The Last Station

July 2014


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February 16th, 2014



Log: First Date

Who: Lucy and Neville
What: A date!
When: Valentine's Day Evening - We're a little late, sorry.
Where: Restaurant in London
Rating: Low?
Status: Ongoing

I forgot how nice romance is, I haven't been there for the longest time )



[No Subject]

Who: Astoria and Blaise
What: Dinner, dancing, gossip
When: Valentine's evening (will it never end?)
Where: The same restaurant as Victoria, James, Neville and Lucy
Rating: Low?
Status: Ongoing

Square-cut or pear-shaped, these rocks won't lose their shape )



log: cormac and the spinnets

Who: Cormac, Alicia & Isla
What: Checking up on his sick kid and chatting with Ali
When: Sunday, Feb 16th
Where: Alicia's home
Rating: SFW
Status: ongoing Complete!

After the shop was closed and sorted for the day, Cormac stopped by the Magic Neep for apple juice and gummy bears -- just as an added precaution in case she ran out or something. Being sick and not having enough comfort food was quite awful and he didn't want Isla to go through that. Though if what Ali said was true, Isla would probably be asleep the whole time. He actually didn't know how to deal with a sick child, so hopefully he wasn't botching this too badly.

Knocking, he waited for Alicia to answer the door.



[No Subject]

Right, er. Hello; suprise, I'm here!; can one of you sorts who paid attention during Charms please tell me why my flat's warded me out? I'm only in my knickers, see, and if my brekkie burns, it'll be right rubbish.

Bit cold out too.



Journal: Maxwell

I have just moved into 23 apt#201. I am quite glad not to be living at my parent's anymore, though Mother tried to make me feel guilty about it. As if she needed me to live there for her to see Nathan. She has a visitation agreement with Chelsea.

I'm all settled in, it took long enough between my classes and grading papers. I really wanted the flat to be ready for the weekend.

[Private to myself]
She said I should feel grateful that she allowed me to have Nathan this weekend, right after I moved in. I can't believe I liked her enough to marry her.

Log: Merrill and Roger enjoy a spa resort

Who: Merrill and Roger

What: A weekend away

When: Sunday evening

Where: Tschuggen Spa

Rating: ?

Status: Ongoing

Aside from Merrill's cold and the somewhat bumpy start that gave their weekend, the trip to the Tschuggen Spa could not have gone better. It was the most relaxed Roger had felt in a while, certainly the most pampered. There wasn't an amenity that Roger or Merrill hadn't taken advantage of, an activity they didn't pass. Violet had debuted her skiing career on the bunny slopes along with her Da, and even made a friend at the daycare where Roger and Merrill would drop her off when they wanted to hit the saunas, or the spa.

Tonight the two of them had decided to leave Violet a little longer with her friend while they had a private dinner with a breathtaking view of the mountain, Roger sitting closer to Merrill and wishing the weekend never had to end.



Warded to Alicia/Cormac

We're back in Hogsmeade again. Isla's still running a bit of a fever, but nothing more than what's normal for a cold. That does mean that she's a bit thin-skinned; just thought I'd give you a heads up.

Do you have time to meet for a cup of coffee sometime this week?


I think my dad found a place! I'm going with him tomorrow to check it out. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Private to Lavender and James

Hope you two are enjoying the holiday!

Private to Millicent, Andrew, and Lucy

I had a Valentine. His name is Stewart and he's awesome. Just thought you guys might want to know!

Side note, how do people go around spreading this kind of news? Do I send out a card? Put up a billboard? It's weird!

Private to Stewart

So I've told my friends we were seeing each other, if they tell you anything weird, let me know! I don't think they will, but just in case.


Glad the weekend is over. Hopefully by morning it will be safe to wander the streets of the village without walking into awkward teenage snogging sessions (or worse). Need to get Phin out of the flat.

Anyone up for doing anything this week? I anticipate it will be a quiet one aside from daily practices for those of us that aren't off to warmer locales.

Warded to Hydras Players
Unless you're representing the UK in New Zealand, no excuses.


So it looks like I may get to officially spend the next two months focusing on my writing, and I must say I'm glad for it. Though, I can't help thinking my father will come back with some ex post facto terms and conditions, but I'm really trying not to take that approach. I need to stop questioning myself when good things happen.

[Warded to Michael]
We still haven't set a time to get together for dinner. I've some updates on that bloke I spoke with you about a while back. Turns out talking and being honest worked out for the best - took us a while to get there, but it's good.