The Last Station

July 2014


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February 23rd, 2014



Final game of the International Quidditch Championships today! Don't forget to tune in and find out who wins it all -- Ireland or the United States. It's been a long road to get to this point, and all the teams involved really deserve to be recognized for their hard work.

With that said, don't forget that our regular Quidditch season resumes on Tuesday with the Cannons at Wanderers game! At that point, we at the WWN will be back to our regular nightly programmes offering full coverage of the matches.

And me? I'll be there for all of it. No rest for the wicked, you know.


It appears my sisters have an extremely difficult time understanding what eloping means. Not for the first time today, and I'm sure not for the last time either, they asked me why I didn't invite them to my wedding.

I'll tell you why: it's because we eloped.

At least Mum just seems to be glad she's now got another granddaughter.

Meanwhile, Violet's completely charmed all the women in this family. She's asked her Nana to tea, which she never does to anyone when it's just her and her two das. Where is she learning this?

Log: A Tour of Hogsmeade

Who: Ernie & Ilia
What: A tour of the village, starting at the Magic Neep
When: Sunday evening, shortly after sundown
Where: Hogsmeade
Rating: Low, I'm guessing?
Status: On-going

Ernie had been looking forward to this tour since they had made the plan. He didn't know much about Ilia, but there was something about the man that intrigued Ernie and he wanted to get to know him better. He'd resisted the urge to look things up. He knew Ilia had played Quidditch with some level of success, so there had to be information in media archives somewhere. But he reasoned to himself that it would be more honest to let Ilia tell him what he wanted him to know in his own time. And it certainly didn't seem fair that he could find all about Ilia's background while a similar amount of information about Ernie's own life and background was not as readily available.

He arrived at the Magic Neep just before sundown, waiting outside for Ilia to arrive.