The Last Station

July 2014


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February 21st, 2014


log: James and Cho

Who: James and Cho
What: dinner
Where: Bumpkin, a London restaurant
When: Friday night
Rating: low
Status: ongoing complete!

With the season resuming next week and players returning from New Zealand, Friday seemed like an endless stream of Owls to answer and paperwork to file in triplicate. Cho, usually so conscientious about keeping her mind on her work no matter what, found her attention wandering more than once. Finally, thankfully, she replied to the last memo sent over from the Ministry-- yes, of course, a standard health screen of the team had been planned, for Merlin's sake-- and locked her desk with a profound sense of relief.

It was later than she'd wanted to leave, but there was just enough time to run home and change before meeting James. With no idea of where they might end up going to eat, or how much walking might be involved, Cho bundled up agains the cold as well as she could, arriving at the Floo just before 6:30PM.



journal: harry

Had a dream where it was in reverse, like the muggle films, and all the snow on the ground was going back up into the sky. I'm sure everyone in the village can imagine my disappointment upon waking up.

[Warded to Gryffindors]
Who's planning on going to the match at Hogwarts tomorrow?

[Warded to Ginny]
Are you going? We could shag go back to mine after if you want.

[Warded to Hermione]
What should Kreacher make for dinner tonight?



Journal: Justin

Coming back to the reality of responsibilities after such a wonderful vacation is harsh. Five days doing nothing but being lazy and I've been asked to cover a double shift this weekend. Someone's looking for revenge I think.

Ah well, we've got to do what we've got to do, huh?

Speaking of which, where should a bloke go if he needed to look into investments?

[Warded to Parvati, Megan, Susan]
I'm a bloody wimp.



Journal 3

Okay, I think it's time to clear up some undue rumors surrounding my little construction project in the village. Learning the truth might sway you one way or the other concerning the demolition and, if anything, Blaise Zabini is truthful (for the most part anyhow).

1) My new business venture is not a sex dungeon. Being a Slytherin, I lived in a dungeon for seven years and I can tell you it is not conducive to sex. There's the cold, and the moisture, and the mildew. My God, all the mildew.

2) It is not a daycare. A daycare, really? Children are small, germ-filled poop machines (Isabel, I'm sure your perfect offspring will do none of these wretched things). They're small and unnatural beings and I have no business with them. Away with you, tiny humans.

3) It is not a polyjuice brothel. While a lucrative and inventive market, it's not quite the cultural renaissance I had in mind for Hogsmeade. Maybe next year.

It's going to be an art gallery with an attached wine bar (the later idea being a contribution from a silent partner, who is both lovely and wise). So if you like paintings and booze, say yes to Shrieking Shack demolition. You'll be glad you did.

Warded to Pansy
Are you going to Draco and Theodore's? I might be able to stand it if you're there.

Log: Hermione and Pansy go out

Who: Hermione and Pansy
Where: The Mustard Seed in Muggle Inverness
When: Friday night
What: A date?
Rating: NSFW
Status: Ongoing


For something as momentous (in Hermione's mind, at least) as an outing with Pansy that the other witch had actually initiated, Hermione decided it would be best to play it safe. After that whole 'saving the world' thing, going out into other Wizarding areas typically meant needing to deal with some unwanted attention. No, she didn't want her picture in the papers for this.

Though it'd taken some convincing, at first, to get Pansy interested in the idea of dining in a Muggle neighbourhood, she'd eventually won her over. The two of them were now sat up on the balcony of a restaurant Hermione'd found while researching. She hoped the evening went well; she'd even put some effort into getting ready, and she wasn't sure she'd taken that long to dress up since the Yule Ball.

"Wine to start?" she suggested, looking up over the top of her menu at Pansy and struggling internally to quell the nervousness she felt.



Log: Michael and Emma

WHO: Michael and Emma
WHEN: Friday evening.
WHERE: Michael's place.
WHAT: Michael made dinner.
RATING: Um PG to start with? We'll see.
STATUS: Ongoing

Grilled fish with a side of barley )