian the address earlier, hoping the man would be able to find Sebastien and bring him along. The man had proved elusive, in such a tiny place, but he wanted to see how his tournament had been too. The restaurant he'd picked was recommended by the locals, and had an extensive enough menu that Alexei hoped everyone would find something they liked.



[No Subject]

WHO | Members of Slytherin House.
WHEN | The evening of Saturday, February 22.
WHERE | The Malfoy-Nott flat.
WHAT | A meal among enemies and friends friends.
STATUS | Ongoing.

While Theodore straightened the flat, Draco contemplated an outfit for the evening's gathering. It wasn't a formal affair, but that was no excuse for poor fashion. Just as the first of the guests arrived, he settled on a casual combination of high-end labels, none of which he could precisely afford these days. Still-- no one need know that. And even in rags, he was handsomer than everyone else.



[No Subject]

I cannot wait for spring and better weather. At least we're nearing March now, and I'm sure in no time we'll be having delightful weather.


Could I entice you to a meeting at my firm this week? I think we could benefit one another, professionally. And I'd like to see you


How are you set for PR regarding the new venture?
Who would I speak to regarding adspace in your paper?


Trace, darling, how's business group coming?


The spring party venue has been booked, and I am working on securing further sponsors for the event. If you know of anyone who I should approach, let me know. Same goes for any local band, I didn't really want to put up large adverts.


You've been quiet, darling.


Who: Tracey and Caleb

What: A weekend away

When: Friday evening to Sunday afternoon

Where: Cornwall

Rating: ?

Status: Ongoing

Tracey had looked forward to spending the weekend with Caleb, especially with how busy she'd ended up being that week working on the final touches for her collection. That she and Caleb had earned the weekend and won it helped, too. So by the time Friday afternoon came around Tracey met Caleb at the Floo Station with her bag packed for the trip and ready to go, a wide smile on her face.



Log: Jack and Victoria

Who: Jack and Victoria
What: Hanging out, catching up, eating ice cream and whatever else strikes their fancy
When: Saturday
Where: Jack’s flat
Status: Ongoing

“Do you have any ice cream?” Victoria called from the kitchen, hoping that Jack could hear her out in the living room. She set the dirty dishes in the sink and with a wave of her wand got them washing.

She had been surprised to see Jack not only being part of the Dating Game and being a runner up, but that twinge of disappointment that he hadn’t been the winner. Then again, the evening with James had been fun, even with the initial awkwardness when having to explain Astoria’s presence to him. Having to do that with Jack… well, she’d rather do that in private. The following week, she was beginning to think that she was mastering the art of missing of bad timing, when instead of finding him when she had sought him out, found that he had either just stepped out or wasn’t working that day or something other came up. So when they had gotten to talking at the match today and talk had fallen on having dinner together, she had taken him up on it.

“Or something else dessertish?”